Thursday, August 5, 2010

Birthday Blues...

My birthday is coming up on Saturday, and for the first time in my life... I'm not looking forward to it. Sure, there is a little part of me that thinks, "Wow, I'm getting old." But that isn't the main reason for the birthday blues. Birthdays are very important to me and Jason has done a wonderful job making "festivals" out of my birthday where we celebrate for several days in several different ways. We even celebrate half birthdays at our home. I have visions of keeping the children home from school on the bdays in order for them to have a special day with mom and dad. Birthdays aren't as big of a deal to Jason, but he still lets me make a fuss over his bday although I know he could care less.

For pretty much every birthday I have spent with Jason - he has done his best to plan lots of surprises and adventures for me. To date there has only been one birthday that he's had to work, but he had notes and gifts scattered around the house for me and he knew I had plans with friends. All the other years he has either been off or traded shifts with others to take the day off. So, I've been spoiled.

Not this year, he is working from 3pm-12am which means he'll be gone from 1:30pm-1:30am. Now, I'm sure he's got something special planned for the AM... just because I know my husband. However, I keep dwelling on the 12 hours I'll be alone. Of course, I won't be alone... I have two kiddos with me... but to the kids it will be just another day. I'm okay with that, don't me wrong, I don't want to complain about being a parent... that is NEVER the case. But, I'll put them down at 8 and can't go out on my bday with friends. Perhaps I'll rent a movie or treat myself to a blizzard, but still... it will just be me. I know that is silly and spoiled of me to be sad about, but in my adult life, I've never spent a bday by myself. I've always had plans, mostly with jason, but when he's been working - with friends. Oh well, I'm sure it will be a good day, but it does seem as it if won't be the same hype as what I'm used to.

I'm not sure if I blogged about it, but my old iphone broke and we had to order a new one. Thankfully, it came in yesterday and is all set up. I was phoneless for about a week, but I'm good now. So, you, dear reader, can of course call me on my bday! :)

Now that I'm done throwing myself a pity party... let's see... the past few days have been so full that I haven't had time to update. Jason was off the past several days and we had a "family day" every day! It was so wonderful not to have heavy house stuff weighing on us. We spent time at the zoo, the museum, the park, at church... you name it; we were there. It was great. I was even able to clean the entire house the other day - which always makes me smile.

My gallstones are still killing me. It comes and goes, but it has been coming more than going these days. I need my gallbladder taken out, but seeing as I have a son who won't take a bottle, that doesn't leave me feeling comfortable enough to have a surgery. Perhaps soon. My mastitis also came back. We're best of friends, not really, but we see each other often enough to be. :) Jason was so helpful in taking the children out of the house so I could nap. That was a treat since I'm very rarely in the house by myself. I was able to do a lot of work for my book! Which, of course, if you aren't aware, I've created a facebook page and a blog to follow that!

Okay, I'm off to bed... thanks for listening to my sob story. ;)

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