Friday, July 12, 2013

A New Game

Tonight while we were outside:

Havana, "Do you want to play a new game?"
Me: "Sure, what game?"
Havana: "Jesus Died On the Cross."
Me: "Oh, how do you play that?"
Havana: "Well, I am Jesus and You, Asa, Selah, Jonah, Daddy, and Tucker will be my disciples."
Me: "okay"
(while she is telling me this, she climbs up onto our rock wall, puts her hands up, and "dies" on the cross")

Jason and I walk around asking if anyone has seen Jesus. We finally find "him" hanging on the cross. It was really all I could do to keep a straight face. We talked about how sad we were, but that we knew he had to die so that we could be with Him in heaven. The we burried Jesus.

"Three days later" we walked around and found the tomb empty. Havana, I mean Jesus... Had risen from the dead!

We played that game three times.

Then Jonah pretended to be Zacchaeus up in a tree.

My heart wanted to explode as I thought about how much my children are drawn to the Bible. I pray that these activities plant seeds in their heart that will grow into a deep, vibrant love relationship with their Creator. Our God is such a great God!

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