Sunday, May 20, 2012

10 months old!

Today selah turned 10 months old! She is such a big girl who loves to laugh and clap her hands. She is eating all sorts of table food including cookies and other sweets!

She is a chatter box who says a lot of "na na" and "la la" with an occasional "mama and dada"- she can point to what she wants, wave goodbye and sign more, all done, drink, and daddy.

She thinks she can do whatever H and J do... Which leads her to be more physically advanced than my other two (she is already climbing up stairs), but it also leaves her frustrated at times!

She loves being outside and could swing for hours. Right now as I'm typing this she is banging race cars together and enjoying those brief moments when she is awake while the others are asleep.

I love my ten month old.

1 comment:

The Roberts Family said...

She is just too cute Darby! But so are all your kiddos :) Love keeping up with you on here!!