Tuesday, July 13, 2010

If it isn't one thing... it is another...

The title of this post came from the fact that today our air condition went out. It was 86 degrees outside and right now it is 82 degrees inside. I guess I am a little thankful that this happened now and not a few weeks ago when it was 100 degrees by 10am, but still... our upstairs is a sauna. Our dog can't even sit up there without panting and yet that is where the kiddos sleep. Poor children. We gave H a cool bath and have her fan turned on high, so hopefully that will keep her cool enough through the night. We have already placed a call into our home warranty people and have a message with a service provider to come out and check things out, but who knows when they will come. Guess we'll have to find out of the house activities to do tomorrow. Owning a home is fun like that - we recently just had to fix our fridge because it wasn't working - and we have some pipes that are leaking. This home was built is 2003 and is pretty decent quality... so all these "issues" are a little frustrating, but I'm just thankful to own this home... it is isn't one thing, it is another.

The past few days I was feeling really run down - almost as if I was running on fumes. It didn't seem to matter how much sleep I got, when I had to wake up, I was dragging. I was barely able to function is seemed. Then I realized I was getting sick. Not in a contagious sort of way, but from a nursing infection. Mastitis, I had it with Havana and so I knew the warning signs... I've now been on antibiotics for 48 hours and feeling like a new woman! But Sunday and Monday were a little rough for me. Between the infection and gall stones (which are getting worse and not better...) I have come to the conclusion that I can't deny that I'm getting older. To which Jason responds, "I'm 34... talk to me when you are 34." :) Guess he'll have to wait 7 years for that. ;)

Jason doesn't really enjoy our age difference... I love it. Well, I love teasing him about it. Sometimes we will hear a song on the radio and I'll say, "oh, I loved this song when i was in fifth grade. I bet you danced to it at your senior prom!" :) Once we were out with friends and we were trying to make the point that if we had known each other in high school we would not have liked each other (more or less been attracted to each other). Yet our wording of that point came out in, "Jason would not have liked me in high school" to which our friend exclaimed, "Good, because it would have been illegal." :) Once when we were dating he used the wrong choice of words when he said that our age difference wasn't ideal. At the time, my feelings were very hurt, I asked him if I wasn't ideal. Was he just dating me until the "ideal" girl came along. He thought I was overreacting (me, never! :). So, now that is our inside joke... we'll say other's age differences aren't ideal like ours are. It makes us both laugh!

We love laughing and we were able to do a lot of laughing on our date Monday night! That's right... Jason and I went out on a date! That was the first date since Jonah had been born and I had been looking forward to it for weeks. I bought a new outfit and even put in a new nose ring. :) There was a slight hitch in our plans... we tried to give Jonah a bottle Sunday night and he wouldn't take it. He couldn't latch on! Oh no... we never had this problem with havana....

I was all of a sudden filled with anxiety. I'm pretty much prone to overreacting and I'm an "all or none" kind of girl. So, I started thinking I would NEVER be able to leave Jonah for the next year... that he would never take a bottle... then how could we go on our date without taking him with us... and if we took him with us it didn't really count as a date. Sometimes I amaze myself with how quickly my mind jumps to the worst case scenario. I'm glad Jason loves that about me. :)

Anyway, Monday I took Havana to the Science Museum again to meet some friends and Jonah stayed home with Jason. I was home again in time to feed him, so we didn't have to worry about trying a bottle again. Once I was home, I started getting really negative. Not towards any one person, but just a combination of disappointment from knowing I would have to take Jonah with us and feeling so badly that I didn't have any energy to clean the house up like I wanted to. I even considered canceling the babysitters, but Jason thought we should still go out. So we did... and it was great. Okay, maybe not the best date of my life, but nice to get away. My friends watched havana and they love her and she loves them! It was nice to get a text from them shortly after we left that said, "no offense, but she hasn't even noticed you are gone." That was nice. I also loved how one of my friends spoke truth into my life as I was telling her my struggle of taking Jonah with us... She said, "This isn't the last date of your life." So wise. So true! :)

We went and grabbed some dinner and then went to see the movie "Eclipse" -- which was good. Certainly it doesn't compare to the book, but it was still nice to see it on screen. I really don't like any of the actors who play the characters in the movie because I had them all pictured in my head in such different ways, but I think if you are a true fan of the books; then there has to be a small part of you that likes the movies. Anyway, I love that Jason loves me enough to take me to see that movie. He took me to see Twilight too - which we took Havana too (her first movie), so it was somewhat fitting that Eclipse was Jonah's first movie too. :)I ended up seeing New Moon in the theater with friends, but a couple of weeks ago Jason rented that one for us to watch together so that he would be caught up and ready for the third movie since he never read the books.

It went pretty well, there was a time or two Jason had to take Jonah out of the movie, but for the most part we were able to watch it together. Jason let me blabber on and on about the characters or what they left out of the movie that I felt was important, etc. It has been fun for me to be able to talk about the story with Jason now that he knows a little more of it than when I was reading the books. Anyway, after the movie was over we got some ice cream and ate it outside since it was a beautiful summer night. Overall, it was very nice to get away and now we're going to try and get Jonah to take a bottle so we can leave him next time too! Good thing a 10 week old baby doesn't really limit quality conversation like a 20 month old does.

Overall, I'm grateful that we didn't cancel our babysitters and can't wait until our next date. I already know where I'm going to take Jason for dinner that night, but I won't tell him yet - it will be a surprise. Jason and I like to say that we are "King" or "Queen" of Surprises and so we always try and plan special things for the other one so that we can have the reigning title of "King" or "Queen" of Surprises. To be honest, I think Jason truly has the title... I'm in a mere 2nd place, but I don't let him know I believe that way and still argue that I'm the "Queen" and he is in 2nd place. :)

Today, Tuesday, has been a good day. Jason and I woke up a little after nine which was before either child had gotten up. So spent about 45 minutes this morning to ourselves which hasn't happened since before Havana was born. It was actually very nice. We ended up waking up the children around 10am to get them ready for the day. My parents came over for a few hours which was a very nice visit. Havana was all charms for them! After they left, the children took good naps, and then we took a family trip to the grocery store. I'm so thankful to have a husband who pushes the kids around while I get all the food. Towards the end, H was getting a little bored, so I let her get out and walk the aisles with me. We called up and down the aisles for our food - "Tomatoes, where are you?" I'm sure no one else thought it was fun, but I did. I found that H was doing a very good job staying close to me which is something we've been working on her with.

As we were checking out, H saw a small box of goldfish crackers close to the check out line. She got them and then ran in front of the cart to put them up by the cash register. I laughed so hard and then was somewhat amazed that she was aware of how the system works. I have never explained to her the workings of the grocery store, but it just goes to show they really observe everything. I found her actions to be very funny, but I had to tell her no because she kept wanting to run from the back of the cart to the front, putting things on the conveyor belt. I figured no one else would appreciate he cuteness except for me, so I told her she was smart, but had to sit back in the cart! And yes, that rhymed.

Good day, but now a hot night...

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