Sunday, August 14, 2011

For the Love of Our Husbands!

It has been a while since I mentioned my book on this blog... but I wanted to write one quick post on it, more than anything to help me remember all the cool "I spy God" moments that are coming out of this crazy adventure He put me on. Let me first say that I don't type any of this as a way to pat myself on the back or to boast in any way. It isn't me... it is the Lord... which makes all of this so cool for me to sit back and watch.

The last week of June I approved the printed version of my book and at that point it was officially for sale! At first only through myself or the Crossbooks website, but then it was quickly picked up by Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I posted on my facebook page how to purchase it and I was shocked at how many people wanted to buy a copy. I realize that most people are supporting me solely as a friend, but I was still blown away... especially when the people purchasing a copy had been married for many years. I have currently been married (only) 6.5 years, but I wrote the book during my 4th year of marriage. It was hard for me to believe that anything I wrote back then could impact anyone who had been married longer than myself. Yet, the requests and the compliments kept coming in and I continued to be humbled. I ended up making a habit of praying for each book before mailing it off... I prayed for the couple it was going to, I prayed for the Lord to use the words written in there to impact and uplift their marriage no matter how long they have been married. It seemed that all I could do was hand it over to Him.

The Lord was so gracious in allowing me to hear a compliment about how He was answering that prayer. A week or two after giving it to some ladies in my Bible study... one of my friends mentioned the book in our study. She was talking about how she was frustrated with her husband and she went and read the devotion for that week and there were words in there she needed to hear that helped her change her attitude. I have to say it was one of the rare moments when I didn't seem to battle my own pride, but simply thanked the Lord. You see, she has been married longer than I have and the coolest part is that I wrote that devotion two years ago before I had even met her. I thought, "only God could take something I wrote in 2009 and use it in the marriage of someone here in 2011. Only He could orchestrate that." Then some of the ladies in the group were asking about my book and I sat back and watched as three women were explaining my book to them. It was surreal and a blessing.

In the past when I've performed a drama at church, as the compliments came in I would battle with my pride because I knew it was something that I was gifted in... a natural strong suit so to speak. There were times when I actually thought "I" was the reason a drama was so good and not because the Lord was working. I'm certainly not thrilled to share my prideful moments, but they do exist in certain areas. This, however, is not one of those moments. I'm not an author... writing isn't my strength... I'm not the perfect wife, I don't have a perfect marriage... I'm young in both age and marriage... there is nothing in me that is qualified to write a marriage book. Nothing. Which is how I know that when anyone compliments my book... it isn't me... it is the Lord. I'm not always so humble, but in this situation, I have no room for pride because it isn't me. To think that the Lord is accomplishing good through such a broken vessel like me... wow, brings me to tears even now!

Jason and I agreed at the beginning of this adventure that we were publishing this book to be obedient to Him and not for any sort of fame or career goal for myself. We wanted to hand it over to Him and let Him run with it... well, He is running. Someone suggested that we ask the Outlook (a Christian newspaper) to do a story on it. We thought about it and I even started a letter or two, but then ended up deleting the e-mail because it didn't seem right. I didn't want to self-promote. Shortly after I shrugged off the idea of having the Outlook do an article... they contacted me requesting an interview. What?! I wasn't seeking it, I didn't mention it, but through word of mouth they found out about it. I had the interview last week and my simple prayer is that the Lord would say what He wants to say about the book through the article's author.

Around the same time as the Outlook interview, I found out that the Living Word bookstore was willing to carry the book. This is the first time my book has actually hit a bookstore's shelf and not merely available online. I was humbled that the Living Word wanted to carry it. The bookstore manager read the book and said that in lots of way the book is good for single women too because it highlights different prayer points that they can begin praying now for their husbands! When she said that I was humbled and realized that the Lord has bigger plans for this book than I realized! To confirm that thought, there is recent talk of me going on a radio show. I haven't accepted the invitation yet, but am currently praying about it. In the meantime, I'm having fun sitting back and watching Him work!  For someone who never set out to write a book, who never believed I could actually publish a book, and who doubted anyone would purchase it... I am humbled and thankful that He is using and blessing me despite all my inadequacies. Isn't that so like God?!


Flossie said...

That is awesome! I think you have a great attitude about all of this. Thanks for being so transparent about your pride struggles. I think it's natural for us gals to want to do something great. It's nice to see that when we sit back and let God do the work, we can be a part of something even greater than we imagined.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog