Monday, April 30, 2012

A problem?

So, Jonah grinds his teeth- and not just at night... All. Day. Long.

It sounds horrible and send chills down my spine. Any ideas of why or how to get him to stop?

Monday, April 23, 2012

9 month check up

Last week Selah turned 9 months old! At her check up she weighed 19 pounds, 14 ounces and was 28 inches long. Still by far my smallest child, but certainly catching up. Must be to all the food she is eating. This girl loves to eat. Her favorites these days are french toast, cheese, yogurts, and pasta. You can't put food down on her plate fast enough and she has even eaten at cookie. :) She is crawling, pulling herself into a stand, and exploring EVERYTHING. I love my busy little girl.

A cute video of Selah's Sweet laughter:

Here are some photos we took at the doctor's office!

Friday, April 20, 2012

That funny son!

J-man is obsessed with picking his nose and eating his boogers (yummy), he also does not like a runny nose and so will wipe it with his hand, but then he will hold out his hand and say, "Nose" - he is asking us to wipe his hand, but he says nose because the snot came from his nose.

He can also spell his name! But, that is the only thing he can spell! So any letters he sees: in books, on our shirts, on his juice box... every word is apparently spelled, "J-O-N-A-H"

Jonah used to pronounce Havana "a-nana" but now he says "ha-nana" - sooo cute! Selah is still "seyah"

Jonah is such a special boy! The other day he led me in a worship time in his room. I was snuggling him before bed and I asked him if he wanted to sing a song. He replied yes and so I asked him which song and he said "Jesus loves me." - so we sang it once and the on the second round I changed it to "Jesus loves Jonah" - he then sang four more verses of it where he sang that Jesus loves Havana, Selah, daddy, and tucker (no, I didn't make the list :), and I found myself raising my hand and agreeing in my spirit! The love of Christ brought me to tears through a simple song! I'm so thankful for that special time with my son and my Lord!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Elijah's 4th birthday would have been today! Love and miss my son, but so thankful he is with Jesus!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Actual conversation

Me: Havana, please don't manipulate your brother.

Havana: But I can!

Friday, April 13, 2012

So far today…

I have said the following:

Strawberries are not for coloring on the wall!

Fruit loops aren't good for building towers!

We don't eat our boogers!

It isn't even 11 o'clock yet- it's going to be a great day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jason's Birthday

Today is Jason's 36th Birthday. Sadly, he had to work, but we spent the morning together as a family. I surprised Jason and bought him a hammock for his birthday. This past month, when the weather has been nice, he will make comment such as, "today would be a wonderful day to lay in a hammock" and so I figured he needed a space that was just his in this house where we are all loud and demand his attention. I wanted to give him something he could go do. He was excited and grateful! Now we just need for the weather to warm up a little so he can use it. :)

Jason is the most incredible man I know and I am so lucky and honored to be his wife. He is the most excellent and sacrificial daddy, he is an incredible provider, and my very best friend. He has so much patients and grace with me and I really don't know how he does it all so well. He's a wonderful doctor who has the respect of his co-workers. His love for the Lord is inspiring and His knowledge of the Word leaves me breathless. He is such an example of unconditional love and shows me so much of Jesus on a daily basis. Really, you can't get much better than Jason Dugger -- so here is a very loud birthday shout out to my amazing husband!!!

Easter 2012 in Photos!

Jonah and our neighbor Sara looking for eggs - he will go with anyone. ha. 
Easter Egg hunt with the neighbors.

The kiddos loved finding eggs! 

These three are my favorite! :)

Selah's First Easter!

Kiddos at church!
The Dugger Girls!

This photo makes me laugh - taken Easter morning before church!
dying Easter eggs

Dance Class

Havana is now in a dance class. One of those classes where the parents aren't allowed in the room! As she dances along in her leotard and ballet slippers I have to wonder where did the time go? How has she gotten this big already? I love watching her dance and leap and have fun!

"I Spilled"

Well, February ended up being a sick month for all of us. We didn't go 4 days without someone breaking a fever or puking. Let's just say I'm WAY OVER GERMS. Ha. This was my first time to deal with the stomach flu as a mom and it was horrible... horrible... horrible. And the sad thing is I know that it could have been so much worse. I've always had a phobia of vomit - my entire life - and so I have always been dreading the day my children started puking. I've been lucky to have gone this long without it and it certainly tested me.

The first time started on a Wednesday - we had just returned home from church and Havana started acting strange. She was wining and asking me to hold her and told me her belly hurt. I tried to get her to eat but she would not. Jason had to leave for work and I said, "What if she pukes?" His response was, "She just might. You'll do fine."

She did, about 10 minutes after he left. As soon as she finished she began crying and said, "Mommy, I spilled." Okay, is that not the cutest name for puke ever?! She threw up two times that day, two days later Selah puked a few times, a few days later I puked, and then it started all over again a few days later with Havana puking again... this time it was rapid fire of 4 times within an hour... that was followed up by Selah puking again. Neither Jason or Jonah got it, thankfully. But I was so over puke and my anxiety was through the roof. I realized that actual act of puking doesn't bother me very much (as long as I don't watch it happen) and that cleaning up doesn't bother me either - it is just my anxiety that I don't know when she might puke again or that I will puke or that Jonah will just start puking, etc... all the unknowns.

I have just - within the past few weeks - eased back into not freaking out whenever my kids are awake. I'm eating again (I went a few weeks without eating very much at all), but I still get anxious the minute Havana says her stomach hurts or lays funny on the couch. I know this is only beginning... our youngest is only 8 months old so i have at least another 18 years to get over puke, but Jason keeps calmly telling me that the Lord is doing a work in me. I would prefer the work to be to simply take away my anxiety over it - make me one of those mamas who doesn't seem phased by puke - but I guess I'll trust Him because really that is all I can do. Okay, must keep this post short so I don't relive everything and become a nervous wreck again. ha.


Dear Jonah,

When I picked you up from your nursery class last week the teacher said that you knew all the answers and that you were having full conversations with them. It's true, you are such a big boy and you love to express yourself. There isn't anything you can't say or sing. I love communicating with you and I love watching you talk with your sisters. You are one amazing dude!

You have been getting into a little bit of trouble lately and no obeying first time. This is largely my fault because whenever I do go to scold you - you give me a look and I break into a wide smile. It now is your "pass" to get out of anything. I don't mean it to be and I'm really trying hard not to let it distract me, but goodness, it is so adorable.

Your memory is amazing! As we drive down the road you can name places that are along the road  - even places we haven't been for a while. One day as soon as we turned down an exit you said, "Chuck-E-Cheese" and I think it had been at least two months since our last visit to Chuck-E-Cheese. And on our first family walk of the season you passed by a house and pointed to it and said "woof woof" -- you were asking where their dog was and we had not walked by the house since the fall and there was a dog at that house previously. What a smart little man!

I have known since you were in my womb that the Lord has significant plans for you!  When we found out you were going to be a boy I really struggled with the mighty task that is. Teaching you to be a protector of purity, a defender of the family, a leader, a provider, someone who doesn't compromise, etc. While I want Havana and Selah to be all those things as well - I need to teach them also how to find the right man to marry while we have to train you to be that kind of man. It is a good think you have such a wonderful father to model after.

Anyway, when you were about three months old there was a sermon on vocational ministry and the preacher asked us all to think of one person we can be praying for and supporting as we encourage them to enter into ministry. All of a sudden, the Lord whispered your name into my heart. What? You were going to be the president of the united states! But, I do believe that the Lord will call you - at some point- into ministry for Him.

All that to say, you're my special little man and apparently Satan knows it too. Back in December you began struggling in your room at night. That progressed to you not doing well at nap time either, and then finally that progressed to you not wanting to even go into your room at all. At first we started thinking it was a new phase and that you needed to cry it out, but it just seemed different.

There was about a two week period where you daddy was working a lot and so I had to put you down by myself a lot. I kept telling your dad that something didn't seem right in my spirit. I could feel evil. And I proposed more than once the possibility of all of your crying resulting from something evil. Your daddy didn't really know what to think, and while it wasn't like he didn't believe me, he just wasn't there to experience it.

However, in January he ended up sharing with a man of faith this situation and the man looked at him point blank and said, "Satan wants Jonah" -- and your daddy said at that moment the Holy Spirit overcame him and he was so convicted that he had not done more to protect you. From that day on we took praying over you and your room very seriously. Praying over everything, every entrance and exit, and quoting lots of Scripture. Very quickly all your crying seemed to stop... you began singing yourself to sleep and sleeping through the night. It was amazing (and somewhat scary) how quickly everything bounced back into place. We followed up all that prayer by anointing your room. We still pray over you every night, but the darkness that I felt in my spirit is no longer in your room. And your story has spread - since telling friends they have also anointed their children's rooms and I have been stopped by people on the elevator thanking me for sharing it. Your daddy and I have told Satan he picked the wrong family to come after - he can't have our children. No way. We are fighting for you. We love you! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Boys vs Girls

I'm starting to notice a big difference between Jonah and Havana. They love each other and love playing together, but one could not be more girly and one could not be more boy. I love this about them, but it is so interesting.

Havana does not like bugs. She runs, screams, and cries if she sees one even in the far off distance. Jonah, however, loves bugs. He calls all bugs "ladybugs" but he loves to have them crawl on his hand and he chases them if they fly away.

Havana loves to play pretend and princesses... Jonah likes to build towers, play with balls, and talk about airplanes and trains.

Havana cries and wants to be held if she gets a "boo boo" and she is very dramatic about each boo-boo (wanting to change her clothes so she can't see it anymore, wanting to talk about it, wanting to be snuggled after each boo-boo, and pretty much thinking every little thing is a boo boo). Jonah, on the other hand doesn't get phased by too much. If Havana sees something land on his toe she will ask him, "Jonah, do you have a boo boo on your big toe or your little toe? Jonah, can I see your boo boo?" and he just brushes himself off and keeps on going. What a man!

Havana is very girly and Jonah is very manly! Suits them well and makes life for this mama a whole lot of fun!


Dear Selah,

Oh my child! You are too much! Seriously, I don't think I've met an 8 month old baby with so much personality. On April 2nd you took your first bath without your baby bathtub and then on April 4th you began crawling "for real" - you had been inch worm crawling for a while, but now you are taking off and you can get across the entire downstairs in about 3 seconds flat. You have found Tucker's water bowl and continually make a "b-line" for that. You are even starting to pull yourself up on the stairs and the couch!

You have learned to sign "daddy", "all done", and "more" and now you not only ask me for more during meal times, but you sign it frantically right before bedtime. You are already stalling and you are only 8 months old!!! :)

Over the past week you have now officially hit the over 12 hour sleep mark! Finally. You started sleeping 12 hours at 4 weeks old, but then back in November you started waking up all throughout the night. You have gotten a lot better since I switched you to formula... and you usually only wake up once around 6am, but for about a week now you have gone from at least 8pm-8pm if not 8pm-9am. You have also just now started taking a morning nap along with your afternoon nap! What a blessing!

Such a tender brother/sister moment!

Selah's first bath without the baby bathtub!

What a beauty!

Big girl bather!
You also are starting to pick fights with your siblings. If someone takes a toy that you were even looking at you break out into a very loud and dramatic cry. And no matter what toy Havana or Jonah might be playing with - you insist on crawling over and grabbing it out of their hands. Sometimes you do it very boldly and other times you do it very sneakily. You want to be wherever they are, but you like to stir up trouble. Sneaky little girl. I love you so much!


Two days ago I took the children to Target and while I was looking at leotards for Havana I turn around to find that both Havana and Jonah were wearing sunglasses. Havana must have reached them while my back was turned. Havana was also wearing a sporty hat. We finished our shopping and the children kept the sunglasses on the entire time. I was feeling giving that day so I bought the sunglasses and they wore them home the entire car ride.

The two car rides we have taken since both Havana and Jonah wear their sunglasses. Even Jason, who had his doubts about my story, said, "They really do like their sunglasses, don't they?" I have to say I can't help but smiling when I look back and see this:

Cooler dude than this? I think not.

Tweet Tweet

Havana has started this new game where she will start saying "tweet tweet" and she will pretend she is a baby bird. This game has been going on for a about a week now and the other day I had her on my lap and was asking what was wrong with the baby bird and she simple said, "tweet tweet, mommy, will you take me to my nest?"

Jason and I both started laughing so hard. Where does she come up with this stuff? Oh how I love playing with her!

She has also started saying, "Okay, mom, I promise." or "Okay mom, I forgive you." When I go to correct her. :)

The other day at Meijers Jonah ran away from us and she shook her head and said, "That boy, he's crazy." Ha!

Date #4

Towards the end of March I told Jason that he might want to open up his April envelope early because it required some planning. He did so and found this note,

"You know how we always talk about having an overnight away from the children? Well, this is it! On April 6-7th Chelsea Allen will be staying here so we can go somewhere. We have a few different options to choose from, but where ever we go it will be fun!" 

Well, it took us a few days to figure out a hotel. I truly wanted to go to the 21 C hotel, but the cheapest room I could find was around 200 dollars a night and I knew Jason wouldn't want to pay that much... I was right because when I asked him if he would consider it he said no. We looked at other hotels downtown, but we had either already stayed there years ago or read some "fishy" reviews about the others. We even thought about cancelling the overnight and just having a date night... it caused a few disagreements. 

Talking it over one night Jason said, "this is all new to me. I never watched my parents date. I never babysat for other people so that they could go on dates. Us staying with the Sites children (something we did when we were first married) so they could stay in a hotel was the first I had ever heard of anyone doing it and I thought it was just them." I really appreciated him saying that because it helped me realize more in where he was coming  from. He then also said, "I've been told by enough people to know that these dates nights are good and are an investment in our marriage and so I'm willing to do it if you are still up for it." With that sweet conversation I said yes and he proposed us going up to Columbus, IN for the night. It is about an hour and fifteen minutes north of us and there is a hotel up there called the Hotel Indigo which is supposed to be pretty famous and "where all the stars stay when they come to Columbus" -- that last sentence made me laugh, but apparently for the Super Bowl certain celebs stayed there.

The price was reasonable and it had a hot tub (something I really wanted since the last three or four vacations we have been on I have been pregnant and so could not get in the hot tub... so I was excited to actually sit in one again). The date was on! Chelsea and Chloe showed up around 5pm and it took me about an hour to show them everything and then we hit the road. The children didn't seem to be phased in the least that we were leaving. As I kissed Selah goodbye I kind of laughed at how I would have never left Havana with a babysitter at 8 months old - more or less for an overnight! Wow, how times have changed!

Our complimentary apple juice! ha!

Notice how H has to join in all the photos? :) 

Back home!

the upper two are taken in the hotel lobby, the bottom left taken in the hot tub, and bottom right take upon returning home! Great date collage. :)

On our drive up, we received a phone call from the hotel saying that they were sorry, but because of a technical issue the room we booked actually wasn't available. It wasn't a big deal to us, but the hotel was apologetic and said that there would be a special surprise waiting for us in our new room. Once we checked in we noticed two small bottles of wine chilling in the ice box and there was very relaxing music playing. The "down graded" room was still super nice! We were both hungry and so we went to get some dinner, but on the way out we told the hotel staff that while we appreciated the special surprise, we did not drink alcohol.

We went to a little Italian place for dinner and worked our way back to the hotel around 9pm. We went back into our rooms and found that our wine was replaced with Apple juice, snacks, and coupons for two free breakfasts and two free drinks of our choice. That was sweet. We made our way down to the pool and hung out there for an hour or so. While sitting in the hot tub we received this text from Chelsea, "Everyone went down just as planned- no tears (Selah for a minute) they were perfect!!! Enjoy your night!!!" We are so blessed with awesome babysitters!

I think we slept in on Saturday until about 10am... simply because we could! Ha. We enjoyed our nice free (really tasty) breakfast and then started packing up. We left the hotel around 11:15am and made it back down shortly after noon! The kids were happy and excited to see us, but we could tell they had an awesome time without us. Later that night our babysitter sent us this text, "Was just thinking about them and had to tell you - you have great kids."

My heart is happy, my emotional well being is refreshed, and my heart is still 100% in love with my husband! What a great date! Something we have decided should happen a little more regularly.  :)

Date #3

On March 1st Jason opened his envelope which had this letter,
"Think of a time period in history that you find fascinating. If you are thinking Civil War... then we're on the same page. This month let's go on a date to the Frazier Museum to see the "My Brother - My Enemy" exhibit!

Date Number three on St. Patrick's Day!

Our family minus Selah.

We looked at our calendar and made plans to go on Saturday, March 17th. This was our first time to go on a day date without the children (save the one time we went car shopping which totally didn't count as a date, ha). We both commented on how nice it was to be away all day and we said several times how our poor babysitter was in over her head, but she's a rock star! 

We had Erin come over around 9:45am and we left for our date. Neither Jason or I had ever been to this museum before so we wanted to see all of it and not just the Civil War temporary exhibit. Since I had planned this date, I had time to prepare myself for doing a museum with Jason... we are very different. He likes to read every word of every sign. I just like to casually walk and look and only read the few things that spark my interest, but this being a date I planned for Jason I wanted to make sure to let him take his time. 
I took this photo at the museum because Jason and I have an inside joke about "The Great War"

The top floor of the museum is the British Armory and Jason really enjoyed it much more than he thought he would. He did take a while to read everything. I actually enjoyed it too - some of my favorite History classes were about Europe in the 15th century and so I enjoyed reading about the British Monarchy during that time. There was a small section on  John Smith and Pocahontas and I shared with Jason how as a little girl I was upset that she moved to England and didn't marry John Smith. We took our time and walked through the entire top floor and about half of the second floor. I enjoyed learning more about Daniel Boone - who I grew up knowing all about his name, but not much of the history behind his name. 

Anyway, then we took a break for lunch. We went to Kashmir (again) because it was Jason's choice - we got it to go and ate it outside on a bench in the warm sun shine. Just sitting out there made up both feel like we were on vacation. It was very relaxing and oh so yummy! We also made a quick stop at a jewelry store to pick up some rings I had worked on. Then, it was back to the museum to "quickly" go through the 2nd half. We walked in our drinks and the lady at the desk asked up to finish them on the first floor and so we did a few of the activities they had in the lobby.  There was a poor girl doing a monologue and only about 2 people were in the audience. Jason and I tried to stifle our laughter and we talked about how sad it was no one was listening to her and what would she do if the two people walked up and left? Would she stay in character? Come up with an excuse to leave? Even now I'm laughing out loud thinking about those jokes - and I'm sure the poor girl thought we were laughing at her performance - which we weren't. haha. 
Where we ate our lunch!

Coloring while finishing our lunch.

Love him!

Anyway, a few sips of soda later and we made our way up to the Civil War exhibit. It was interesting and sparked some conversations between us on what it must have been life before and after the war. My favorite part was seeing the commitment papers of Mary Todd Lincoln and to see her actual signature. History is one of my favorite subjects!  

Around two o'clock we left and headed home! Erin had put the children down for their naps and we enjoyed another few hours of silence. Ah, relaxing! :)

Date #2

So, I'm a little late in posting, but Date #2 for 2012 did not go as planned, but was still super fun. As I stated before, I preplanned and prepaid for 12 dates for Jason for our anniversary in December. That being said, in February I realized they might not go as planned when you prepare a few months in advance. :) Jason's card that he opened on February 1st read:

"Have I ever told you that you are hot? Or that you make my heart A-glow? Well, you are and you do! Let's celebrate this month of love by going to glassworks and making our own glass kiss! Can't wait to experience this with you - my only flame!"

Cute idea- cheesy card - that is kind of the point of all of this. :) Anyway, I had made reservations for Saturday, February 11th to do the glass blowing. The kiss that we were going to make was only offered two days out of the entire month and the other day Jason was working. However, I tried to secure a babysitter for that day and could not. So we talked about it and while Jason liked the glassblowing idea we agreed to use our date night to go on a double date with some friends instead. So... we will do the glassworks another day! :) (It actually turned out for the best anyway, because the day we were supposed to go to glassWorks Havana spent the day puking...)

We ended up going out on February 25th with another couple we met through church. They have four children (three out of the four are under three like us) and so it was nice to get away and carry on a converation without the children! The week before the date I got my hair cut, eyebrows waxed, and bought a new outfit! I felt like such a little school girl getting ready for prom. I was so excited to go on a date with my husband. My friend, Rebekah, and I exchanged texts about what we were going to wear... it was fun to get excited about everything.

Our babysitter arrived and again we took these photos before leaving:

I love this man!!!

Then, we met our friends at Havana Rumba at 7:30 and I don't think we left the restaurant until close to 11. The four of us just sat there and talked and laughed! It was so refreshing and the fellowship with another couple who loves the Lord and their children was so encouraging. Certainly something I hope we do again soon and was totally worth rearranging the preplanned dates for. :) What fun!

Rock in Where?!

Recently we went for a family walk and stopped at the tennis courts to let the children run around. At one point Havana ran up to me crying and saying, "oh no, my nose!" I saw a small scratch on her nose and so told her it would get better soon. However, she would not calm down and she kept saying that "she wanted it off" -- Jason and I tried to reassure her that it was simply a scratch and that we couldn't take it off. Havana never regained self control and so we packed everyone up and walked back home. On the walk back home I kept encouraging her to gain self control and told her we could get her an ice cube for her nose once we arrived back home.

I stayed outside with Jonah and Selah while Jason took Havana inside for her ice cube. Jason has a way of calming her down so I figured he would be able to handle everything. A few minutes later Jason came out holding Havana who was still crying. He looked at me and said, "she has a rock stuck up her nose."


Jason noticed it when he was holding her and she kept saying "I want it off" and "Oh my nose." She was so anxious about it all that he couldn't successfully retrieve it. We looked at the clock - it was about 7:30pm and Jason had about 30 minutes before he had to leave for work. Jason tried a few techniques to get it out (blowing in her mouth while holding her other nostril) and nothing seemed to work. Havana was screaming at this point and was very anxious. I began to tell her that I was going to have to take her to the hospital. I spent a few minutes calling around trying to find a babysitter for the two little ones so that I could take Havana to the ER. We agreed that Kosairs would be a better bet than Jason's hospital because someone was going to have to put her under and a child friendly hospital was just the way to go.

I was nervous about having to deal with Havana by myself and trying to find someone to watch the children. I think through an act of God, about 10 minutes before Jason had to leave - he simply was able to reach out and take the rock out. Instantly Havana was better. Jason and I both breathed a sigh of relief. He apologized for leaving me with three crying children, but I laughed and said, "This I can handle. An ER trip - no." 

On a somewhat spiritual note, we had previously made plans to anoint Jonah's room (he's been undergoing some spiritual warfare which I will blog about soon...) that night and so Jason left for work a little late because he wanted to get it done and didn't know if the whole rock scenario was Satan trying to keep us from doing what we had planned to do. Well, Satan lost, the room was anointed! :)

The rock that was up H's nose on 3/13/12