Friday, May 4, 2012

Chow wagon!

We had the most wonderful day last Wednesday. It started with jason and I meeting with one of our most favorite people in the world. The minister who married us is incredibly special to our family... I could seriously write a blog post on him and his family and how much they mean to us. Perhaps I will. :)

Anyway, Jason and I sat down with him and talked and laughed (and I cried) and prayed. It was a special time for us and a great way to start my day. Then I went from there to Bible study- super great day. On the way home from church we stopped by the Chow Wagon for the Derby festival. I have never been to the chow wagon before and anywhere there is fair food  I am happy!

The kids LOVED it. They ate gyros and a funnel cake (even selah was in on the cake action) and went down the fun slide! It was a perfect afternoon! I'm so thankful for this crazy season we are in right now.

1 comment:

The Roberts Family said...

your kids are absolutely ADORABLE Darby!!! I love being able to read what's going on in your life :)