Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Leader of the Mutiny...

So my status on facebook today read, "It's official - my children are staging a mutiny! :)" -- and that seemed to ring true all day. Since having three children I have accepted the truth that I can't make everyone happy and that there is a good chance that at least one of the children will be crying at any given moment. That doesn't even phase me anymore. Every once in a while it gets stressful when two of the three are upset, but today... all three were "emotional" all day. Jason was home for a little bit this morning and he even noted that it wasn't a good day... and if you know him... you know he never says things like that. His last words to me before he left for work were, "good luck." I finally had all three down at 10pm and breathed in the silence for a few minutes. I never knew silence could be so.... sweet. :)

All three of my children were clearly not excited about life today, but as I assested the situation I realized that there was a leader to this mutiny. Behold the leader... 
Now, I realize she is little and well, adorable... but she successfully enlisted and rallied two other troops to her cause! In the loud chaos that was my day... I laughed out loud thinking of the leadership skills this little one already has. What mighty plans does the Lord have for her? She is only 5 weeks old and I can already get a glimpse of her personality which I believe is not going to be a passive one. Praying for my little leader tonight - that she sleeps well and that she will learn Philippians 4:12 ("I have learned the secrete of being content in any and every situation..."). I am also praying that as she grows - she will use her strong personality for His glory to reach this lost world! Despite the fact she organized a coup... I wouldn't change a thing - I love each of my babies and their distinctive personalities. I love the gift of life and the chance to be a mommy. I also love the promise that His mercies are new every morning... here's to a better tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Flossie said...

Great attitude. There really is truth in the cliche, "The days can be so long but the years so short." Hope today is better. :)