Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Baby D Number 2

Dear Family and Friends,

We have purposefully not posted anything on here recently because we wanted to make sure to tell our families the news in person. Now that they all know - we will share our news on this blog.

First of all, we want to thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts. We have been blown away by your love, prayers, and support during this adoption process. We finished up all the remaining paperwork around the last week of August. It was during that time that we also found out that we are pregnant!

Yes, you are reading that correctly, the impossible has happened. ;) When we first found out we were in such disbelief that we went down to the hospital that night where Jason was able to preform the very first ultrasound which confirmed that we are indeed expecting. At that time we were almost 7 weeks along and already detected a heartbeat.

The next week was a whirlwind of events including finding a doctor and making the first appointment where we had another ultrasound and from what the doctor says, "everything looks great."

We waited a couple weeks before we shared this news with our families and now with you all. Darby is now 9 weeks pregnant and we just did another ultrasound on Monday night and the baby is growing and the heartbeat is strong.

We are both very excited about this news, and we thank God for this wonderful gift of life and this journey He has taken us on. Through this journey He has brought us closer to Himself and each other.

We know that we did not enter into adoption by mistake nor was it a mistake that we had gotten this far in the process before conceiving. It is all part of God's wonderful plan. We don't know all the reasons yet of why God had us begin the wonderful journey of adoption and then He allowed us to conceive, but we do know He has at least one reason.

As we mentioned in our first letter, we had both been interested in adopting a baby into our family before the infertility. Through the process that we have undergone with Bethany and all that we have learned about adoption our hearts are even more in love with and excited about growing our family through adoption.

This journey will not end just because we have conceived. We have no doubt that God is desiring for us to expand our family (by at least two children, if not more) through the means of adopting. We will always be advocates of the wonderful event known as adoption.

We are excited to see what God wants to do in our family. We have spoken with Bethany and have asked for our adoption to be put on hold temporarily. A few months after we give birth (the due date is April 17, 2008) we will pick up with the planned adoption right where we left off. We have no idea what God's time line is for how quickly we will bring home our second child, but we pray that by the time Jason is finished with his residency (June 0f 2009) we will have our first two children.

You may be wondering why we titled this post "Baby D Number 2." That is what we are calling the pregnancy baby right now. We have fallen in love with our adopted baby even though we have not met him or her yet. We have prayed for it by the name "Baby D" for so long that we cannot replace that nickname with another baby. We will continue to pray for our adopted baby (who most likely hasn't even been conceived yet) but we, of course, are daily praying and thanking God for Baby D Number 2.

We have been on a wild ride with the Lord, but it has been awesome. The cool part is to know that this ride is no where close to being over. God is still bringing to completion the good work He is doing in us as individuals, a couple, and as parents. We look forward to growing in the Lord more during this journey of pregnancy and adoption in the next year and a half.

Again, we thank you for your love and support. We will continue to keep this blog site active and update you all on the pregnancy, Baby D Number 2's birth and growth, and the continued adoption of Baby D. We love you all and we're amazed by the Lord and His goodness to us!

In His Service,
Jason and Darby


Anonymous said...

This is really, really awesome guys. We're so excited for you all and we know you'll be the best parents to all your children (adopted or not.)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

You all have such an amazing story. I am so very happy for you both.


The Jonas Family said...

I am excited to here about the great news too! Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing!! What wonderful news, I'm so happy for you both.