Monday, January 16, 2012

Deacon Dugger!

Last Tuesday night, I had the privilege of watching my husband be ordained as a deacon at our church in a ceremony that was both personal and holy. Let me back up a little bit and share the entire story...

Back in September Jason received an e-mail from a staff person at our church wondering if Jason had interest in being nominated to serve as a deacon. My first response was, "you should do it!" but Jason's response was much more hesitant saying that he needed to pray about it. I kept saying, "I think you would really enjoy it" and his response was, "I know I would enjoy it, but I want to make sure that it is what God wants me to do and not just what I want to do." And with that statement I think he summed up the type of man who is called to be a deacon. A true servant leader who walks closely with Christ. Here is the spiritual criteria that is expected of a deacon:

"Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 3:8-13

Jason spent a while praying about it and ultimately felt a peace about it. That was only the beginning of quite a lengthy process. The staff person who nominated him then had to fill out a form on why he would be a good candidate... following that he had to get at least one elder of the church to agree to nominate Jason as well. Once the form was filled out and signed by two people - it went to its first round with the elders. At this meeting all the names of the candidates are read aloud to the elders of the church... at this point, the elders can vote yes or no on the person based on the form filled out on them and their reputation at the church. Each name had to receive an unanimous vote of yes to pass through.  His name was voted  through that meeting and at that point he was "officially" a candidate.

The  following 4 weeks after finding out he was a candidate was filled with meetings and interviews. Jason had a few different meetings where he was able to learn more about the role of a deacon and what would be expected of him. He had to fill out a lengthy application process which asked pretty personal questions regarding his theology, his stance on things such as alcohol and speaking in tongues, his family life, and his sin struggles. After turning in his application he then met with two of the elders who interviewed him based on his application and areas of struggles. I was even brought in once for a meeting where I was told what the responsibilities were of deacons - and their wives. They were very clear in that meeting that if there was sin or any "red flags" in my life that my husband would not be chosen to be a deacon. They even gave examples of times when the husband would be a perfect person for the position, but their wife kept them from being chosen. Yikes! I have to say, it made me take a long hard look at myself wondering if I was truly "trustworthy in everything" which is how the Word describes a deacon's wife.

After the month long "vetting" process, all the names of the candidates were read aloud at an Elders meeting. Again, at this point every name had to get a unanimous vote from the elders in order for him to be approved. We received a call the next day that Jason was voted in! It then went to the congregation for a vote - he was approved by our congregation and he was ordained on 1/10/12 as a deacon!
Jason's name on the ballot for the congregational vote!

To say I'm proud and humbled would be an understatement. I gained such a respect for our church and the process they put people through who are nominated to be a deacon. The qualifications aren't easy and the expectations are great. I also love all the "steps" that are required. It allows the Lord to step in and "stop" any one candidate if needed. Throughout this entire process I was so thankful for the leadership of our church and how careful they are in who they select and how closely they listen to the Lord.

Along with all of that, I am excited for Jason! Seriously, such an honor and I know he is so worthy of it. He would tell you he isn't, but having been married to him for over seven years I see how he lays down his own life each day. He doesn't tolerate sin in his life, but battles his flesh in order to walk in obedience to the Word. He is such a humble man of God - a true servant leader - someone with whom I have the utmost respect. It is special to me to see our church recognize and celebrate the man he is because I've been celebrating it for years now. He is a man who walks closely with the Lord. He loves me faithfully and unconditionally... I never fully grasped the Lord's unconditional love for me until I saw a glimpse of it displayed through my husband! Wow. I also see him teaching our children the ways of the Lord. He talks about the Bible with them and is teaching them how to pray. He is truly a reflection of Jesus to our family and this world.

So, with all that excitement in my heart, we went to his ordination ceremony. I wasn't really sure what to expect. At first it was very low-key and comfortable. One of the elders explained to those who where there all that the candidates had gone through to get there. Then they asked those being ordained (11 total) to step forward. Our senior minister, Dave Stone, had each guy tell a little bit about their family and then he asked them questions about themselves and their area of service. Jason was about the 4th person to go and Dave asked him to explain about his family and then he told everyone how Jason used to help out with the Spanish ministry at our church and then put Jason on the spot to speak fluent Spanish for everyone - which was funny! Dave then explained how Jason had been to Cuba several times, how he was in the Easter Pageant, and led a high school C-group. Then his question for Jason was, "Your children are really close in age. What's that like?" Jason's answer was, "It's crazy. We love it and wouldn't have it any other way, but it is crazy." :)

Deacon Dugger :)

After everyone had introduced themselves and answered the questions, it came time for each man to be ordained. Every elder had one candidate that they stood behind the entire time. When it came time for that one person to be ordained they would kneel while the Elder prayed for them. I was touched with how personal each of the Elder's prayers were for their candidate... clearly these elders had invested in these men and their families. It is humbling to think of our leaders truly praying for our members. I've always known that they do... but to see it played out was remarkable. The elder that was paired up with Jason was our teaching minister, Kyle, and he worded an amazing prayer!
Kyle praying over Jason! 

The whole evening was incredible personal, special, and holy. In that same room, seven years earlier, Jason and I were married and I felt the Lord's presence in such a unique and powerful way on that day. I felt it again during Jason's ordination. Truly, I felt as if I was standing on holy ground. The Lord was dwelling. He was speaking. He was equipping. He was moving. It was an honor to be sitting there watching the Lord at working in the leadership of our church and in the lives of these men. I felt so honored to be Jason's wife. I look forward to watching what the Lord is going to do through Jason.

Our family at Jason's ordination!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you guys and am excited to see how the Lord will use you in this new capacity!!