Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sweetest Moment

Today the kids were playing out on the deck and I was in the kitchen, but the back door was open so I could hear everything... Havana began calling to God and said this, "God! God! How can I obey?!" "God, God, when will you come back down here riding on a white horse?!" (At this point she saw me watching her) and so she asked me when God was going to come back and when would we hear the trumpet sound! I told her how we don't know and so we should always be ready- she then said she thought she heard a trumpet sound right then.

Over dinner I asked her to tell her Daddy what she was talking to God about- she told him but then said, "But, God didn't answer me." So we talked about how God doesn't always use an audible voice.

She loves The Lord so much! Praying her heart always stays so in touch with Him!!!! I am honored to be her mommy!

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