Sunday, December 16, 2012

Spiritual Little Havana!

My Sweet Havana has a very special relationship with the Lord! I often amazed at what comes out of her mouth. The other day Jonah was throwing a fit and Havana said, "Jonah, when you cry you are not being a peacemaker or doing all things without complaining or disputing." -- she was correcting Jonah with Scripture!

Then, on Friday, we were driving home from the mall and she asked if I wanted to hear about the story she drew. I said sure and she begins to talk about a little girl with a soccer ball who is in heaven and is playing with God. She said that God wanted to play hide-n-seek and that they went down a big slide together. At that moment, I didn't know about the Sandy Hook shooting, but it made me think about Elijah and Jonas and when kids die and I thought about God playing children like games with them. When I found out about the school shooting, I will admit it was a little weird what Havana had drew about, but oh well.

Yesterday one of her toys was broken and I couldn't fix it and so she said, "Mom, what time will God come to our house so he can fix it?" 

I love her sweet faith! She has such a beautiful heart.

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