Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Songs to Jesus

Last night Jonah sang himself to sleep by singing Jesus Loves Me. This morning I woke up to him singing 1,2,3 Jesus is Alive! My little worship minister. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch...

Last weekend we decided to take a family trip to the pumpkin patch! It was a beautiful day and the kids seemed to enjoy it! Here are some highlights:
H loved the tractor ride out to the field.

Selah trying to find the best pumpkin!

Handsome dude!

Mama and her babies!
So beautiful!

Daddy and his girls!
The Dugger Family!!!!

Back at home - showing off their pumpkins!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stay in the kitchen!

Havana was playing quietly in the playroom while I was in the kitchen... I called in to see what she was doing and her response was, "oh nothing, just stay in the kitchen!" With that I knew she was up to no good. I walked in and she was cleaning all the toys.. With real cleaner she reached on the counter! Sneaky girl!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nap times

Well, nap times are changing around here. Over the last two weeks Selah has dropped completely her morning nap time - which is fine- because she will sleep a good three hours in the afternoon during the "rest time" of Jonah and Havana...

I say "rest time" because Havana has decided that she doesn't need her afternoon naps anymore. She will stay in her room for 30-45 minutes, but then will begin to call loundly for me and once I open her door she will ask to come out. I've tried to tell her no, but she keeps calling loudly for me and I worry she will wake the other two up. To her credit, she has never opened her door or gotten out of her room without permission, but I'm starting to feel like a real mom without any breaks during the day. ha. We are still trying to figure out what to do with her during this time. Once a week or so i will let her watch a show on my phone, but since I don't like her watching that much TV that isn't the norm. Sometimes we do school work or she "helps" Jason or I with whatever we are doing... but no real solution for what to do with her during the 2-3 hours that the other two are down. Today I tried to tell her that she could play by herself in the play room, but that ended up with her getting a marker and drawing all over a lot of her toys... so, back to the drawing board. :)

Heart Warming and Heart Breaking

A few days ago, as part of our homeschool lesson, I was to give Havana a blessing like Jacob did to Joseph's sons in the Bible. I had her put her head in my lap, I put my hands on her hair, and I prayed to the Lord asking Him to bless her, to use her, and thanking Him for her specific purpose. As soon as I finished, she said, "now it is my turn to bless you." and with that she put her hands on my head and said, "Dear God, thank you for this mommy. Thank you that she is such a sweet girl. Thank you that you are using her and for all the people in the world... " she went on and on, but I can't remember all of it now, but I don't ever want to forget that sweet moment! Very heartwarming.

Then, there is the heart breaking things that can come out of her mouth. Jason was getting her ready for bed the other night and she said, "Daddy, I like to play with you." He responded that he liked to play with her as well. Then she said, "I like it when I play with just you." He said that he likes to play with all of his children... then she said, "do you remember when you used to play with only me before Jonah or Selah or Baby Coop was born?" "Yes." "I wish you would still play with only me like that."
Talk about a knife in the heart...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Don't want to forget...

It was a long day in the parenting world, but I was paid today... As I was tucking Havana in bed she said, "mom, I like that you stay home with me when daddy goes to work."

My heart couldn't be happier!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Date Number 9!

On September 29th we had our monthly date night! Here is what my note said,

Almost every time we go to the Oxmoore Mall you point out J.Alexanders. You always say that you want to try it... that you hear it is nice... well, let's go! I love being your date at any restaurant... I'm always so proud to be seen with you. I am looking forward to another new dining experience with you!

We originally invited friends to meet us there, but the day of they had to cancel due to their babysitter being sick. We were disappointed for a minute, but then quickly enjoyed our little date night. We stopped by the mall so I could pick up some things at Archivers. Then, we went and enjoyed our dinner. The place was not crowded which was nice, and we acted nerdy at sat on the same side of the booth! We ordered one big salad for us to share and then two meals - the food was very, very good! Certainly we were both impressed. It is always nice not to have to sahre our food with little ones and to talk without being interuppted. I love our date nights. As we were leaving we saw Peyton Siva at the bar with his girlfriend. I wanted to say hi, but Jason perferred not to... but it was fun to be star struck for a minute. ha.

Loved going out with my man! He's simply amazing. :)


Family Photo!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


This morning there was some frost on the ground and when H ran downstairs and saw it she stopped and said, "why is it now winter?" - she thought it was snow! Sweet girl!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Living Room

Today Jonah was disobeying by knocking over his little basketball goal. I told him that if he knocked it over again I was going to take it away. Jonah then said, "go to the living room." I told him that sure we could go play in the living room and he said, "no, mama, you go to the living room!"

Hahaha! He wanted me to go away so he could disobey! Hahaha! Don't worry, I didn't leave! :)

H getting spiritual! :)

H loves learning about God and recently she has had some profound thoughts!

In the car she randomly asked, "are God and Jesus the same person?" - which led to a conversation about the trinity!

She has been memorizing lots of scripture between her Awana class and our home weekly memory verse! She loves quoting the Bible and it makes my disciplining much easier!

Our verse this last week was, "do everything without complaining and disputing." And I was asking her of she knew what complaining meant an he said, "hm, let me think..." And she was quiet for a few minutes. I asked if she wanted me to help her and she said no. She was quiet for a few more seconds and then said, "like grumpy from Care Bears when oopsie didn't Help with the pillows." She explained a scene from a Care Bears show where grumpy was upset at another bear... I was really proud of her for coming to that example all on her own! She also pointed out that grumpy should pray to Jesus for a happy heart!

Love my big girl!


Last weekend we were driving home and as we pulled into the driveway I saw a turtle crossing the street. I stopped the car and got the kids out and I picked up the turtle and brought him to the sidewalk! The kids got a huge kick out of playing with him and they were fairly respectful towards the turtle! We moved him to our yard (but where Tucker couldn't get him) and I finally had to drag them away from their little friend. Jonah still asks if he can go out and play with the turtle! :)