Friday, November 23, 2012

Wow, I am really pregnant...

Yesterday (Thanksgiving) I was having a horrible case of third trimester morning sickness. I woke up at 1:45am and thought I was going to vomit - thinking it was the dreaded stomach flu I camped out in the bathroom for a few hours - no vomit ever came. I took a zofran around 3am and went back to sleep until 4:30 and then awoke feeling sick and stayed that way until a little after 6. Finally, I feel asleep, but when I woke up at 7:45 the sick to my stomach had returned. It came in waves all day... so for Thanksgiving I ate a little, but not much. I had not eaten all day and just wasn't feeling super great. Today, Friday, I felt fine and was looking forward to leftovers - sadly, we didn't have as many leftovers as I thought. We had some stuffing (which is my favorite) and some meat, but no mashed potatoes, corn, bread, etc. So, what did I do? I broke down and cried. I tried to hide it at first, but Jason finally said, "are you crying?" I said yes. He asked why... I said it was a stupid reason and I'm just pregnant. He asked if I was upset with him and I said no. But I couldn't stop crying. I really wanted all the food and since I didn't really eat much yesterday I felt so sad. Ha. Finally, I pulled it together enough to eat the stuffing and ham and eventually got over it. As my sweet husband was leaving for work this afternoon he gave me a kiss and told me he would try to stop somewhere on his way home (10pm) to buy some mashed potatoes and other sides that I liked. Isn't he the best?! :) Hormones! Ha.

1 comment:

Flossie said...

I had a totally pregnant day on Sunday---and I'm not pregnant!!! Hair didn't look good, couldn't find any clothes that fit right (thank you, breastfeeding), late for church--you name it, I cried about it! And I did the same thing---I tried to hide it all day. ;) I hope your weekend got better.