Friday, July 19, 2013

Selah's 2nd Birthday.

Dear Selah,

Well, today you turned two years old. Sometimes I forget that you are only two because you talk SO MUCH and you insist on doing anything and everything that the older children are doing. You even notice if they get pizza as a slice and yours is cut up. You won't be left behind. ha. But your determination is something that I adore about you. You are adventurous and funny. You are rough and tumble- loving to wrestle and be crazy. You are also very maternal and loving. You enjoy giving kisses and hugs. You could play with your baby dolls forever - chaning their diapers, getting them food, and singing them songs. You are all around wonderful and I am so incredibly blessed to be your mommy.

We began your morning with sweet rolls. As i gave you your plate you said, "For my birthday?" You are aware that today is a special day for you. I hope you know how special you are and how much I love you.

Over the past year you have grown so much - you learned how to walk... you learned how to talk. You have even started going potty on the toilet! You enjoy just about anything: except watching TV. You won't watch a show at all. You would much rather read... you read book after book. Your favorite books are Spot the dog books.... which is why you are having a spot the dog birthday! :)

My prayer for you is for good health (for some reason your health is continually on my heart). I pray that you grow up - always being healthy and strong. I pray that physically, spiritually, and emotionally you are protected by the Lord. I pray that you will be wise, beyond your years, and that you will always strive to make God-honoring choices in Your life. I pray you realize how special you are to your mommy and daddy and that you know that God made you to be the wonderful creation you are. Jesus Christ loves you so much that he willingly died for you so that you can spend eternity with Him. There is nothing more I desire for Your life than for You to come to know Him in such a deep way... I know that is still several years up the road, but I pray what you are hearing now at age two, will plant seeds that will take root and grow into a mature faith. We live in such a morally sad time... yet I know that God can still be at work and that you can still make choices in your life that will keep you in step with His Holy Word. I pray that you never conform to this world!

Over this past year you visited the beach for the first time - which you loved (all except the car ride). You enjoyed Trick-or-Treating as a care bear. Christmas time was fun and you moved into a new room with Havana. You also became a big sister for the first time-- and you are an excellent one. You are so aware of Asa and love to look out for him. I will never forget the time you told me. "Mama, Asa, spill." Which was your way of telling me that Asa had spit up on me.... I didn't even know it, but you were watching and you were aware.

You do a wonderful job singing, dancing, and laughing. You are always a party waiting to happen. You also are becoming a "stinker" in terms of that you know how to look at me when I am correcting you -- you give me this funny little look that makes me laugh. Stinker. ;)

Some of your new funny phrases are:

  • Mama, look at me! 
  • I am talking to daddy (when I respond to you, but you wanted daddy to) 
  • Bye bye milk- I love you (what you say when you put your milk cup in the fridge).
  • You can answer "why" questions with "because..."
  • You also respond to my commands with "why" -- Selah, go sit down. "Why?" (never thought I would have to tell my one year old "because mama said so...") 
  • You love saying "No way." and "Yes way."
  • The other day I told your daddy, "it looks like it is going to rain." and you jumped in and said, "Yeah, I know." 
  • You can sing all the words to "Jesus Loves Me" 
  • I'm pretty sure your favorite number is 8 and your favorite color is blue! Those are always your choices and answers! :)
  • In the car you will always ask me where everyone is and what they are doing. You are also good about calling for my attention and when I give it to you you whisper, "I wanna talk to daddy..." 
  • Throughout all of today you kept saying, "because its my birthday "
What a "special special" you are sweet Selah. We love you soooo much. 


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