Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th. FAIL.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything that could possibly goes wrong... does! One of those days where you either want to push the "reset" button and start the day over or just push fast forward and get the day over with? Well, that was my day.

Havana woke up earlier than normal this morning which really had her struggling for self control all day. We didn't attempt room time with her until 11:30 and by then, she was already rubbing her eyes. Perhaps that is why it went so poorly. The minute she saw us getting out the gate; she began screaming and crying. It was very much like what she does the minute we walk into church. She knows what is coming. We still put the gate up, set her toys out, push play on her cd player, and walked away saying the same key phrases of "room time" "we'll be right back" and "we love you."

To say it didn't go well would be an understatement. It was horrible. She immediately threw all her toys over the gate while crying to the point of choking. It was so incredibly hard to listen to. After about 2 minutes Jason said, "Let's pray for her." And so we did...during which I cried too. We prayed for Havana to feel the Lord in her room with her, that he would calm her heart, give her peace, reassure her of our love. I wish I could say that she stopped crying immediately, but she didn't. She continued to peer over the gate screaming at the top of her lungs. We made her stay in there the entire 10 minutes. We need to do it everyday... just like when we sleep trained her...

When we went in to get her she was a mess. It took a long time for her to come down and she was practically glued to Jason. You couldn't peel her off of him for anything. Poor, poor girl. That was incredibly sad for both Jason and myself. However, I am pleased to announce that Jonah did great at room time. As soon as I turned on his little mobile he broke out into a huge smile and sat perfectly for 10 minutes in his crib.

As the day progressed, it continued to get worse. We had some plumbers come out this afternoon to evaluate a leak we noticed in the house yesterday. We were hoping it was just a loose pipe. Nope! Apparently the shower in our master bathroom wasn't installed correctly and has a leak that has dripped water all throughout the walls and ceiling of our first floor. The men said that the leak had been there for a while and that the home inspectors should have caught it. They also said our piping was not really up to code! So, now we have two holes in the drywall of our first floor, our entry way walls are streaked with water runs and it has reached the front door causing the doorway to bend. Their solutions: rip out everything in our master bathroom (tile and everything) and start over. Then repair the water damage downstairs. They even suggested calling the health department because while they didn't see any mold... there very well might be some.

I can't tell you how sick to our stomachs that made us feel. We still love our house, love the back yard, love the location, etc. But we were under the impression that this was a nice neighborhood and a good quality home. This is coming from the price of the homes sold in the neighborhood, etc. Our house is only 7 years old...

I am a little frustrated with the home inspectors... I noticed the water spots when we moved in and yet they never reported them in their report. They should have reported them and they should have investigated or at least given us a heads up that they were there. No one was living in the house when we bought it so they didn't appear between the time of the inspection and the time of closing. We have calls into them, the realtor, and our home warranty people. When we moved in the fridge wasn't working, then the air conditioning went out, and now we have to redo the entire front of our house. Seriously?!

The news was depressing. Don't get me wrong - we still love our house and the location, but I don't think we would have bought the house at the price we did if we had known about the water damage. Perhaps we would have gone with another house in the neighborhood... who knows. I still love our house, and in some ways I'm very excited about remodeling our bathroom, something we had mentioned doing a few years up the road... but still! Can we say frustrating.

Jason and I were both disappointed. It is hard not to take that frustration out on each other, but we were very united. In front of him I try to be very positive - saying I know it is a disappointment, but that it will be okay. I also try to be a safe ear for his venting. But it sort of cast a gray cloud over the entire day.

I was telling Jason that while I don't want to be selfish in this matter; I am a little sad because the money we will spend redoing our bathroom will cut into the savings we had to publish my book. Publishing the books isn't anywhere near the top of the priority list, but it is a desire of mine. Jason says that is not necessarily the case, but I honestly couldn't allow us to pay for the book while knowing the expense that this whole home repair is going to cost. Oh, home ownership... :)I am thankful for a roof over our heads and the fact we have other bathrooms we can use in the meantime while ours is out of commission.

While we were giving Havana a bath times tonight, she pooped in the tub! That is one of my least favorite things ever because of how gross it is, how gross it make the tub, and the fact I have to clean it up, clean the tub, and clean all her toys. But it was keeping in stride with the bad day.

As we were doing family devotions tonight, Havana snuggled up to me and her hair pulled out my nose ring. This has never happened. Ever. But it happened tonight. I find the nose ring and put it in my pocket. We tuck Havana in and close the door and once outside her room I look for the nose ring. Can't find it! Jason and I search through my pockets and the floors in the hallway. No where. It had to be in Havana's room still. We didn't want her to find it in the AM and swallow it and we had to make sure it wasn't in the crib... so we open her room door, turn on the lights, waking her up, and search. We did find it, but by then Havana was so thrown off that it made her going back to sleep a little difficult. She had a rough day waking up so early, being woken up from her nap time early because of the plumbers, and now we disturbed her sleep. Poor girl!

So, I'm ready for today to be over and we'll try it all again tomorrow, but before I go to bed... must finish cleaning the bath toys...

1 comment:

Madonna said...

Oh girl, sorry you had such a rough day. Saying a little prayer for a much better one tomorrow!