Hm, I can't even remember when the last time I updated this blog was, but it has been a while. I keep a running tab on my phone of cute things the kids say, but sadly, I recently lost my list when I got a new phone (the new phone is a good thing, the lost list is the sad part)... so, based on my frantic memory here is an update on cute things the kiddos have said and done recently:
*In the middle of a road trip we stopped at a run down park out in the middle of nowhere - literally, nothing but cornfields around - and Havana exclaims with excitement, "THIS IS THE BEST PARK I'VE EVER SEEN!"
My sweet girl. |
*Jason recently taught her the phrase, "This is going to blow my mind" -- which she says a lot - much to mommy's dismay.
*She tells everybody, every thing. We laugh and wonder what happened to the shy little girl. She will tell people all about our family, her life, and even where we live. Jason and I laugh and say one day she will just tell a stranger, "We aren't home right now, you should go, the back door is unlocked and we keep our valuables upstairs." She never meets a stranger!
*She uses the word, "Yesternight" a lot - which mean any past moment. "Yesternight I watched that show." "Yesternight I played with Daddy." Etc. Jason wants to use that word and write a song by that name. So sweet.
*When playing with her baby doll recently, she pretended it was crying and then said, "What's the matter, baby?" "Need a diaper?" "A snack?" - it was so fun to watch her be maternal.
*We use the phase "kind heart" a lot at our house. We encourage the kids to have kind hearts and point out when their hearts are not kind. We also don't let them watch shows if someone in the show doesn't have a kind heart. The other day Havana sat on my lap with a book and said, "Do you want to read a story about having a really kind heart?" It was so sweet and she made up a story about two dogs sharing. Love it.
*She is really into Bible stories - she still acts out her Bible story every night and always wants to read more from the Bible. We went to a store the other day and she lined up a bunch of the (stuffed) dogs they had there and told me they were in school and she was their teacher and she taught them about Daniel in the Lions Den. She even remembered that Daniel prayed to God three times a day (she did this all while wearing sunglasses). It was beautiful and captured my heart.
*She is also never afraid to sing really loudly. In the store the other day she was belting out, "He's Alive, He's Alive, Jesus is alive." - I always take those moments to pray she will never be ashamed of the Gospel.
*She also asks a lot of questions about God. We were in our backyard and she saw some rocks and she asked, "Why did God put these rocks here?" - not too many days later we were driving and she said, "Why did God put a movie theater right there?"
*Everyone is "her friend" - yesterday she told me her friends were here to play with her. When I asked her who her friends were she said "Mommy, pluto, and my puppy." -- When playing on a playground another little girl was not sharing with her and she came to me crying and said, "Mommy, my friend pushed me out of the car." (we had never met this little girl before). Once a babysitter came over and Havana was the only one awake and she proudly announced that "My friends are sleeping" - she was referring to Jonah and Selah. She does call Jason her "best friend" - which captures my heart.
*A few weeks ago we were rearranging a few things and she was not thrilled about the idea and clearly said, "Jesus would not want you to put anything under Jonah's bed." HA!
*She is in love with Baby Coop (the baby in my belly) and always wants to see it and hug it. She always notes that my belly is getting bigger and asks at least once a day why is baby coop in there. The other day I heard her talking to Selah and I peeked in and she was saying, "Here is baby coop" and she was holding an actual baby. It was very sweet. Then she tried to stuff the baby doll into her shirt. I couldn't help but smile.
*She recently asked me, "Mommy, what time will I be a doctor?" in response to me telling her that daddy was at work.
*At dinner one night this week she said, "Daddy, when I grow up to be a mommy, then can I paint?" (when we told her she couldn't paint right now).
*She started an Awana class one night a week (a year long Bible study for children). She is in the Cubbie's Class and really seems to be liking it. She has a workbook and a vest she has to wear. It is basically a Christian type brownie program as she gets patches for each verse she learns. I'm really proud of how well she is doing and she loves talking about it and doing her homework.
*She has been saying wonderful prayers lately. She thanks God for everything - even things she is said about. What a great spirit. She usually says, "Dear God, Thank you for today..." but one day, after a fun family day at the fair, she said, "Dear God, thank you for this WONDERFUL day..." -- guess that day was very special to her.
*Me: "do you know what happens when you disobey?" (I expected her to say no nighttime story)
H: yes, there are consequences. Something about that big word coming out of her little mouth that makes me chuckle!
*We were talking about Jesus in the desert and I used "the snake" to describe the devil. I told her that he temps her to to disobey- she looks upset and then said, "mama, what time will the snake be here at our house?"
*She is taking things very literally - the other day one of her pillows was about to fall through a crack between the bed and the wall. I mentioned something about it falling through the crack and she looked puzzled and said, "My pillow has a crack?"
*At Holiday World, in July, she had fun riding rides, but sat out with me once when we watched Selah ride a ride by herself. Once it was over, Havana ran up to the attendant and said, "My baby rode that ride all by herself."
*On our drive down to seabrook Island, we had just left our neighborhood (not even to the interstate) and Havana began asking, "Are we there yet?" - it was a long 12 hours. ha.
*At vacation, she would be doing something she wasn't supposed to in her bedroom and she could tell we were coming up and she would dive quickly into her bed (the beauty of video monitors!).
*Jonah is talking up a storm... he will also tell anybody, anything. He loves to recount his favorite part of the day and enjoys asking other people what their favorite part was.
*His new favorite response to me is "Why not?" if I say no...
*He also responds with, "No thank you" all the time. Which is very polite in certain settings and not appropriate in others, (Jonah, please come here so I can change your clothes. "No thank you.")
My handsome man! |
*Jason bought him a 3 dollar clearance shirt which has "Jake" from "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" on it. Jonah, despite having never really watched the show, has fallen in love with this shirt and asks to wear it every day. On the days he does wear it, he points to it all the time and tells everyone about his Jake shirt. He is really proud of it!
*He saw a clip of a TV church service once and I told them they were singing to Jesus. Now, he always asks to watch, "Sing to Jesus Show"
*He loves syrup with his pancakes and recently I looked over and he was drinking the syrup straight from his bowl.
*He isn't always very nice to Selah (something we are working on), but he is really sweet to the baby dolls around our house- feeding them their bottles and laying them down for naps. He has a sweet heart.
*He enjoys peeing in the "big boy potty" but the only time he is faithful about doing it is after bath time. He is so proud of himself and loves it. There was once, though, that he peed in the bathtub - in our bucket that we use to wash the kids hair. Lovely. :)
*The boy is obsessed with clocks - he always points them out and loves looking at them. At our vacation house there was a clock in the kitchen and he became so excited about it that it became a member of our family and he would tell it what he had done all day or what color shirt he was wearing.
*He loves trains, planes, and motorcycles! Such a boy. He also loves the sun and the moon and trying to find them in the sky. He points out every plane in the sky and once it could barely make one out it was so high, but indeed it was there. Even our babysitter noted how many planes he pointed out to her.
*Jonah did get stung by a jellyfish at the beach. It was so sad, he was playing in the water and just started crying hysterically. Jason went to get him and saw the jellyfish and it took about a half hour before he stopped crying- his little foot was all red. It was very sad and yet, he was a brave boy through it all.
*Jonah and Havana are really feeding off of each other these days. They do this thing at dinner where they will talk a long drink of their milk and then say, "Okay, okay, that's enough. That's enough." and then both laugh hysterically. They also sing, "One, two, buckle my stinky shoe." very loudly.
*Selah is walking (began the night before her birthday)
*Selah is talking (dada, mama, all done, downstairs, ball, uh-oh, etc) and signing almost everything... and of course, baby blabbering.
*She has 6 teeth and eats everything!
*In the car she loves to sing along with the music (and it is pretty close to the lyrics!) and loves to dance by rocking back and forth quickly. So cute.
My giggle box! |
*She is a giggle box and is laughing most of the time - if she isn't laughing she is crying - still working on the whole "self control" issue.
*She is great at giving kisses and hugs - especially to her siblings.
*She loves her stuffed animals and baby dolls
*She always sings into the microphone, "Dada" in a very sing-song way.
*She tries to do whatever the older two are doing - no matter what
*She is great at obeying and following through with commands. You can tell her to pick something up, go to the couch, etc. and she will do what you ask her to. What a good little girl.
*She is starting to give us long, flirty blinks when we scold her. Tricky little girl.
*At Holiday Word in July she road her first roller coaster BY HERSELF. She looked so little on there.
*She loved the beach at Seabrook!
Baby Coop:
*Is currently breech (praying that changes)
*And is a boy! We found out via a cake which was, by far, the coolest way we have found out the gender. We loved having the suspense and yet having a controlled environment for the surprise and being able to get the kids involved.
*Before cutting into the cake: Havana thought Coop was a girl, Jonah and I thought boy, and Jason and Selah remained undecided. :)
*Coop recieved HIS first gift from the lady who made our cake - a little blue onesie. So sweet!
I love my family!!!! :)
1 comment:
So fun to read all these updates.
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