Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Doctor Visits

Today Asa had his 4 month well check and Jonah had his three year check-up. It was fun to take both of my boys. Jonah was exceptional as he waited for the doctor. He enjoyed chatting with her and showing off how he can kick the ball and take off his own pants. He is such an easy going little boy. Asa was his content little self waiting to be seen.

Jonah was 37.25 inches (35%) and his weight was 35 pounds (80%). They said his BMI was 90% ... my little big guy.  The doctor asked him who his friends were and he said, "My friends are... David and Goliath." This made our doctor laugh really hard. He was such a brave boy and didn't even cry during his finger prick.

Asa, was 25 inches (32%) and only weighed 13 pounds, 12 ounces (12%). I have never, ever had such a tiny baby. He is soooo little. Jonah was wearing 6 month clothing at 6 weeks and here Asa is at 4 months still in 3 month clothing. My doctor suggested that I give him formula bottles after I nurse him in order to see if he is getting enough. I did that the rest of the day and he drank an addition 9 ounces! Poor boy - what if I have been starving him this whole time?!

He has struggled to sleep through the night. I've never had a baby go this long without learning how to sleep. A few weeks ago we stopped swaddling him.... and then it was a rough few nights because he didn't even know how to go to sleep without being all wrapped up. We resorted to the Dugger Bootcamp where he had to cry it out. It took several days, but the last two days he has been able to fall asleep for nap and bed on his own. Two nights ago we started giving him formula at night in hopes that he would last longer - it worked - he has now been sleeping until about 5. I hope that lasts and then extends.

After the check up, they gave Jonah a free ice cream cone coupon. I figured we would use it later, but on the drive home Jonah asked, "Are we going home?" "Yes." "Wait! We forgot to get our ice creams!"

I figured why not and I took my boys to Dairy Queen. We sat outside and at ice cream (at 11:30am) and talked about being brave, strong, men. Jonah would interrupt to tell me that his ice cream was "tasty" and "delicious"

I had left my phone at home - which is a bummer because I would have loved to have taken pictures of the entire thing. But, this blog post will have to snap a word picture. I hope I always remember this sweet morning I spent with my boy. I am so incredibly blessed!

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