Saturday, July 24, 2010

Room Time Breakthrough!!!!

Okay, so I am writing this during the kid's roomtime! Havana is NOT crying!!!! She is still throwing her toys over the gate, but she is NOT CRYING. She teared up a little bit when she saw what was happening, but I kept telling her it would be okay and that I loved her and she hasn't cried once since I walked away. She is only on minute 4, so tears might still come, but I'm so thrilled that she isn't crying!!!!! Today is the week mark - she has had 10 minutes of room time every day for a week now and this is her first time not to completely melt down. Yay! Praise God! Thank you guys for your prayers for her! I'm going to make her stay in there 12 minutes today, in hopes that it can be 15 minutes by the end of the week. But, perhaps I am being a little too optimistic. :) Now we'll see if this has helped her tonight when it comes time to put her in the nursery at church!

In other news, our house... seriously... last night we realized that our irrigation system must have a busted pipe because we were leaking gallons of water all through our yard and down the street. Jason was very disappointed. It seems like every week something, of major expense, goes out in our house. Jason said that while he doesn't regret buying the house... he thinks we will build our next house so we know the quality of the home we are getting and we can have a say in it. Last night I realized that we never really prayed over the house. Sure, we thanked God for it, but we never really prayed for His protection and blessing on it and we didn't bind Satan from it. I'm not saying all the problems came from this, but it really does help... so... I prayed over it last night and when Jason comes homes this afternoon we're going to pray for it together. Isn't prayer amazing?!

Quick update on the book... I submitted it yesterday, July 23rd. It is now undergoing theology review which they say will take 1-2 weeks. Once that is finished, it will move to the editing services. It is officially in God's hands now. I'm nervous, but at the same time excited.

I will write more later, but for now I must go get my daughter... who has been in her room for 12 minutes with NO CRYING! Yay!

1 comment:

Heather Jones said...

Praise the Lord for Havana's BIG achievement! :) Will also be praying for God's protection over your home Darby. Maybe we'll see you at church tonight dropping off our kiddos in the nursery!