Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

As I've mentioned before, we don't do Santa at our house and each year Jason and I are more convinced that is the right decision for our family. People have said I am robbing my kids- to which I don't agree...

All day long the kids were jumping up and down yelling that "tomorrow is Jesus' birthday!" In H's prayers tonight she ended it with, "and Merry Christmas, God."

They talk non stop about Jesus and celebrating his birthday! Every time Jonah sees a Santa he calls him Joseph! Ha!

We did take them to Bass Pro Shop the other day and there was a Santa... We let them sit on their lap and when he asked my kids what they wanted for Christmas Havana said a bike and Jonah said bread! Ha- guess he was hungry!

They are all geared up for the birthday party tomorrow... So much so that Havana couldn't fall asleep. She kept asking what time could she get up... How many minutes until morning. I loved watching her get so excited and am certainly expecting an early morning! I love my family and our little traditions!!

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