Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The past few days have been much better than Monday! Yesterday was a fairly low key day... Jason had to work and I stayed home with the kiddos. We just played. I had to do room time with Havana by myself. That was rough. I told her while we were downstairs in the playroom that we needed to head upstairs and have Room Time. That's all I said and she started crying. Once I got her upstairs she tried to hide in our room. Talk about ripping my heart out. So, I get her room set up with music and her special toys and then go and get her out of our room. She is crying and so I place her on my lap and say, "Let's talk about this..." I explain to her that she is having room time as a chance to play in her room by herself. It is not because I am mad at her or do not love her. I point out how Jonah is also having room time.

I got very sad in that moment thinking that she couldn't really talk back to me. How trapped must she feel? She can't express herself. I would like to know why it is so upsetting to her so I can talk it over with her, but since I don't know, I just have to guess. Poor little girl.

She did the usual during room time - crying, screaming, throwing all her toys over the gate. I think her throwing things over the gate is her way of saying, "I want to play with these toys... but over there." I made her stay in for 10 minutes and then I went to go get her. It made me sad, but it had to be done.

Today's room time went a little bit better. I was doing her hair in the bathroom and told her that we were about to do room time. She started crying, but couldn't really run anywhere since she was sitting in the sink. I take her to her room where Jason was setting it up and then we left. She still cried the whole time, but it wasn't so much an abandonment cry as much as it was just her expressing her dislike of the situation. A cry that is much easier to listen to that her previous cries during room time. So, even though she cried the full 10 minutes, I still viewed it as a success!

This afternoon I was putting away clean close in Jonah's room and Havana was playing in his room too! I look over and she had put all the clean bibs around her neck. She looked very funny. When I told her it was time to go downstairs she took them all off one at a time. I swear she makes me smile just by breathing!

After the kiddos woke up from their afternoon naps, I was going stir crazy so I packed them up and we went to the zoo. For some reason, I didn't realize how hot it was until we were walking around the zoo. Ugh. So Hot. We only did about half to zoo before I decided we had to leave for Jonah's sake. However, it was not very crowded and so Havana was able to play on the playground for a while and then we got to visit the gorillas. They were very close to the glass eating their food and whenever they dropped their food on the floor Havana would go, "Uh-Oh" -- very cute.

On the way home we stopped at the bank. I walk in with my two children and the bank teller is admiring them both. When she inquires about Jonah's age, she was amazed he was only 11 weeks old. Her guess would have been 5 months old (we get that a lot). She then proceeds to tell me that she thinks it is formula today that causes such big babies. He would not be that big if I nursed him. I politely told her that I only nursed him! Ha. He'll probably loose weight once I start him on cereal! :)

We got home this evening and we took Tucker out for a while in our yard. We are on week two of our invisible fence and I was very proud of him. Two of my neighbors came out to talk and Tucker stayed in his yard the entire time! He's so smart! Then I made dinner while Havana played at my feet! On nights Jason is home I always go with easy foods for dinner... tonight was Mac & Cheese with Broccoli. Both Havana and I scarfed it down. :)

I was thinking tonight about how impressed I am with Havana's obedience. Don't get me wrong, she still does things she isn't supposed to and sometimes she doesn't do what I ask the first time I ask it (which we are working on first time obedience), but overall, she really is a good girl. I've taught her that if she is done with her food, she gives it to me instead of throwing it on the floor. So tonight I had to laugh when she handed me every individual Mac&Cheese noodle that was left on her tray. Jonah was his same content little self today. He truly has captured my heart with his "whatever" attitude! He's a great sleeper, eater, and boy! I love his sweet snuggles!

I have a phone consult with a man from Crossbooks, the publishing company I'm working with. I'm very excited, but trying to get all my questions together tonight over which publishing package I'm going to go with. I'm very excited about this project and excited to see where God leads this ministry...

This post seems pretty boring to me, but hey, not every day can be full of so many adventures such as leaking showers and extensive water damage! Perhaps tomorrow will bring some more interesting stories... until then, goodnight!


Madonna said...

I laughed out loud with that lady's assumption.

On another note: I am no expert by any means, but with room time did you start it where she was in the same room as you, but had to stay on a blanket and play with a certain toy? Does she just not want to be away from you? Or does she not do well playing by herself? Was she always this way (before Jonah) or is this a new development (after Jonah)?

Let me know I can pray for specifics?

Darby said...

Thanks for the prayers! Oh we need them.

This is nothing new, havana has had severe separation anxiety since she was three months old. She never let anyone else hold her. She is almost 21 months and has only remained in the church nursery three sunday's her entire life. So, I think her biggest fear is not being with us. She will play by herself if we are in the room and she has "mat time" everyday where she has to sit on the mat and play with a toy we choose, but we've never challenged her to play by herself. Until now...

Madonna said...

Poor thing. I will definitely pray for her separation anxiety.