Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dear Asa...

Dear Asa,

You turned one on January 4th! That same day you spiked your very first fever. You were so pathetic... it broke my heart. Thankfully, it only lasted 48 hours and then you were back to your usual self. I cannot believe you are one. In fact, it has taken me almost a month to write you this letter because I couldn't believe that it was true. Where did the time go?

Your birth was easy and you have lived up to your entrance. You have been my "agreeable Asa"... my only complaints were your reflux and your lack of sleep, but now you're sleeping 13+ hours at night and 4 hours during the day and your reflux has vanished. Guess I have no complaints now. ;)

I am so honored to be your mama. You are one smart boy! I can tell. When we pray, you fold your hands and pray too. At devotions, you know to pat the Bible. You have learned how to spit after watching your older siblings (oh joy!) and you can say/sign:

  • mama
  • dada
  • Tucker 
  • cookie
  • all done
  • more 
  • ba-ba
  • amen 
  • Asa (according to the nursery workers at church... I haven't heard this one)
You are a lighting fast crawler and can dart up the stairs or into the bathroom (to play in the toilet) in record time. You have this guilty laugh that you like to do as you are getting into things you shouldn't. I'm glad for that because it alerts me at times when I am distracted. 

If daddy corrects you, you will cry for mama. But, when I correct you, you cry for daddy. See, you are a super-smart boy. 

You are still agreeable asa, but you are beginning to want to do everything your older siblings are doing. If I tell you that you can't jump on the couch, you will fall to ground and cry. I joke that you are saying things like, "why was I even born" -- but you probably aren't... that is your overdramatic mama talking.

You love to eat anything with your six teeth. You can drink from sippy cups and you eat EVERYTHING that is put in front of you. In fact, Havana has nicknamed you an "eating machine." You're favorite toy is the cozy coupe and whatever jonah is playing with. For Christmas, you didn't want any of the 12 month-old toys we got you, but rather you wanted Jonah's Thomas the train set. You brothers are going to have fun as you get older! 

Your nicknames are:
  • Asa J. 
  • Asa Dude
  • Asa Joash
  • Asa Jaybird
  • Eating Machine 
  • Agreeable Asa 
  • Mama's Baby (that one is just between you and me).
I adore you. I often catch my breath just watching you. I am so glad God has loaned you to me... I pray that you will grow into your name... a boy who loved the Lord all the days of his life! 


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