Friday, November 30, 2012

Belly pool

Havana just asked me if Baby Coop was swimming around in my belly pool! So sweet! :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sweetest Moment

Today the kids were playing out on the deck and I was in the kitchen, but the back door was open so I could hear everything... Havana began calling to God and said this, "God! God! How can I obey?!" "God, God, when will you come back down here riding on a white horse?!" (At this point she saw me watching her) and so she asked me when God was going to come back and when would we hear the trumpet sound! I told her how we don't know and so we should always be ready- she then said she thought she heard a trumpet sound right then.

Over dinner I asked her to tell her Daddy what she was talking to God about- she told him but then said, "But, God didn't answer me." So we talked about how God doesn't always use an audible voice.

She loves The Lord so much! Praying her heart always stays so in touch with Him!!!! I am honored to be her mommy!

Friday, November 23, 2012


The other day Havana had just gotten out of the bath and she was sitting on my lap so I could comb her hair. Suddenly, she grew concerned and said, "mama, what are these lines?!" She was taking about the prune look that happens when your fingers get wet. I explained it to her, but it made me realize how new the world still is to her! :)

Wow, I am really pregnant...

Yesterday (Thanksgiving) I was having a horrible case of third trimester morning sickness. I woke up at 1:45am and thought I was going to vomit - thinking it was the dreaded stomach flu I camped out in the bathroom for a few hours - no vomit ever came. I took a zofran around 3am and went back to sleep until 4:30 and then awoke feeling sick and stayed that way until a little after 6. Finally, I feel asleep, but when I woke up at 7:45 the sick to my stomach had returned. It came in waves all day... so for Thanksgiving I ate a little, but not much. I had not eaten all day and just wasn't feeling super great. Today, Friday, I felt fine and was looking forward to leftovers - sadly, we didn't have as many leftovers as I thought. We had some stuffing (which is my favorite) and some meat, but no mashed potatoes, corn, bread, etc. So, what did I do? I broke down and cried. I tried to hide it at first, but Jason finally said, "are you crying?" I said yes. He asked why... I said it was a stupid reason and I'm just pregnant. He asked if I was upset with him and I said no. But I couldn't stop crying. I really wanted all the food and since I didn't really eat much yesterday I felt so sad. Ha. Finally, I pulled it together enough to eat the stuffing and ham and eventually got over it. As my sweet husband was leaving for work this afternoon he gave me a kiss and told me he would try to stop somewhere on his way home (10pm) to buy some mashed potatoes and other sides that I liked. Isn't he the best?! :) Hormones! Ha.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jonah's words...

Yesterday we went to a park and Jonah was trying to climb up a ladder by himself. I went to help him and he said, "no, no mom, I can do it by myself!" And he did! Such a big boy!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Date #10

Last month, Jason and I celebrated our 10 year dating anniversary. We began exclusively dating on October 19th, 2002 and as I say, "have been dating every since." -- I always like to celebrate this date and Jason usually humors me in the matter even though he is content only celebrating our wedding anniversary now. (To read more about that night, read this old post).

Anyway, so my goal was to find a babysitter for Friday night October 19th, but sadly, no one could do it. Nor could they do Saturday. We didn't really have any other times we could go on a date and it was looking like there was not going to be a date in October. I was very sad about this. On Thursday, October 18th, I was at the zoo with the children when my phone texted and one of the people I asked to babysit said that she could do a lunch date on Friday... by then, however, I had already made plans with friends from Indy and so couldn't cancel on them, but I asked her if she could do Thursday night... she could! As soon as I got home I rushed to tell Jason the good news - we were going on a date! Woo hoo.

Here is what my preplanned note said,

October 19th, 2002... we went to a wedding at the Louisville Slugger Field. Hard to believe that was 10 years ago. Let's celebrate by going to "against the grain" - you might remember it well from all the time you spend in their bathroom. :) Thank you for making these last 10 years so amazing.

The bathroom reference is an inside joke between us and "against the grain" is a sports bar at slugger field - so we went back to where we were 10 years ago. Neither Jason or I drink, but we ordered some fancy "house sodas" and both tried new foods. It was alright in terms of food, but fun in terms of memories. On the drive home we stopped by steak-n-shake. We had texted our babysitter to see if she wanted anything and she didn't respond by the time we needed to place our order -- so we ordered shakes for ourselves and then, about a minute after pulling out of the parking lot, she texted with her order. So we turned back around. I offered to switch Jason so that it didn't look like he was going through the drive through again (I get embarrassed about that stuff easily) and he said no... then, the lady at the drive through recognized him and said, "Oh, you're back already." And jason told her all about how much his wife loved milk shakes and we had to come back and get a third one. I was dying laughing because that is so like my husband! :)

I'm so thankful for my husband and even more thankful that the Lord gave us a date night at the last minute! It's fun to date! :)

October 18th 2012 - I wore the same outfit I wore on October 19th, 2002!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How do I respond?!

Last week, Jason was at work and I was helping Jonah go potty... Havana comes charging into the bathroom at full speed and with a wooden toy in her hand and she runs up to me, hits me in the back (playfully) with the toy, and says in a deep, pretend mean voice, "you are going to die on the cross!"

At the moment I had no idea how to respond- play along? Talk about Jesus' death on the cross, Etc. I think I just said, "what?! No way!"

Later that same day she told me the same thing again! Ha!

That night as I was trying to tell Jason about it I couldn't help but laugh the entire way through the story! What kid says that?! Hahaha!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lots of Growing Up!

Over the past 48 hours there has been lots and lots of changes around here and I'm not sure my mommy heart can take much more.

On Thursday, November 1st, Jonah (2.5) woke up and asked to go potty in the "big boy potty"  and asked to wear his big boy underwear. He potty trained himself instantly. I was shocked by it all because we have tried almost everything with Havana (4 years old) and she still isn't potty trained so the fact that he just decided he was no longer going to wear a diaper seemed too good to be true. He has had only a few small accidents and is very good about saying he has to go. Pooping, on the other hand, he hasn't mastered yet, but he still won't wear a diaper so that means messy underwear, but honestly, I can live with that. For two days straight he has peed on the potty, we've gone to playgroup and the grocery store and no public accidents. We will see what he does tomorrow at church, but I am so very proud of him.

Then, on Friday, Selah decided she was done sitting in her high chair and she wanted to sit at the table with a plate and fork like everyone else. She has been a challenge during meal time lately and so I figured "why not try." She loves her new booster seat and has eaten more in the past 24 hours than she has for the previous week. (We also bought her a stool for the bathroom so she can brush her teeth herself and she loves to stand on her stool while her siblings stand on theirs). She basically grew into a toddler overnight.

Today, Saturday, at the dinner table Havana asked me if she could have her milk in a "big girl cup" and not in a sippy cup. She did spill about half of it, but as I sat there at the dinner table I couldn't believe that my children were getting so big and making all of these changes so quickly. Ah, somebody stop time!!!!

Shining Moments!

Dear Havana,

Today, November 3, you have had some incredible moments! This morning, you climbed up our built in bookshelf and threw all of Tucker's toys on the floor. When I asked you why you said, "I thought Tucker would like to have a surprise of his toys being on the floor." How could I get mad at that answer?

A few moments later, I heard you give a care bear toy to Selah. You said, "Here you go, Selah, this is friendship bear and he can be your best friend."

Later in the morning, you were playing with your toys at the kitchen table and Selah climbed up into the chair next to you... normally, you would try to hoard your toys and tell her she can't play with you, but today, you gave her a few of your toys without her even asking.

Tonight at the dinner table we went over our family rules and when I asked you which thing you wanted to work on this week you said, "Tell the Truth."

You did an amazing job at obeying and being respectful. Today, you were a super star. I love your heart and pray that you will continue to obey the Lord as you grow to love Him more and more!

Much Love,