Monday, August 9, 2010

When did it happen?

I have asked myself that question at least 15 times daily over the past week. When did it happen? When did my little girl become so great at independent play? I'm not referring to room time exclusively, but in general. She used to need me to entertain her, to direct her, and to be beside her for every game we played. Yet, this week, it seems as if she is in her own world. She moves her dolls from room to room with a purpose. She makes them have conversations with each other. I come downstairs to find her dolls sitting around a table in the living room. If I move one of them - she moves it back. She has become great at imaginative play!

When did it happen? When did she get so big, so mature that she can eat meals all by herself. Even yogurt right out of the cup. She doesn't need me to do anything more than put the plate of cut up food on her tray. She can do it all herself. Cereal with milk, chicken with veggies, or tonight - pizza. Doesn't matter; she can do it.

When did it happen? When did Jonah start putting himself to bed without having to cry for a long time? When did his scheduel start to make sense? When did he grow from that tiny 8 pound, 7 ounce baby to a whopping 17 pounds?!

When did it happen? When did life with two children all of a sudden become normal? No more adjusting, no more trying to figure things out... life with two children under the age of two seems as natural and as easy as breathing in and out. When did that transition happen? When did we arrive here and why does life seem to be rushing by me so quickly? When did it happen...

I love my family... my husband is more the love of my life today than he was the day I married him. 5.5 years after we said "I Do" -- I am even more in awe of the man of God who chose me to be his bride. My daughter, whose obedient heart and silly nature capture my heart in ways I didn't know a heart could be captured. My son, my laid back, easy going son, whose smile can charm anyone and who is an example to me of contentment and joy. I love my family...

1 comment:

Flossie said...

What a sweet post. I know what you mean about somehow falling into normalcy. It's like I just woke up one morning, and being a mom was my thing. I can't even remember what life was like before Sam.