Sunday, October 7, 2012

H getting spiritual! :)

H loves learning about God and recently she has had some profound thoughts!

In the car she randomly asked, "are God and Jesus the same person?" - which led to a conversation about the trinity!

She has been memorizing lots of scripture between her Awana class and our home weekly memory verse! She loves quoting the Bible and it makes my disciplining much easier!

Our verse this last week was, "do everything without complaining and disputing." And I was asking her of she knew what complaining meant an he said, "hm, let me think..." And she was quiet for a few minutes. I asked if she wanted me to help her and she said no. She was quiet for a few more seconds and then said, "like grumpy from Care Bears when oopsie didn't Help with the pillows." She explained a scene from a Care Bears show where grumpy was upset at another bear... I was really proud of her for coming to that example all on her own! She also pointed out that grumpy should pray to Jesus for a happy heart!

Love my big girl!

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