Friday, June 28, 2013

Inquisitive (and funny) Havana

Havana has been all over the "why" question lately... everything is met with "why?"

She is also super into spiritual questions. The other day we were in the car and she was talking about her grandmother. She asked about her dog, Rachel, and "are we always going to see Rachel when we go to her house?"

I said, "well, yes, until Rachel goes to heaven."

"Why will Rachel go to heaven?"
"well, when you are finished living on the earth - you go to live in heaven."
"Does everyone go to heaven?"
"No... all the people who have Jesus in their heart do.... and animals. I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure animals go to heaven."
"Like horses and cats?"
"Like Tucker?"
"So, when I go to heaven I can play with Tucker?"
"yes." (okay, I don't know for sure animals go to heaven...)
"So which people go to heaven?"
"Anyone who has Jesus in their heart. He died for everyone, but it up to them to ask him into their heart."
"I don't think Norman Price will go to heaven."

And with that I busted out laughing... Norman Price is a character on one of their shows who is always the troublemaker. Then I regained my composure and said,
"Well, we don't know. We could pray for him... maybe he will come to know Jesus."

Then I felt strange having my daughter pray for a fictional character so I tried to restate that if we meet people "like" Norman Price we should pray for their heart. She was confused and wanted to know why Norman wasn't real. Then she asked about all of her TV show friends... wondering if they were real. If I said no she would ask "why not?" Complicated. Not sure I knew how to direct that conversation. She also then asked if the "Louisville Cardinals, Kentucky Wildcats, and the Buckeyes" will be in heaven. I refrained from making a joke that only an adult would understand and simply explained that those are sports teams and their are no sports teams in heaven. I can't believe I'm having these conversations with my 4.5 year old. When did she get so big?!

Tonight we were playing "shark" and I was the shark trying to eat some little fish and she said, "don't eat them... they want to grow up." Yikes!

She is a delight. Love being her mama!

1 comment:

Flossie said...

You should read "I Will See You in Heaven" by Friar Jack Wintz. I don't really agree with every single point he made in the book, but he makes an interesting argument that there will be animals in Heaven.