Thursday, September 22, 2011

Talking up a storm!

Dear Jonah,

You, my boy, amaze me. I had no idea kids this young talk so much. You can say anything... and most of the time when you say something I'm unaware that you even knew what something was. For example, the other night I was holding a graham cracker and you looked at it and said, "eat graham cracker." I didn't even know you knew what they were called! Today you looked at Havana and said, "I love Havana." What?! You're only 16 months old... really... and you can put words together?! I'm so impressed!

Here's a list of some of the other words/phrases you can say, "Daddy, Mommy, Tucker, Havana, Eat, Bottle, Poo Poo, Up, Down, Do it again, Little Buddy, Open, Let's Go, There you go, Grandaddy, Cookie, Black, White, Apple, Bible, Eyes, Nose, Car, Ball, Ice Cream, Drink, All Done, More, Swing, Hello, Bye Bye, Book, Read, Pop, Hammer, Amen, Wow... etc.

The other day I was working in the kitchen while you were sitting at your high chair. I heard you saying "I" "I" "I" the I heard "Ose" "Ose" "Ose" -- I wasn't paying close attention so i said, "oh are you saying your vowel sounds, "A, E, I, O, and U" -- but then I look up at you are pointing to you eyes saying, "eye" then to your nose and you said "Ose." Um, I about fainted because I have never, ever once reviewed your body parts with you! How in the world did you know where your eyes and nose were? I asked you to show me your ears - you did. Your mouth- you did. Your hair - you did! I later found out your daddy had been teaching you those things, but I'm still amazed at how smart you are!!!

I'm having fun with you these days. We have this game where I will fake cough and then you will fake cough and then we both laugh. It goes on for several minutes and I never get sick of it. You also get so excited about playing hide-n-seek. You are in that fun phase where when you can't see us you assume that we can't see you. So you'll cover your eyes and then you will breath very heavy with excitement over when we will find you.  It is pure joy. And, boy, you are in love with balls. Any and every kind of ball. There are balls in your room and you point them out while we change your diapers. There are some on your sheets and you often point and them and yell, "ball" when you're in your crib. You have learned where we keep the balls in the garage and you are on a mission to get them as soon as we head to the car. You even see balls when I have no idea they are around. We were playing outside and you freaked out and started screaming, "Ball!" "Ball!" "Ball!" I said, "Jonah, there are no balls out here." But, of course, you were looking two doors down and they had a ball in their yard! I can't believe you noticed it! Or we will be at the store and you'll yell ball and I'll look around and someone is wearing a shirt with ball. You're amazing and I can't wait to see your athletic ability develop!

I love you, little man! And I'm so proud of your speech! Oh, and I'm so proud that you have learned how to walk... September 1st you became a walker! Now, you're a walker and a talker. :) Love you, Bubs!

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