Sunday, November 13, 2011

Doctor's Visit

On November 8th Havana had her three year appointment and Jonah had his 18 month visit. In preparation for this visit we read books, role played, and talked a great deal about how it was going to go. Jonah did great - he weighed 27 pounds, 12 ounces and was 33 inches long. He paraded happily around the room, didn't squirm or fight the doctor at all, and was a big boy when getting his shots - he barely cried. What a big boy.

 Havana weighed 33 pounds and was 39 inches tall. She impressed me with a lot of things - especially when standing on the scale and when the doctor was listening to her heartbeat. She sat still and took deep breaths. The doctor was asking her questions to see if she knew her colors and shapes and then she asked Havana what she likes to eat. She started with veggies and then went to fruits. Havana named "Apples and Strawberries" and then Jason said, "What fruit did you eat this morning for breakfast?" (the correct answer was a banana) and without hesitation Havana said, "a pop tart." Ha. Guess she gave away the non-fruit food we had for breakfast. :)

They had to prick her finger in order to draw blood and she didn't like that at all. It is funny, they pricked her finger with a spring loaded needle and she has held onto the sound it makes when the spring releases and she mimics that sound and says, "all done (noise)" or talks about her "boo boo from (noise)" -- she's a funny girl.

Havana, as expected, didn't do well at all with the shots. I felt so sorry for Jason who had to hold her down.  Here's a photo of her poor face after it:

But don't feel too bad for her, in the parking lot here is a video of her recounting her favorite part:
In case you missed that, she said her favorite part was getting a shot! Clearly it wasn't that traumatic. ha. After the doctors office they were rewarded with suckers and a trip to the park! :)

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