Saturday, January 18, 2014

Night Time Routine.

I was picking up Jonah's toys the other day and noticed that in his closet toy box was his old glow worm. I picked it up and recalled how it used to sleep with it every night and we would push the button and pat his bottom as the music played. When we pushed it a second time... we would walk out.

Two emotions washed over me at this time. One, when did he get so big... so mature... that his baby night time toys have made their way to a closet toy box? He does still have a deep love for his "buddy" which he has always slept with, but still...

The second was I began to think back over all of our bedtime routines. We change it up every 6-9 months, but how quickly am I starting to forget what we would do. For example, for a while with Jonah, we would recite (my memory) the book barnyard dance while patting his back. We would let him touch his baseball photos and run his cards down his track. Havana, we used to read a story, do snuggles, do butterfly kisses, eskimo kisses, and real kisses. Selah we used to sing "Jesus Loves Me" -- now we have moved away from those, but I wanted to write a few of them down while I could still remember them. Time moving forward is glorious and sad all at the same time. I truly love this season of little children.

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