Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day!!!

We had a fun Father's Day! We went to church in the morning and then told Jason he could pick where he wanted to go for lunch... he said Skyline. We didn't know it at the time, but dads eat for free, so that was an added bonus!

After lunch we took Jason to Willis Music to buy another harmonica (he has three but wanted one in a new key) and I managed the kids in there while he picked one out and looked at keyboards (a future purchase). I was a little sad I had not been able to go to the store and pick one out for him, but Jason didn't seem to mind (surprises like that are more important to me than him).

We got home and enjoyed a quiet afternoon while the kids napped and then spend the evening playing. The children gave Jason a card and a new electric shaver and I had another card waiting for him as well. I made a nice dinner and we just enjoyed family time.

It wasn't the grandest celebration I've planned, but it was filled with sweet family time. Daily I watch Jason with the children and I'm amazed at what a great father he is. He gives so much of himself and his time... in fact, the only time he is not spending with the children are the days he is working. Outside of work, he is home and playing with the children. He doesn't go out golfing or watch TV... while I know he would like to do that... he chooses to pour into his children 100% and that makes my respect and love for him grow daily. He shows me so much of Christ's unconditional, faithful, and passionate love and I can't wait for the children to learn about Jesus through the example their father sets. I pray that Jonah follows closely in his footsteps and I pray that Havana will not settle for a man less than who her daddy is. Jason is not only an answer to prayer for me, but he is truly my dream come true... the best husband and the best daddy... I am undeservedly blessed!

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