Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Havana,

Dear Havana,

Tonight I put you to bed as a one year old... tomorrow you will wake up a two year old. I cannot properly express to you how proud I am to be  your mommy. Your daddy and I wanted to be parents for so long... and you, my precious first born, are the answer to our many years of prayers. I love you. I cherish you. I couldn't ask for anything better. You are an incredible young girl... who loves her family... loves to laugh... and loves to pray.

Nothing makes me smile like your sweet prayers. Nothing is more important than being your mommy. Nothing is more important. Nothing brings me more joy. I love every minute with you, your daddy, and your brother. I wake up and am filled with thankfulness that my family is so incredible... and you, sweet lady, are a huge part of that. You are mommy's precious first born.

This year you have experienced and learned so much! You traveled to Disney World (11/09) where we had a girls trip with Cousin Allison. We met Pluto, rode rides, and danced in the streets. We also met some dear friends who lived in Cuba... a special place for our family. To have them meet you was an honor and a dream come true. They were part of the reason why we named you Havana.

You also went with Daddy and Mommy to West Palm Beach, FL (12/09)... what a fun family trip that was. You absolutely loved the beach! You would screech with happiness when the waves came upon you. We took a drive through Lion County Safari -- where you were able to drive and honked the horn at all the wrong times... getting our car into trouble. You were so flexible with our travel plans and nothing was sweeter than celebrating our 5 year anniversary with our precious one year old. Although you are not the center of our family, you are an important part of it.

Recently, you went on vacation (8/10) with your mommy, daddy, and baby brother. We went to St. Joseph, MI. It was another amazing adventure. You enjoyed the beach again... we couldn't keep you away from the water. We enjoyed splash parks, the Curious Kids Museum, a petting zoo, and many nights of snuggles looking over the river.

This year brought about a lot of physical changes for you. You were taking a few steps at your first birthday party, but it wasn't until you were 13 months that you were determined to walk. I remember the day exactly. You refused to crawl. When you would fall... you would get right back up. And you didn't just walk, you were walking on your tippy toes so it gave you a bounce in your step. You still walk/run on your tippy toes. You look like a beautiful little dancer.  Today, you love to spin and dance. In fact, we dance every morning in the kitchen and we spin every night before bed. You are a great dancer.

With walking, came exploring. You have done a great job learning to stay close to mommy and daddy out in public. You are usually good about holding our hands in parking lots. You absolutely love play grounds - swinging has always been on of your favorite things... you enjoy singing, "5 Little Monkeys" while we push you on the swing. If possible, you try out each swing on the play ground. Daddy will often push you very high... you giggle... it is fun to watch. You can climb to the top of tall slides with no fear. You love adventure. It is fun to watch you play and squeal with delight.

This year has also brought quite a bit of location changes to your life... your first birthday was held at our house that we owned in Indianapolis. We loved that home and the four years we spent there. You came home to that house to a nursery we had worked so hard to prepare. However, around the time of your first birthday, we sold it. A week after your 1st birthday we moved 45 minutes south to Greenwood, Indiana. We moved into a rental house and changed out your nursery furniture. We gave you a new "big girl" room that was done in pink and giraffe. Six months after moved into that rental house... we moved 2 hours south to New Albany, Indiana. So in six short months, you moved twice. What a trooper you were. You were understanding and accepting of whatever we introduced you to. I was very proud with how well you handled all the changes. I'm sorry we moved you so much... you left a few good friends behind in Indianapolis... sometimes I still feel bad about it, but your daddy and I moved you down here for our family's own good. We needed to be back down here... and I'm excited to watch you grow up here, develop new friendships, and learn to love Jesus here.

Homes were not the only change this year has brought... you became a big sister! It was at your first birthday party that we announced that you were going to be a big sister. I knew from the start you were going to be a great big sister, but wow, Havana... you have surprised me. You have so much love for your little brother. You have not yet had to deal with jealousy... instead, you invite "Baby" to play with you. You want him to color with you, to have whatever toy you are playing with, and to be included in all your plans. You always ask about him if you can't see him. You check on him when he is napping, you help me feed him bottles. You are filled with such love for Jonah. Which is good, you all are going to be best friends. You are made to be companions chosen by God. Yes, you will fight. But, at the end of everyday... you two will be closer than the day before. Your bond will be one that I can't wait to see develop. Jonah looks up to you... and I know you will do a good job teaching him right from wrong. You are the best big sister. God truly designed you and hand picked you to be the oldest in our family... and I can see you thriving in that role. You are amazing. Thank you!

When Mommy and Daddy had to go to the hospital to have Jonah... you were very brave. You stayed with your good friends, Chelsea and Chloe. They love playing with you and talked about what a good girl you were. And you are... you are a very, very good girl. You work hard to obey mommy and daddy on the first time we ask you to do something. You've had your struggles (like wanting to bite or not wanting to eat your dinner)... but each battle... you have learned the importance of obeying your mommy and daddy... knowing that when you obey us, you obey Christ. We are all called to be obedient unto Him and you are learning that at such a young age. It is beautiful. Your faith in Jesus is fun to watch. You love closing your eyes and praying to Him. Not just before meals or bed time, but all the time. Even in the middle of a store you will want to pray. Please keep that up! You are an example to me.

You have learned so much this year too. To date you know: all your shapes (even ones I don't know the proper names for), you can do puzzles blind folded, you know all your colors, all the animals (farm, pets, and zoo), and you know about 2/3 of all the letters in the alphabet. You can count to five.

You speak in sign language... you know how to sign all the animals we've ever seen or read about (dog, cat, bird, elephant, gorialla, giraffe, hippo, pig, etc.), you know how to sign places (zoo, church, etc.)-- you can ask for specific things to eat or drink (cheese, grapes, milk, water, etc), you have a specific sign for each member of our family (mama, dada, baby jonah, granddaddy) and your feelings (sick, scared, excited, happy)...  You know how to sign all your colors (pink, red, purple, grey, etc.), most objects and toys (books, boat, pumpkin, ball, etc.). You know sign language for certain phrases such as "I want" "I don't know" "Yes, Mom, I understand" -- you even know the sign for "potty" and you have been using it faithfully the past two days ( perhaps you are ready for potty training soon). You know songs (Twinkle Twinkle, I'm a Little Fishy...). Your sign language is an inspiration. You are determined to communicate and I love that.  I would love to list out each sign, but you know so many. You are so wise and in fact, you know two languages.

Your speech is incredible too! I'm proud of how hard you have worked with Ms. Elizbaeth, your speech therapist. You can say: two, mama, dada (gaga), baby johna, tucker, Bob, Larry, yeah, hello, eat, drink, water, pancake, muffin, cheese, cookie, apple, snack, notebook, ball, uh-oh, cat, pig, chicken, Kangaroo, seal (arch), Elephant, lion (roar), dog (woof woof), bird (tweet tweet), horse (neigh), goat (ma), sheep (ba), cow (moo), frog (ribbit), turtle, David, Bible, purple, green, red, pink, blue, grey, black, brown, yellow, circle, star, square, up, down, go, and music. Those are just off the top of my head... I know you try to say more, but keep in mind, sweet child, that you can sign everything written above and you can sign so many more words that are too numerous to write out... you are so very smart.

God has incredible plans for you, Little One! He loves you passionatly. He created you for a purpose and your signs and your speech are all part of His incredible purpose for your life. He has given you so many gifts. You are funny... You love to spin, dance, and be the center of attention. You enjoy counting to five on people's fingers, You love playing hide-n-seek, beign outside chasing Tucker around, swinging, climbing, and drawing with side walk chalk. You love to read... to yourself and having us read to you. You enjoy puzzles... I've never seen a little girl put together puzzles so well. You are better than I am. You have a great imagination and pretend to talk on the phone. You are very materinal... you take care of Jonah, help mommy with the chores, and have a baby doll that you love to play with. You are so brave and are great at gaining self control when asked. You have a heart of gold. You are very artistic... you spend hours each day coloring. You love going over your colors as you do and you love to draw circles, stars, and elephants. To be honest, you stars are pretty impressive.

You enjoy a few shows... Dora, The Backyardigns, and Baby Faith are your favorites. You also have enjoyed Blue's Clues in the past. You aren't allowed to watch too much TV, but a few shows here and there are fun for you. You love Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales (although you still mix up those two). You don't watch too many of their shows, but you love their music in their car. As soon as we get in the car you ask, "Bob, Larry (warry)"? You even were able to Veggie Tales live a few weeks ago... and it was a big hit with you. Although you kept ducking down behind the seats whenever you thought they were looking at you. So cute.

Our days are spent playing... we go to the zoo often (one of your favorite places),  we also go to the local parks, Henry's Ark, Noah's Ark, and the Science Museum. You love being out and about. We wake up, eat a slow breakfast, play, go out, come home for lunch and a nap, then we're back out doing something until dinner time. Your life is certainly far from boring... you are a treasured little girl. You do have a few chores - we make you put your toys away at the end of the night, after we read a book, you must put it on the shelf. If you throw something, you have to pick it up. I love watching you develop responsiblity.

You've been dealing with seperation anxiety since you were three months old, but I believe you are making breakthroughs. Just two weeks ago you went into the nursery at church for the first time without even crying. You are excited to play with people. I believe you are becoming secure in your mommy and daddy and the choices we are making in your life.

We aren't perfect parents, Havana. I am not a perfect mom. There will be times when I hurt you. When I don't show you Christ's love. When I make mistakes. I will own up to those and ask for your forgivness. I need a Savior as much as you do. I am human... I battle the flesh... which will help me come along side you as you face the same battles. I know you will make mistakes; that is part of being human. I promise never to punish you or yell at you. I will speak calmly, quietly, and discipline you (that is different from punishment). Teaching you to repent and return to Jesus is my number one goal in parenting. I am praying that you will develop a deep and vibrant love relationship with Our Lord. That you would be a friend to the friendless, that you will be Bold in your faith, that you will never compromise, that you won't have sex before you are married, you won't settle for a man who doesn't love the Lord with all his heart and live by His Word, and that you will risk even persecution to do the will of the Father. Perhaps as a missionary, perhaps as a doctor, perhaps as a stay at home mom. I'm not sure what your mission field is going to be, but I can't wait to see you fulfill God's plans for your life. I love you, Sweet Child. You are my baby girl and I promise to tell you daily how much I love you, how much more God loves you, and teach you His ways. I'll fail, I'll lose focus, but... my heart will never stop loving you or treasuring each and every moment, each hug, each kiss... each birthday.

I love you, Havana Corynne Dugger, Happy 2nd Birthday!!!!!



Julie said...

Oh my gosh, you make me cry...tears of joy!!

I wrote a letter to Isabella on my blog this week too! I look forward to the amazing journey God has me on as Bella's Mama!

You are am amazing roll model for me because you model Christ above all else! I love learning from you!

I am praying for your family today as you celebrate your 2 precious years with Havana!

Heather Jones said...

What a precious letter to your sweet Havana. I believe she will treasure the truth of your words for many many years to come. Happy 2nd Birthday Havana!

P.S. I prayed for you this morning Darby and also that you and your family enjoy celebrating Havana's second year of life today as a family!