Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jason's Birthday

Today is Jason's 36th Birthday. Sadly, he had to work, but we spent the morning together as a family. I surprised Jason and bought him a hammock for his birthday. This past month, when the weather has been nice, he will make comment such as, "today would be a wonderful day to lay in a hammock" and so I figured he needed a space that was just his in this house where we are all loud and demand his attention. I wanted to give him something he could go do. He was excited and grateful! Now we just need for the weather to warm up a little so he can use it. :)

Jason is the most incredible man I know and I am so lucky and honored to be his wife. He is the most excellent and sacrificial daddy, he is an incredible provider, and my very best friend. He has so much patients and grace with me and I really don't know how he does it all so well. He's a wonderful doctor who has the respect of his co-workers. His love for the Lord is inspiring and His knowledge of the Word leaves me breathless. He is such an example of unconditional love and shows me so much of Jesus on a daily basis. Really, you can't get much better than Jason Dugger -- so here is a very loud birthday shout out to my amazing husband!!!


Flossie said...

I had totally fallen behind on your blog! I'm not getting notifications of your new posts, and I just figured with 3 little ones you weren't really blogging anymore. And I could totally understand why. :) I've spent some time this morning getting caught up.

Kudos on the monthly date idea. I might have to come up with something like this for our anniversary. Dates are hard for us. We've had MULTIPLE conversations about how we know it's good for our marriage, but we just have a hard time taking that step. I'm like Jason--I don't remember my parents ever dating. Shawn grew up in a single-parent home so he's not really familiar with it either. Again--we know it's important and beneficial, it's just hard to trust someone else with your little VIP(s).

Darby said...

Hey! I just sent you a super long e-mail :) -- I think with my blog being "private" you didn't receive the notifications, but I changed it back to public because many people were saying they couldn't sign in...

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Jason!