Monday, February 25, 2013

Such a Sweetheart.

Havana has such a tender heart.

This morning I walked into the living room where she was watching a "blue's Clues" episode. She looked upset and I asked her if she was okay. At that moment she burst into tears and told me she was sad because "they" (side table drawer and periwinkle) were feeling left out. I watched the show for a minute and they were...  what a tender heart.

Tonight I let my children watch a new Veggie Tales - new for them an old favorite for me - it was Rack, Shack, and Benny. She was nervous, scared, and upset at the thought of the three guys going into the furnace. She knows the Bible story and so I kept telling her it was just like the Bible where God rescues them, but she was still distressed over it and asked me to hold her. She cried. What a tender heart.

A few days ago she was watching a Barney movie and came into the room crying because the dog couldn't find something... I didn't catch watch she was saying because she was so upset. What a tender heart.

This blog post makes it sound like she watches TV all day long, ha, she does not. These are just some examples I am holding close to my heart as I ponder how tender her heart is. I need to remember that as I parent her. I need to pray that she keeps her empathy. 

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