Thursday, May 3, 2012

2nd Birthday...

Dear Jonah,

It is after midnight on May 3rd which makes it officially your 2nd birthday. You are sleeping away in your crib and I have tears streaming down my face thinking about a quote I heard in a movie once. Johnny Depp says in Finding Neverland, "Don't ever rush in putting boys to bed because they will be older when they wake up." So very true.

To say I love you is an understatement. You capture my heart in all you say and do. I am so proud to be your mother and I am so excited to see how the Lord will call you into His service. You are going to be a mighty man of God and it is an honor to be your mom. To be able to kiss you every morning, to do puzzles with you every day, to run and dance and sing with you. It is an honor to watch you breath and eat and comb your hair. It makes my heart flip to hear you talking to your sisters and it keeps me on my knees fighting for you in prayer.

You are such a smart boy - spelling and reading and singing. You can count to thirteen flawlessly now and you know all of your colors. Your vocab is off the charts and you should win an award for being able to play by yourself so well. I love reading you stories and doing your race cars at night. I love how you point out every cell tower and flag that you see as we drive along the road. I love your laugh. I love your little high pitched voice. I love your blonde curly hair. I love your big cheeks and your legs. I love your "do it by myself" attitude. I love that you always want to help me and as you take the clothes out of the dryer and put them in all the wrong rooms (hey it is your heart and you are trying to help) you will say to yourself "Thank you." To which I follow up with my own "thank you."

Jonah, my wish for you is that you grow to love the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart. That is it. I have no other wish. If you love the Lord with all your heart it will pour over into every relationship and decision that you make. It will keep you pure before marriage and faithful after marriage. It will keep you on your knees as you seek daily direction. It will find purpose and comfort in the midst of trials and loss. It will teach you that His grace is sufficient. It will keep you humble. It will keep you on the narrow path. Love the Lord, my son, love Him... trust Him... know that the Bible isn't outdated or full of hate speech (I honestly don't know where people get that)... it is alive and active. It is not only a guide, but a wellspring of wisdom and guidance. Go to God first, my boy, and keep Him the number one priority in your life. Use your gifts to serve Him and may your entire life be dedicated to worshiping him!

I love you, Jonah Abraham! I think you are the cutest, smartest, most amazing son a mommy could pray for. You are here for a purpose and I can't wait to see what God will do next in your life.

I love you!
Your Mommy

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