The other day Jason taught me shared with me things that the Lord was teaching him through a book he is reading. I'll try and recap:
Have you heard people say that a relationship with Jesus is the only way into heaven? How about the rebuttal about the tribe out in Africa that has never heard the name of Jesus ever? Would God really send those people to Hell if they have never even heard the name of Jesus?
The answer - yes. Harsh and not an answer we like to think about, but God cannot compromise His just nature or perfection. Scripture tell us that God reveals Himself to everyone (even through nature), but Jesus also left us with a Great Commission. He tells us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Why would He tell us to do that if He was going to allow everyone who has never heard of Him into heaven?
Think about it, if everyone who has never heard the name of Jesus was allowed into heaven... then why would Jesus give the Great Commission? Wouldn't he rather NOT have people told so that MORE people could get into heaven and less people would have the chance to reject Him. If someone goes to a distant tribe and tells them about Jesus... those people have the choice of rejecting or accepting Him and with it comes the choice of Heaven or Hell. BUT... if all those who have never heard get into heaven... Jesus would not want us to go tell those people. He would not offer a Great Commission. He would tell us to keep our faith to ourselves, He would tell people to run away with their ears covered if someone would try and tell them about Jesus because if they are never given the chance to reject it... they will get into heaven.
The Bible tells us that God wants us all to enter into heaven and no one to perish. Because He desires for each person on the earth to join Him in heaven He gives us the Great Commission. He tells each of us to go to ALL nations: Muslim nations, African tribe nations, American nations, impoverished nations, prosperous nations, ALL NATIONS to share with EVERYONE the news of Jesus. We Christians are all called to go. If we don't, then we are being disobedient.
Not exactly a feel good message, but a good message none the less. Wow. Let it sink it. Then pray - where is the Lord sending you? Jesus tells us to be sheep among wolves... we aren't going to be liked by the World. Our message will be hated. Not only among those who hold a different faith, but even among those "Christians" in America who think that we should not offend anyone so we don't mention faith.
Jason was telling me how he has missed so many opportunities to be a sheep among wolves at his work place. Not necessarily with his co-workers, but with those he sees nightly. He says a day doesn't go by where he isn't met with people high on drugs and drunk... if he doesn't tell them about Jesus... who will? The friends they hang out with? Most likely not. If you aren't risking loosing your job... or your friends... then are you really being a sheep among wolves?
Deep Lessons. It has made me realize how many times I have failed to be a sheep among wolves as well. I have friends I don't want to loose so I am afraid to stand up for the Truth. I rationalize it by thinking that perhaps my friendship with them over the years will share Christ with them. Sure, that can happen, but I shouldn't compromise the Truth because of it. I need to be much better about saying there is a black and a white, a right and wrong. I try, but so often times I fail.
I know there are sins in my life that the Lord is calling me out of. I am not perfect, I am a sinner. So, I don't write this as a person who looks down on others and the things going on in their lives. Ugh... I know I have so many things in my life that need to change. However, I am actively trying to repent from the sins and not return to them. I have accountability partners in my life, I will verbally say, "this isn't right. I need to change this." and then I TRY to change by the grace of God. I can't do it alone.
I mention that because I feel like right now, I am commissioned not only to share the Gospel with my children... they are my biggest mission field right now, but I have friends who are too. I have a few friends who don't go to church, don't know the Truth, etc. Those friends are also my mission field. Who else? Those friends who go to church every week, but then leave church and head right back into their lives of sin. Yes, we ALL sin... I get that. But habitual sins or sinful lifestyles put a barrier between us and Jesus. He can't hear our prayers until we repent. Repenting means LEAVING our lives of Sin. Yes, Jesus sat and ate with tax collectors, prostitutes, and other "sinners", but when he left their house after dinner - they were changed. They didn't continue to live in their lifestyles of sin. If I'm being Jesus to my friends - yes, I will show them the love of the Cross, but if they aren't spurred to change... to leave their life of sin... they aren't getting it.
I'm not saying if you sin you aren't saved. That is a whole different can of worms. I DO NOT believe in "Once Saved, Always Saved." That is cheap theology and it is not in Scripture. You can be a Christian and then fall away from Grace by your own choice. I also don't believe in Cheap Grace. Grace isn't cheap. We can't say, "Yes, I believe in Jesus and what He did for me on the Cross" and then go on and live in a sinful lifestyle. Will we sin? Yes... Will we live in a sinful lifestyle... No.
Grace isn't cheap. It cost Christ EVERYTHING. It costs me everything. There is no Easy Believeism (the yes, I believe in God, but that doesn't mean I need to stop getting drunk, living with my boyfriend... etc). It is HARD, HARD, HARD to Love the Lord more than you love your home with your boyfriend/girlfriend. It is HARD when you feel you are attracted to the same sex and yet to not give into that CHOICE of a lifestyle, it is HARD to overcome an addiction to drinking, drugs, or the like. It is HARD to stop telling lies once you have spun a web of lies. It is hard not to be judgmental. It is HARD to live in peace with the Lord. It costs us everything: friends, jobs, and even lives... But despite how hard it is... it is something we strive for.
If you have really come to SAVING knowledge of Jesus Christ. You no longer accept that homosexuality is the way someone is born... it is a choice. You no longer say that premarital sex isn't a sin... you no longer make excuses for living a lifestyle of sin. You can't because you know how much it cost the Lord. It cost Him everything. It costs us everything. You then have this passion to not only leave your lifestyle of sin, but you have a passion to tell other's about Him. You want to fulfill the Great Commission.
Heavy... I know. I am nervous about hitting "publish post" because I'm nervous this will offend some, but isn't that the point? There is a right and a wrong - in faith, in actions, in life... I need this message just as much as anyone else. I am so glad my husband shared all of this with me. I need his leadership in my life. Now, let's go out and be sheep among wolves by sharing the Love of Jesus Christ.