Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting things done!

So, I'm learning the best way to do house work is with the children! They love to help me. Laundry, wiping down toys, putting things away, it doesn't matter... they love to help. Havana even says, "I want to clean" or mommy "I help you" -- it makes my to do list much more fun when I've enlisted two little ones to help out. I love being a mommy! :)

More funnies!

Goodness, my kids are keeping me busy these days with their comments!

The other day in the car Havana started talking in a really high pitched voice and then she responded to herself in her normal tone with, "Oh yeah, Jonah?!" Then she went back and forth having a conversation with herself where she was pretending to be Jonah too. The funny thing is Jonah does have a rather high pitched voice.

Havana was making a lot of noise one night after I put her to bed. I open the door to find her looking out her window. I said, "no looking out the window" and she responds with, "I'm just trying to find the moon." -- I wonder how long she spends trying to find the moon out of her window every night. Ah, the simple joys of toddler-hood.

Her new classic answer is "I don't think so" -- I'll ask her if she wants a drink or wants to play a certain game and instead of no it is, "I don't think so..."

As I was changing her diaper today she randomly said, "mama, you remember that I love you, right?" My heart melted.

She has been engaging Jonah more in conversation asking him what his favorite part of our day was or asking him what show he wants to watch (she says, "Jonah, what show can you watch" despite us correcting her word choice). She also tries to play with him. Today after lunch she asked him to play basketball with her-- he dropped what he was doing and yelled "yes" as he ran into the play room after her. 

Jonah is a crazy man these days -- insisting to do everything Havana does and throwing a fit if I tell him  he can't do something. I bought him a new stuffed animal the other day - it's a little white dog - but he named it "bunny" -- so we've got a dog named bunny in this house!

Selah today began laughing hysterically at Havana and Jonah as they were shaking their heads at the kitchen table. It was the sweetest thing to see all three children interacting! I am so blessed!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

Today I was putting Selah down for her nap and the two older kids were playing in Jonah's room across the hall - Havana was touching his space heater and so I called into the room, "Only mommy touches the heater." With that - she shut the door so that I couldn't see in anymore. Once I put Selah down I go to open Jonah's door and it is locked. I knock on the door and say, "Open up Jonah's Door" -- from behind the door I hear, "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! That sounds like mommy. We're in trouble!"

HAHAHAHA!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! Where does Havana come up with this stuff?!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Holding Hands!

Lately we have started letting Jonah walk out in public rather than always riding in the stroller. The challenge with him is that, unlike Havana, he doesn't stay close to us or hold our hands. He is an independent wanderer. Well, today we were at the mall and Havana was walking in front of me and Jonah behind. All on his own Jonah put his hand in mine! We walked about 10 feet holding hands! This is huge and I praised him the entire time. He then dropped my hand and went to hold Vana's... Priceless!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jonah's guilty face!!!!

Whenever Jonah is disobeying he gives
me this look- it is so hard not to laugh- darn his cuteness! Haha!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Date Night #1

For our anniversary in December, I gave Jason 12 envelopes - one for every month of 2012. In those envelopes I had preplanned (and mostly prepaid) dates for us! On January 25th we had our first date of the year! The date: Kashmir Indian restaurant.

Jason and I love Indian food - he took me to eat Indian on our first Valentine's Day back in 2003 and we've been hooked ever since (not really, it took me a while to get used to it, but now I crave it!). We have heard that Kashmir is the best Indian in Louisville and we always talk about going, but never have the time so for January I bought Jason a 20 dollar gift card!

We must have been thinking a like because, without knowing of this planned date, he bought a coupon off of for 10 dollars off! We were set!

Our babysitter arrived and the children basically kicked us out of the door, but not before we were able to take these photos!

We get to Kashmir and were quickly seated. Jason's meal was way better than mine, but both were delicious and we ate them up quickly.... I'm serious, I think we chowed down and were finished within 20 minutes. It was so good. Then we packed up and decided we would go see a movie.

Breaking Dawn (Part 1) was only playing at one theater in the entire city and we figured why not go see it since we had seen all the others (truly, Jason is an amazing husband :). The theater was all the way across town - the Dixie Dozen - and the movie didn't start until 9:30 and it wasn't even 8pm yet. We head out toward the theater and stop at a Sears to look at appliances and tool boxes. Then we stopped at Starbucks and enjoyed playing around with our new "Focus on the Family" app we have for our phones- complete with marriage discussion questions... we did a few of those. :)

Finally it was 9:15 so we head up the road to the theater. We get out and realize that the entire theater is... CLOSED!!! The internet said they were showing the movie, their marquee lit up said they were showing the movie, but the box office was closed and there was no one there! Such a bummer! Glad we drove all the way across town for that.

Oh well, we got back in the car and drove home where we rented a movie (The Ides of March)!

Date Number 1 = SUCCESS!  I love dating my husband!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Siblings are fun!!!

Kids playing in the water at the museum!

Selah playing dress up with her older sister!

Their big brother/little sister bond is amazing!

Whoever said "threes a crowd" did not live in this house!

Late night fun for the older two!

Havana's Interview

Havana came down the stairs the other day and was mumbling something and looking for something. I finally overheard her say, "oh, this is terrible!" When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I'm just looking for my necklace." I then asked her if she had it on when she went upstairs. She thought about it for a minute and then responded with, "um, no I don't think so." -- It hit me, when did she get so big? I was having a grown up conversation with my baby! How can that be! Then at our library's story time "Mother Goose on the Loose" she was getting up and following instructions without my prompting. She was also moved up to the "3 year old" room at church where she gets to go to chapel... I kept thinking, "this isn't going to go well, she's not old enough for that" -- but she was! She's growing up so fast and I can't stop it! Ahhh! So.... I decided to take an interview. Something I hope to do with some frequency for all my children to see how their answers change. Here we go - Interview #1 with Havana - age 3 years, 3 months!

What is your favorite Color? Blue
What is your favorite number? 3
What is your favorite letter? A
Where is your favorite place to go? Chick-fil-A
What is your favorite snack? Lucky Charms... dry
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Dance to Cinderella
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Go upside down (don't know what this answer is referring to)
What is your favorite thing to do in the morning? Play with Pluto
What is your favorite show? Colors lion (aka Baby Newton)
What is your favorite song? B-I-B-L-E

How precious is that?!

Selah Girl!

Dear Selah!

I can't believe you are almost 7 months old! That's crazy! Where does the time go? Well, you are certainly our child who is breaking all the records: you weighed the most at birth, you rolled over first, you're sitting up on your own the first, you were sleeping through the night the earliest (at least for a while :), you were exclusively breast fed the longest, and now you're eating the best! 

Trying to hold your own bottle!

Carrots! You're first food!
Fun girl!
You have tried carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. You loved the first two - not so much with the last one. But you LOVE food. You eat it like a champ. With havana and jonah it was hard to get them to like and swallow any food- you on the other hand can't seem to get enough!  Way to go! It's like you had been waiting on us all the time. Hopefully all this food will get you growing. I tease that you are my "failure to thrive" child because you're so tiny! I'm not used to small babies - now that you're being fed food and formula - you are much happier, sleep better, and I wonder if you'll start to grow rapidly. I love that you're the third child and still so unique and paving your own way! What an amazing little girl! 

Jonah Man!

Dear Jonah,

You are a treat! Seriously, you are my little man and I am so thankful that I get to be your mommy! How lucky am I! You continue to be a chatter box and you clearly make your opinions known! You also make me laugh every day by the things you do and the things you say!

You're really into a few things these days:

1. You love building towers! You work really hard and get the tower really tall and then, you knock it down! I love to watch your face to see how proud you are of yourself once your tower is built!

2. You remain, as always, into sports - especially basketball. You will yell with excitement at the sight of a ball and it is hard to get you to focus on anything else. The other day we were shopping and you had a ball and kept trying to throw it out of the cart. I would block your throw and once you got past me and exclaimed, "BASKET!!!!" -- :)

3. You enjoy dancing with Havana and playing the guitar with Daddy.

4. You LOVE playing hide-n-seek with mommy.... and you're pretty good at finding me!

5. You are into buckles these days - you want to buckle your own car seat and high chair! I remember when H was in this same phase so it is fun to see you go through the same stages.

6. You enjoy puzzles! You sit for at least 30 minutes a day and do puzzles by yourself. Same for coloring. You're getting very good with both and I rarely have to help you when it comes to either. You're so smart!

7. Speaking of smart, you are on top of it, boy! When we quiz you - you often get about 97% of the questions right and I can see you studying and thinking things out. I bet you're going to be like your daddy - one smart handsome man! 

8. Anything your big sister can do - you're pretty sure you can do too! You've even started helping me out with the laundry (Havana's favorite chore) and with feeding Tucker! What would I do without all your help?!

9. The other day I was giving you a bath and I began thinking about your twin, Jonas. I was thinking what it would be like with another one running around and I wonder if you miss him at all. I miss him, but am so thankful that the Lord blessed us with YOU!!!

10. Your daddy and I often agree that we forget that you are only 1... often times we treat you like you're well over two! You are getting to that nice phase where I can let you walk around more - you stay close to me and usually obey when I ask you to come with me. The zoo and even the grocery are all new experiences for you now that you can walk around them yourself!

11. You're a great little and big brother and I couldn't be more proud!


Sunday, February 5, 2012


This photo makes me laugh! A classic Havana look caught on film! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Forgetful Mommy

Dear Vana,

The other day you said something that was so precious… So cute… And made me laugh so hard. I thought to myself I would never forget that and I couldn't wait to write it down in this blog. Sadly, however, I did forget it and I can't remember what it was. So for forgetting that funny comment, I apologize, and I want to make sure that I do my best to write down the things you say as soon as you say them.

Just today, you were passing some gas and I asked you, "do you have some gases?" and your response… "I suuuurrree am!!!"

I was in Selah's room and you were in my room when I asked you what you were doing you said, "don't worry mom close your eyes I'm making you a surprise!" - as sweet as that was, I was a little worried. :)

You were looking through the toy box today and found an ice cream maker. you pulled it out and exclaimed, "oh, my ice cream maker! I almost forgot about you."

You are amazing and I love you!