Thursday, July 22, 2010

Well, that was a first...

Tonight I made Havana laugh so hard that she puked! That's never happened before. I was reading her a story and doing some funny sound effects that made H laugh really hard. She asked for me to read the book again and so I did, knowing what part she really liked, and so I was sure to ham it up. But then I looked at her and there was puke on her shirt, coming out of her mouth, and a sour look on her face. Yuck! But so funny. Needless to say, we had to hop right in the bath to get her all cleaned up before bed. I tried not to make her laugh so much after that. :)

Well, my phone meeting for my book went well tonight. I ended up purchasing a publishing package! It's final... my book is underway. I'm extremely excited and terrified all at the same time. Tomorrow I am submitting my draft to the company. Since it is division of Lifeway, it has to undergo a theology review to make sure that it is Biblically sound and a content review to make sure my sources are cited properly. After that the editing process begins. They are hoping for it to be available for purchase by November and on the shelves of stores by late December/early January. We'll see what God has in store!

I am very grateful to Jason who is helping support me in this dream. I'm always full of big dreams... I want to be vice president, an actress, and now an author. He's so supportive. He always laughs that I am an "All or None" type person. "Go Big or Go Home." It's true... but I know to him my dreams might be out of reach, but he supports me anyway. I love him! As he was leaving for work he kept calling me "author Dugger" saying he was my biggest fan, wanting to know if I would autograph his book, etc. He's so sweet.

Room time went as expected today. She still cried the whole time. Poor girl. Maybe one day she'll actually play with the toys instead of throwing them over the gate. Back at it again tomorrow.

Speech Therapy went very, very well today! I was so proud of my baby girl. She literally sat down and focused the entire time! Normally we have to keep changing what toy we play with or what room we are in, but not this time. She was very focused and tried to speak every sound that Elizabeth asked her to say. I was so proud! She did many new signs too including "mouse" "green" and "wait."

Jonah has a cd that he listens to at night and one of the verses says, "A God given gift is wrapped up in you, you show more of Him than I'll ever teach you." How true! My children show me more of God than I'll ever teach them! Life is such a miracle and blessing. I pray daily my kids know and love Jesus as they grow up in this harsh world!

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