Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Don't want to forget...

It was a long day in the parenting world, but I was paid today... As I was tucking Havana in bed she said, "mom, I like that you stay home with me when daddy goes to work."

My heart couldn't be happier!


Julie said...

So sweet. Isabella says the opposite all the time...not to be mean, but she is 100% Daddy's girl. She asks for Daddy 30+ times a day. On the other hand, Isaiah always wants me, so I guess it is good I don't have 2 that just want me. That might be overwhelming.

Darby said...

Oh, I know H is much more of a daddy's girl... she would hands down take him home over me... however, I was more blown away by the fact that she thanked me for staying home with her. It warmed my heart. :)