Monday, June 2, 2008

Spiritual Lessons

God is so incredibly faithful. Today as I (Darby) was walking Tucker, the song "I Stand Amazed: How Marvelous" came on the iPod and I couldn't help but sing out loud (there in the park in front of everyone) because it is true... how marvelous is His love for me! I was swept away and had an awesome God moment! God has been teaching and holding us close to Himself during this incredibly difficult time. While we are in the depths of grief... He is giving us strength for each day and to continually praise His name.

I was telling a friend last night that I am not to the place where I am thanking God for this loss... yet. I'm striving to as she reminded me that we are to give thanks in ALL circumstances. I am so thankful for the brothers and sisters in Christ who have used this time to speak the TRUTH of God's Word into our lives. Just today I received a card in the mail with "God's Promises" typed out... verses of truth that now sit on our fridge. Everyday I reminded more and more that I only know one thing in this world for sure -- that God is good!

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you all jut one of the many lessons God is teaching us. It has to do with the story of Abraham and Isaac found in Genesis 22:1-19. On May 21st... the night we knew our baby had been born, but still unsure how things would turn out... I didn't sleep very well. I ended up getting out of bed around 4AM and sat in our closet and opened the Bible and prayed. I thought of the story of Abraham and Isaac and so I read it and immediately begged God to "send a ram" in this situation so that we would not have to loose this daughter. I just kept praying for Him to send the ram. In the morning when Jason awoke, I share my thoughts with him and we prayed together for that ram. Then we got the call that Alicia had decided to parent the baby. We were heartbroken and crushed... I got angry. Why didn't God send the ram? I was sure He would do it. At that time I became angry with life and withdrew from God. I couldn't believe He had allowed this after we prayed for so long (since we started the adoption process) for this NOT to happen! Why did He allow it to get this far in the process? What good was being accomplished in this?

The few days following that day were awful! On Sunday I told Jason I didn't feel like going to church because I didn't want to see everyone (I knew I would ball) and because I wasn't too happy with the Lord. However, Jason said we were going. I'm so thankful he is the spiritual head of our house! And while I did not take part in communion (I didn't feel that I was emotionally in the right place to receive the Lord's Supper) I did listen to the sermon and it was amazing. Jason and I feel that Pastor Gary always does an amazing job preaching the Word and stepping on toes... today it was my toes who were stepped on. The sermon series that we're in right now is entitled, "My Life Stinks" and this message was "My Walk with Christ." Pastor Gary preached on the armor of God, the importance of it, and just the truth that we're in a spiritual war. There are solid Christians - who know Christ personally - who later fall away and somehow come to hate or disown Jesus. How does that happen? They didn't fight Satan and his attacks. If you have the time, and so desire, I would strongly recommend that everyone listen to this particular sermon online. The link is:

Anyway, during the sermon it occurred to me that I had not gotten mad at Satan for this... only God. That wasn't right. While God allowed it... it was Satan who was using it against me. Satan knows that this is a weakness of mine and that my greatest desire is to be a Godly mommy and that this road in getting there has been hard. He is using this against me and I wasn't even fighting him. I was actually doing everything he wanted. Well, that was going to end right there. Jason and I love Jesus with our whole hearts and desire to serve Him with our lives. We plan on raising our kids to fear the Lord. Of course Satan is going to do whatever he can to break up our marriage and prevent us from raising children in a Godly home. This is just another attack of Satan. Why were my eyes not open to that before? Well, they are now. And of course, what God allows He can use and bring good out of anything... so we're trusting He is going to do that in our lives -- someway, somehow.

After church on Sunday we had several friends (including our Pastor) come and surround us, love on us, and then pray for us. The body of Christ is beautiful. I mentioned to Gary how perfect his sermon was. He said that Satan twists our thinking and sometimes we ask, "Am I being punished for something?" and that was perfect because I had asked Jason that very question on the way to church. Jason's answer was a loving, "No, God doesn't work that way." Gary also told me that was just the lies of Satan.

Sunday afternoon, while still in grieving, I was no longer angry with God. Instead, grateful that He was going through this with us. On Monday our church started a challenge... to read the Bible in 90 days. I had already signed up to do it before we lost our daughter and since Sunday was so helpful for me... I began the journey without the hard heart.

God has been speaking volumes to us through His Word... as He always does. There is so much to learn each time you open the Bible. However, God's been very intentional in teaching us what He wants us to learn in this season of life. On Day 2 we reached the story of Abraham and Isaac. My eyes watered... this is the story of the ram God didn't send us. However, we read it. About 2 days later, as I was in the shower, I was thinking about something Gary mentioned regarding that passage. He asked the question: "do we love the gift more than the giver?" I had heard Gary ask that question before when talking about Abraham and Isaac, but there in my shower in Nashville, TN God spoke to my heart. He reminded me of the words I read -- and how when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, he obeyed. He didn't fight, he didn't ask why... or maybe he did and we don't know about it... all we know is that he obeyed! He didn't know the ram would be provided. He just knew he had to obey God. That made me realize that when I read this story that Wednesday night, I immediately asked God for the ram and didn't say "okay to whatever you allow." I wasn't willing to sacrifice our daughter to God's will. Later in the passage (vs.12) God says he now knows Abraham fears Him because of his willingness to sacrifice Isaac. Can the same be said about me? I want that, but am I there?

Then I thought about what Gary said again... and I made it more personal. I wasn't willing to say "okay" to the loss of my daughter. So do I love the gift of family, children, and the idea of being a mommy more than I do the One who is able to give me that family? Then I was convicted of even worshiping the desire of having children. I have let that desire replace my desire of becoming more Christ-like.

I discussed these things with Jason over breakfast that morning and we came to realize that if God allowed this to happen, then He will bring good out of it (Genesis 50:20, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.)Even if the only good of it is that Jason and I grow closer to Him. That should be our greatest desire in life - to be more like Christ. If this heartbreaking event will allow for that, then we should be okay with that over the desire of being the parents to that beautiful girl.

Does this mean we're okay? No. We are still heartbroken and sad. We still struggle and cry. We still wish we had our daughter in our arms. I don't think there will ever be a time when I'm happy with the fact the adoption failed. However, God is bringing us to a place a greater trust in Him and His Word. So, please continue to pray for us and continue to be patient with our grief. But please know that God is good. We do... even if that is all we know!

Before I close this already long post :) I just want to also thank Jason for being such an incredible husband during this time. Over the past two years that I've known one of his friends from high school, Erin, she continues to say, "I'm so glad you have Jason in your life." I am too! He's the perfect husband and spiritual leader for me. He's amazing and I can't imagine going through this with anyone else and even though we've been through so many heartbreaking and awful things together -- I'm still so very happy with our marriage and my life with him.

I just wanted to brag on My Jesus and My Jason who He has blessed me with! :) Love to all!


Kim said...

Darby, thank you for sharing these thoughts! When we went through our losses, I was angry with God. I continued to love him, but I did angrily ask hin, "Why?"--repeatedly. I never really (until now) considered turning my anger on Satan! It seems so obvious, so logical, and yet we overlooked the villain! I, too, questioned whether I was being punished for something. I will tell you a place I found some hope--the story of Job. Job was a very godly man, and he lost everything, including all of his children, but when he continued to praise God through is trials, God rewarded him by blessing him with more than he had lost! That tells me that once we make it through the trial, God will pour out blessings and healing on us. He may not literally replace every child we lose with 2 more, but the blessings He gives us for remaining faithful will be far more than the hurt we felt at the just takes time to get through that hurt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! You guys are incredible and I always learn so much from your spiritually!

Love you!

Tara Wasson said...

Darby, I love you and please check your Facebook for a personal message of appreciation from me. till praying for you and Jason in this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Jason and Darbs,

Where should I begin? First of all, I'm sorry. I'm heartbroken with you guys and praying and trusting despite asking, "what's up?"

These thoughts on God are nothing short of amazing. Nothing. I know I couldn't imagine dealing with this grief and then try to find what God is teaching me.

You two are so Christ like. So Beautiful. So wonderful. I listened to the sermon -- you all are in the full assault from Satan. Thanks for wearing the armor of Christ!

You guys are an inspiration to me and I love you both. I love Tucker, Elijah, Your Daughter, and the baby in your womb. I'm here if you need ANYTHING!

Anonymous said...

You two are so strong! I know this is super painful, but I'm glad you're being hopeful about it. I know we always wonder what God is trying to teach us or show us through a situation, but since this happened, I've been wondering what He wanted to teach Alicia through all this. I guess we'll never know!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing post. I think of you often! I pray things continue to go well with your little one inside. I'll also pray for you as you seek God's leading in handling your loss. I'm so thankful we've been brought together. I can't wait to see where it goes from here! :-)