Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blue Skadoo!

Dear Havana,

Your heart is so innocent... so pure... and your daddy and I love that about you. We are committed to protecting and shielding you from the harsh world for as long as possible. An example of your sweet heart came the other day... you love the book "Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy" and we read it often. The other day when you were reading it with your daddy - you stopped at a certain page and said, "I know, I have an idea." And with that you grabbed the book and took in into the other room. You were doing something that looked like a dance and so your daddy assumed you were finished reading the book and he went to check on Selah.

A few minutes later you bring the book back to daddy and said, "Daddy, help you please?" (that is your way of asking for help). You then put the book down, you sang a little song and dance and then you jumped onto the book. You closed your eyes, opened them and then looked around. Then you said, "Daddy, help you please? It's not working."

It took your daddy a minute, but then he realized you were trying to "Skadoo" into the book. On the show Blue's Clues Steve and Blue will enter story books by singing the song, "Blue Skadoo we can too" and doing a little dance and jump and they enter the book. You were honestly trying and were sad when it didn't work out. What a precious and pure heart!

You are also an amazing sister. You often go up and smile at Selah and talk sweetly to her. The other day I overheard you and Jonah and you said,
you: Jonah, can I snuggle you?
Jonah: no
you: Jonah, can I kiss you?
Jonah: no
you: Jonah, can I hug you?
Jonah: no
you: Jonah, want to play with me?
Jonah: Yeah!

You love to play games with the whole family! You had us all being "Wonder Pets" the other day. You were Lenny, Jonah was Tuck, and Selah was Ming Ming... but that wasn't enough. You told me that I was teh fly boat and daddy was the sail. I laid down and had you ride on me and then you kept asking where the "Sail" was-- I said, "I think the Sail is outside pulling weeds" and you said, "No, the sail is grilling food." Ha! (your daddy was grilling out some food!). You even had Pluto being a pirate. I love watching you play and imagine. What a great girl you are. I love you so much!

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