Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rice Cereal!

Dear Selah,

Yesterday (12/14) we attempted to give you a little rice cereal. I was trying to wait until 6 months, but you're almost 5 months now and recently developed severe "food envy" so I figured why not give it a try. We sat you in your bumbo and you were eager to get started... however... you didn't know what to do with it in your mouth and so out it came! :)
Waiting with anticipation!

First Bite!

And... back out! :)

We then moved you to your swing (so you could sit in a more reclining position) and you did it okay for a spoonful or two, but then you were over it and we didn't push it. Even tonight we didn't try at all. I think we'll give it a few more weeks before we start up again. :)

2nd spoonful - now in her swing.

It's funny!

And... back out. :)

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