Sunday, February 19, 2012

More funnies!

Goodness, my kids are keeping me busy these days with their comments!

The other day in the car Havana started talking in a really high pitched voice and then she responded to herself in her normal tone with, "Oh yeah, Jonah?!" Then she went back and forth having a conversation with herself where she was pretending to be Jonah too. The funny thing is Jonah does have a rather high pitched voice.

Havana was making a lot of noise one night after I put her to bed. I open the door to find her looking out her window. I said, "no looking out the window" and she responds with, "I'm just trying to find the moon." -- I wonder how long she spends trying to find the moon out of her window every night. Ah, the simple joys of toddler-hood.

Her new classic answer is "I don't think so" -- I'll ask her if she wants a drink or wants to play a certain game and instead of no it is, "I don't think so..."

As I was changing her diaper today she randomly said, "mama, you remember that I love you, right?" My heart melted.

She has been engaging Jonah more in conversation asking him what his favorite part of our day was or asking him what show he wants to watch (she says, "Jonah, what show can you watch" despite us correcting her word choice). She also tries to play with him. Today after lunch she asked him to play basketball with her-- he dropped what he was doing and yelled "yes" as he ran into the play room after her. 

Jonah is a crazy man these days -- insisting to do everything Havana does and throwing a fit if I tell him  he can't do something. I bought him a new stuffed animal the other day - it's a little white dog - but he named it "bunny" -- so we've got a dog named bunny in this house!

Selah today began laughing hysterically at Havana and Jonah as they were shaking their heads at the kitchen table. It was the sweetest thing to see all three children interacting! I am so blessed!

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