Monday, May 28, 2012

Oh, Vana!

Dear Havana,

You do such a great job staying in your room in the mornings until daddy or I come to get you. Sometimes you talk or sing, but this morning I didn't hear you until close to 9am and you were yelling pretty loudly, "Mommy, Daddy, I miss you guys soooo much!" It made me smile as I got you up this morning. What a sweet girl you are. You've been awesome lately sharing your toys and playing with Jonah. You have even been gentle to Selah and read her some books.

You are learning how to actually read. You can sound out some words and I always scream with delight when you've figured it out. You are also very into learning how to tell time, but you always ask "What Number is It?" Instead of "What time is it?" We're still working on that. Once I tell you the time your next response is usually, "Do you remember why it is?" To which I don't know what you are asking so i usually explain that that is just where the sun is in the sky. :)

You also always want to be "mama's big helper" and you help me clean, cook, and pick up. You like to role of "big helper" and take a lot of pride in your work. It makes my heart sing to see you becoming such an amazing young girl! I love you!

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