Monday, July 18, 2011

Boy or Girl?!

I'm in the hosptial! The plan was to come into tonight and start some gel - after doing that all night they would begin the actual induction at 7:30am on Tuesday. However, I have progressed so far that they gave us the option of beginning the induction now to have a middle of the night delivery or we could sleep here at the hospital and start the induction at 5am. We chose the latter choice figuring we'll have one last night of relaxation. Jason is out getting me some outback steakhouse - I have wanted a blooming onion this entire pregnancy and have yet to eat one...  so, I'll get to eat one tonight! I honestly just wanted a salad tonight for dinner so I ordered one of their salads to go with it. I'm pretty excited for him to come back with my food (and milkshake from steak-n-shake - another baby request :)  because I'm hungry but then we just get to hang out, watch TV, and chat. I'm not even hooked up to any  wires so I can walk around and do whatever. My doctor was laughing at me because I was claiming this was a date. :) Anyway, in our non silly moments in the hosptial we come together for prayer for our baby. Praying he or she will be healthy and have no complications during or after labor and delivery. I am a little nervous about the unknown gender... namely because we don't have a name for a girl picked out and I love our name for the boy. I even dreamed last night that it was a girl and so we had to name her after the nurse because that was the only name we had. I told Jason about it and his response was, "well, now we have a plan." Silly guy! :)  I think Jason has really enjoyed not knowing the gender of this baby. Even today he was talking about how this makes this pregnancy special and different from our previous two... we are walking into a lot of unknowns and I think Jason is excited for the moment he will know for sure! I hope to get his face captured on tape. :)  At first I was indifferent towards it, but then it started getting to me more the farther i've come simply because we don't have a name for a daughter. I love our boy's name what if we settle for a girls name? Will I have any form of disappointment? Not over her life, but just that I wasn't able to have the perfect name for her. I've even been praying for the Lord to let me know what her name is supposed to be... so far, nothing... So I'm a little anxious about that. However, Jason is excited... he doesn't put a lot of stalk in what people say and I've had several people tell me girl and others (including the Chinese Predictor Kit) have said boy. One of them will be right! And I know Jason will be thrilled to experience that moment of the unknown - and I'm getting a little excited about it myself. ;) 

It is weird right now... I'm laying in a hospital bed, but am not hooked up to anything and yet I'm still feeling my contractions... it is surreal to take it all in and wonder how the next several hours will go. I took a sleeping pill not too long ago in hopes to get one last night of rest. All the flurry will begin around 5 and I'll be anxious to know how quickly things progress since I have never been this far along at the start of the induction before. :)

Well, most likely won't post more tonight... but just wanted to write one post about this hospital experience and the anticipation over this baby - which really not knowing the gender really has made this induction so far different emotionally. Anyway, this pregnancy reminds me so much of my pregnancy with havana that I think this baby has to be a girl. Yet, sometimes I wonder since I feel like we have a perfect boy's name that I have prayed for... it makes me wonder if it is a boy after all. I can honestly say I have no idea. I say "I think it is a girl" but that comes and goes... so I don't know... I'm excited to find out and praying the perfect name will come to us if we are blessed to have another daughter.

Thanks for reading this random post.... I'm feeling the sleeping aids start to kick in.... hopefully Jason will make it back with my food. :) Perfect timing... he is here!!! Goodnight and please keep us in your prayers anytime after 5am.

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