Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stair Master

Asa... who is now 14 (almost 15) months old has successfully taught himself how to open up doors (even if they have their child safety lock on) and to go down stairs. He will flip to his belly and then slide down. I don't know where he learned this as the older children either go down on their feet or on their bottoms... but Asa has mastered the art of quickly escaping down the stairs. Just today I heard him open the door, but before I could get to him he had already made it all the way down the basement stairs... giggling the entire way. There is no stopping that boy. He can't walk yet, but he can certainly keep up around the house. 

When the older children are spinning and dancing -- he will crawl himself so that he is spinning in circles on all four. Again, laughing the entire time. 

He's such a fun boy. We do call him the "grabby goblin" because he grabs everything... but that comes with age, I guess. 

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