Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jonah Man!

Dear Jonah,

You are a treat! Seriously, you are my little man and I am so thankful that I get to be your mommy! How lucky am I! You continue to be a chatter box and you clearly make your opinions known! You also make me laugh every day by the things you do and the things you say!

You're really into a few things these days:

1. You love building towers! You work really hard and get the tower really tall and then, you knock it down! I love to watch your face to see how proud you are of yourself once your tower is built!

2. You remain, as always, into sports - especially basketball. You will yell with excitement at the sight of a ball and it is hard to get you to focus on anything else. The other day we were shopping and you had a ball and kept trying to throw it out of the cart. I would block your throw and once you got past me and exclaimed, "BASKET!!!!" -- :)

3. You enjoy dancing with Havana and playing the guitar with Daddy.

4. You LOVE playing hide-n-seek with mommy.... and you're pretty good at finding me!

5. You are into buckles these days - you want to buckle your own car seat and high chair! I remember when H was in this same phase so it is fun to see you go through the same stages.

6. You enjoy puzzles! You sit for at least 30 minutes a day and do puzzles by yourself. Same for coloring. You're getting very good with both and I rarely have to help you when it comes to either. You're so smart!

7. Speaking of smart, you are on top of it, boy! When we quiz you - you often get about 97% of the questions right and I can see you studying and thinking things out. I bet you're going to be like your daddy - one smart handsome man! 

8. Anything your big sister can do - you're pretty sure you can do too! You've even started helping me out with the laundry (Havana's favorite chore) and with feeding Tucker! What would I do without all your help?!

9. The other day I was giving you a bath and I began thinking about your twin, Jonas. I was thinking what it would be like with another one running around and I wonder if you miss him at all. I miss him, but am so thankful that the Lord blessed us with YOU!!!

10. Your daddy and I often agree that we forget that you are only 1... often times we treat you like you're well over two! You are getting to that nice phase where I can let you walk around more - you stay close to me and usually obey when I ask you to come with me. The zoo and even the grocery are all new experiences for you now that you can walk around them yourself!

11. You're a great little and big brother and I couldn't be more proud!


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