The online journal of our family! (Formerly "All Because Two People Fell in Love...").
Saturday, December 28, 2013
9th Anniversary
Jason and I celebrated our 9th anniversary a couple of weeks ago! We splurged on a babysitter and spent a night in a hotel! It was wonderful! I am so blessed to be married to Jason! He truly is amazing! It felt incredible to sleep through the night and sleep in the next day! The children all did fine and enjoyed their time with miss erin! Here are some photos!
Monday, December 9, 2013
It's been forever... again
A big "thank you" to anyone who still reads this blog. Between no longer having a Facebook account to post photos and not writing frequently... I am not sure who might still be out there reading these words. But... I write more for my own memories anyway. ;)
As the Christmas cards are rolling in... I wanted to make sure I took some time to type out memories and updates about our children. These days are flying by... my memory is failing as I try to keep up with all the sweet and funny moments... I don't want to miss this sacred time.
This fall has been a blur! I began teaching a class at our church for moms. We are going through the book Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson so each week I was responsible for coming up with a 20 minute talk! I have loved this opportunity!
The kids have enjoyed their class that they go to while I teach and then they also are still going to their Awana class on Wednesday nights. That has been keeping our weeks busy, but also sickly. The children have been so sick this fall. Okay, to rephrase, the younger two have been sick! The older two have remained healthy except the occasional runny nose. Selah and Asa have both had the stomach flu twice. The first time it lasted 8 days for Selah and 4 for Asa. The second time it was 5 days for both. Ugh. I hate vomit and grow incredibly anxious.... so it was a learning time for me.
In August we took a short vacation to Columbus, OH where we visited with friends and went to the AMAZING zoo. In October, we celebrated Havana's 5th birthday, trick-or-treated at the zoo and in our neighborhood, and took a family overnight trip to a hotel in French Lick, Indiana that had an indoor water park. Last month we enjoyed a fun Thanksgiving and now we are in the midst of Advent season. I created an advent calendar for us as family and one for Jason. This has added so much anticipation, celebration, and intentionality to celebrating Jesus' birthday.
Here's a recap of each kiddo:
She has told me that she has God in her heart. She told me that she said a prayer that went like this, "Dear God, Please come live in my heart so that I don't disobey anymore. I love you, Jesus, amen." Now she is telling me she wants to be baptized. She has always had such a strong faith... her prayer life is beautiful... it is so fun to watch her love the Word of God! She is one amazing little girl.
She is doing a lot of things on her own now: getting dressed, combing her hair, and spreading her own PB for her sandwich. She thinks she is "big stuff" now that she is five... so we occasionally have to remind her that she isn't in charge. Like today, when she told selah that once she is six she will be in charge. ha. She is geared up for school and can't wait to start next year. We still don't know where she will go, but she loves the idea of school. She is reading ready and beginning to sound out words that she sees. Her sight word list is huge now. She loves to play hang-man and practice her sight words by that.
Havana's favorite color is blue, she loves any type of dessert or breakfast food, and she doesn't like to drink milk at all. If you ask her what her favorite thing to do is she would say paint. She is my arts and crafts girl. Often saying, "Mom, I need to cut and tape something."
She is also taking things very literally. For example, I was telling her something (don't remember now what it was) but I used the phrase, "We never do this. And I repeat: We never do this." Yet, she thought I meant for her to repeat it after me. haha. kind of blew my parenting moment when I broke out in laughter. Oh well... next time. :)
His favorite color is red. His favorite shows are Thomas the train, Chuggington, and Paw Patrol. He continues to be our good eater... his most recent favorite is chicken poppyseed. He has started getting interested in books and is asking us to read to him a lot. He will usually only pick out books that have a train or fire truck in them, but it is fun to snuggle up and read him stories. I usually let him pick one special one that I read to only him right before his bedtime.
He loves to run around in only his underwear. For some reason he thinks pants and shirts are completely unnecessary. So, if you stop by, chances are he will be running around in his tighty-whities... or perhaps even bare bottomed. ha. He is also very particular about his underwear. He changes it every time he goes to the bathroom. He likes to be fresh, I guess. ha.
A cute phrase he is saying now is "zero minutes" he will ask me if I can rub him back and I will tell him I can for a few minutes, but he will say, "How about for zero minutes?" If I say ten minutes he will say, "No, not ten. How about zero." He's funny.
Selah is hysterical. She is funny to watch and listen to. Just today she was reading me a book and each page started with "once upon a time" and she is just naturally a funny girl. The problem is, she knows it. So when I am trying to correct her she will give me a look that she knows I laugh at. She loves the color yellow and reading books. She is not much of a show watcher, but does really enjoy Wonder Pets and shows by the "cedarmont kids" which are children singing Bible songs. The sad thing is, Jason and I googled these children, and they are now almost 30! Eeek! There is boy on there named Robert who selah really likes. She will always say, "I Really like Robert." and Havana has suggested that we have a Robert party for her 3rd birthday and that we get her a robert bed (since we got jonah a firetruck bed).
Over the past few months she has entered this phase where she only wants to be around us. We have been getting paged out of church to pick her up and her only excuse is that "I really missed you." If I ask her if she likes something she will say, "no, I only like you." Sweet, but a little stifling at the same time.
She is getting tall and her hair is getting long. She is ready to be potty trained, but I am still dragging my feet. Poor girl. She did go #2 on the potty the other day on her own. I think that is a cry for me to move forward.
Selah does awesome at helping clean up the toys at night. She is always so good at obeying when I tell everyone it is time to clean up. Hope it stays that way.
Asa loves to eat. No longer my "failure to thrive" boy... he has chunked up as he began eating solids. This boy will eat any and everything you put on his plate. He honestly eats more than I do sometimes. He still won't hold his own bottle, but aside from that, he is great.
He is so happy and flexible... he truly makes having four children easy. I hope he always stays that way. I can't believe he is almost a year!
We are getting ready to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary! To celebrate we are going to a hotel for a night! This will only be the 2nd time we have gone away for the night since having children! I am so excited I can barely handle it. :) I love him so much. He is so patient and kind with me... such a man after God's own heart. I certainly married up!
As the Christmas cards are rolling in... I wanted to make sure I took some time to type out memories and updates about our children. These days are flying by... my memory is failing as I try to keep up with all the sweet and funny moments... I don't want to miss this sacred time.
This fall has been a blur! I began teaching a class at our church for moms. We are going through the book Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson so each week I was responsible for coming up with a 20 minute talk! I have loved this opportunity!
The kids have enjoyed their class that they go to while I teach and then they also are still going to their Awana class on Wednesday nights. That has been keeping our weeks busy, but also sickly. The children have been so sick this fall. Okay, to rephrase, the younger two have been sick! The older two have remained healthy except the occasional runny nose. Selah and Asa have both had the stomach flu twice. The first time it lasted 8 days for Selah and 4 for Asa. The second time it was 5 days for both. Ugh. I hate vomit and grow incredibly anxious.... so it was a learning time for me.
In August we took a short vacation to Columbus, OH where we visited with friends and went to the AMAZING zoo. In October, we celebrated Havana's 5th birthday, trick-or-treated at the zoo and in our neighborhood, and took a family overnight trip to a hotel in French Lick, Indiana that had an indoor water park. Last month we enjoyed a fun Thanksgiving and now we are in the midst of Advent season. I created an advent calendar for us as family and one for Jason. This has added so much anticipation, celebration, and intentionality to celebrating Jesus' birthday.
Here's a recap of each kiddo:
Havana turned 5(!!!!) at the end of October. I still can't believe my baby is that old. To celebrate, Jason and I took her on a date. We went to Chuck-E-Cheese, then to Panda Express, and then to Target. She enjoyed herself and we thought it was great. She had a little friend party earlier in the month - it was a painting party because she wanted a Vincent Van Gogh party because she loves the Baby Van Gogh video.She has told me that she has God in her heart. She told me that she said a prayer that went like this, "Dear God, Please come live in my heart so that I don't disobey anymore. I love you, Jesus, amen." Now she is telling me she wants to be baptized. She has always had such a strong faith... her prayer life is beautiful... it is so fun to watch her love the Word of God! She is one amazing little girl.
She is doing a lot of things on her own now: getting dressed, combing her hair, and spreading her own PB for her sandwich. She thinks she is "big stuff" now that she is five... so we occasionally have to remind her that she isn't in charge. Like today, when she told selah that once she is six she will be in charge. ha. She is geared up for school and can't wait to start next year. We still don't know where she will go, but she loves the idea of school. She is reading ready and beginning to sound out words that she sees. Her sight word list is huge now. She loves to play hang-man and practice her sight words by that.
Havana's favorite color is blue, she loves any type of dessert or breakfast food, and she doesn't like to drink milk at all. If you ask her what her favorite thing to do is she would say paint. She is my arts and crafts girl. Often saying, "Mom, I need to cut and tape something."
She is also taking things very literally. For example, I was telling her something (don't remember now what it was) but I used the phrase, "We never do this. And I repeat: We never do this." Yet, she thought I meant for her to repeat it after me. haha. kind of blew my parenting moment when I broke out in laughter. Oh well... next time. :)
Jonah is 3.5 now and all boy. He loves trains, trucks, fire trucks, ambulances, etc. I always tell him that God gave him the heart of a hero. He points out every kind of truck that we see. He will point out different types of trucks or train cars. We gave him a firetruck bed a few months ago and so at least once a day we all hop on it and put out fires. Then, we drive back to the fire station where Jonah fixes us dinner of "something fresh with a capri-son" to drink. He also enjoys baseball and wrestling with his daddy (his sisters too but we discourage that). He is a smart boy who pays attention to things around him in such great detail I am often amazed at what he picks up. He also has the funniest facial expressions ever. He is still great at playing by himself, but has started to really desire for Jason or I to be playing with him. Sadly, he is passive enough that we sometimes put him off for too long, but we are both working on that.His favorite color is red. His favorite shows are Thomas the train, Chuggington, and Paw Patrol. He continues to be our good eater... his most recent favorite is chicken poppyseed. He has started getting interested in books and is asking us to read to him a lot. He will usually only pick out books that have a train or fire truck in them, but it is fun to snuggle up and read him stories. I usually let him pick one special one that I read to only him right before his bedtime.
He loves to run around in only his underwear. For some reason he thinks pants and shirts are completely unnecessary. So, if you stop by, chances are he will be running around in his tighty-whities... or perhaps even bare bottomed. ha. He is also very particular about his underwear. He changes it every time he goes to the bathroom. He likes to be fresh, I guess. ha.
A cute phrase he is saying now is "zero minutes" he will ask me if I can rub him back and I will tell him I can for a few minutes, but he will say, "How about for zero minutes?" If I say ten minutes he will say, "No, not ten. How about zero." He's funny.
Oh my selah girl. She is hot or cold... just like me. She either is loving on you and laughing or she is crying and yelling "don't talk to me." She loves to go upside down and spin round-and-round. She loves dancing and singing. She still doesn't know how to self-soothe though so if things don't go her way she cries and demands to be held or for a cup of milk. We are slowly trying to teach her how to gain self-control, but I honestly think the fact we never made her "cry-it out" as a baby is coming back to haunt us.Selah is hysterical. She is funny to watch and listen to. Just today she was reading me a book and each page started with "once upon a time" and she is just naturally a funny girl. The problem is, she knows it. So when I am trying to correct her she will give me a look that she knows I laugh at. She loves the color yellow and reading books. She is not much of a show watcher, but does really enjoy Wonder Pets and shows by the "cedarmont kids" which are children singing Bible songs. The sad thing is, Jason and I googled these children, and they are now almost 30! Eeek! There is boy on there named Robert who selah really likes. She will always say, "I Really like Robert." and Havana has suggested that we have a Robert party for her 3rd birthday and that we get her a robert bed (since we got jonah a firetruck bed).
Over the past few months she has entered this phase where she only wants to be around us. We have been getting paged out of church to pick her up and her only excuse is that "I really missed you." If I ask her if she likes something she will say, "no, I only like you." Sweet, but a little stifling at the same time.
She is getting tall and her hair is getting long. She is ready to be potty trained, but I am still dragging my feet. Poor girl. She did go #2 on the potty the other day on her own. I think that is a cry for me to move forward.
Selah does awesome at helping clean up the toys at night. She is always so good at obeying when I tell everyone it is time to clean up. Hope it stays that way.
What a wonderful little boy we were blessed with! He is so happy and sweet. He loves to snuggle! He is now 11 months old. He began crawling at 9 months and until recently it was an army crawl, but now he is up on all fours. He is a bit of a troublemaker... always crawling quickly to Tucker's water bowl, but aside from that, goodness he is edible. He can say "da da" and "yeah" and today Jason thought he heard him say "tucker" -- he loves to be held! He still takes two naps a day... both around 2 hours in length and his night time sleeping has greatly improved to usually sleeping 10-12 hours.Asa loves to eat. No longer my "failure to thrive" boy... he has chunked up as he began eating solids. This boy will eat any and everything you put on his plate. He honestly eats more than I do sometimes. He still won't hold his own bottle, but aside from that, he is great.
He is so happy and flexible... he truly makes having four children easy. I hope he always stays that way. I can't believe he is almost a year!
Jason and I:
We are doing well. We had a few blah months earlier in the year when we were at odds with what our future family should look like, but ultimately God is working on both of us... so who knows what is in store. I am confident that children will be added to our family, but unsure if they will be biological, adoption, or both! Being a couple who doesn't believe in medical birth control (it causes abortions!) it makes the concept of "family planning" difficult. Which, the Lord has really been bringing me back to my controlling nature and the fact that I want to control how many children we have and how close together my children are and I have really been feeling His prick at my heart to stop controlling everything. So... who knows. :) I weekly blog about our journey to marriage at darbydugger.comWe are getting ready to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary! To celebrate we are going to a hotel for a night! This will only be the 2nd time we have gone away for the night since having children! I am so excited I can barely handle it. :) I love him so much. He is so patient and kind with me... such a man after God's own heart. I certainly married up!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Havana of Great Faith!
Our sweet girl has such an incredible faith in the Lord! She is always encouraging me in my own walk by all of her deep questions... she brings up God all. the. time.
Here are a few examples of her incredible child-like faith:
Selah had broken a DVD that Havana really enjoyed (baby bach) and a few days later Havana asked to watch it. I told her that it wasn't going to work because it was cracked and that "you can't fix a crack in a DVD" -- as sure as anything she said, "God could heal it!" My response was, "You're right, Havana, God can... doesn't mean He always will... but He can do anything."
While having her rest time I overheard her sing, "I may be a small girl, but I can do big things for You, God."
She loves to get on the microphone (of her littler karaoke machine) and sing "You should know God. You should tell everyone about God. He loves us all so much. He can do anything." -- she went on and on about how amazing God is and how we should tell everyone about Him.
One day, she was crying upstairs, and Jason told me he overheard her praying, "God, I am alone... can you come and be with me?" I have overheard her praying for Him to help her find things.
She asks a lot of questions about heaven, what God looks like, and how can we hear God. I have been working with her to listen to God with her heart and that we can see him by looking at his beautiful creation and seeing kindness in others.
She knows her bible. She knows the stories, the order, and her Bible verses. She is passionate about us reading it together each day.
The other day she drew a picture... when she showed it to me my heart leapt. It was a note that she wrote on her own that said, "Havana loves Frank." Frank is our sponsored child in Africa that we write to and pray for often. he is only six. She said he was on her heart and she wanted to write to him. This was completely unprompted by me! When I shared that with Jason at dinner, he told Havana that God was speaking to her by laying it on her heart to write to Frank. I told her how God is going to use her to encourage others. She has such a golden spirit...
About three weeks ago she began to tell us she has God in her heart. We talk about that a lot at our house... how daddy and mommy have "Jesus in their heart" and how people who have "Jesus in their heart" can hear him and go to heaven and have a hope that isn't in this world or in ourselves. How awesome! Anyway, she began saying she had God in her heart and at first I thought it was just talk, but then I began to see a difference in her. She is truly being transformed into a selfless, obedient little girl... she still struggles of course... but it isn't like how it was. I told Jason that perhaps she did, all on her own, as Jesus into her heart.
So amazed by my little girl. Praying every day that her faith takes root deep within her heart.
Here are a few examples of her incredible child-like faith:
Selah had broken a DVD that Havana really enjoyed (baby bach) and a few days later Havana asked to watch it. I told her that it wasn't going to work because it was cracked and that "you can't fix a crack in a DVD" -- as sure as anything she said, "God could heal it!" My response was, "You're right, Havana, God can... doesn't mean He always will... but He can do anything."
While having her rest time I overheard her sing, "I may be a small girl, but I can do big things for You, God."
She loves to get on the microphone (of her littler karaoke machine) and sing "You should know God. You should tell everyone about God. He loves us all so much. He can do anything." -- she went on and on about how amazing God is and how we should tell everyone about Him.
One day, she was crying upstairs, and Jason told me he overheard her praying, "God, I am alone... can you come and be with me?" I have overheard her praying for Him to help her find things.
She asks a lot of questions about heaven, what God looks like, and how can we hear God. I have been working with her to listen to God with her heart and that we can see him by looking at his beautiful creation and seeing kindness in others.
She knows her bible. She knows the stories, the order, and her Bible verses. She is passionate about us reading it together each day.
The other day she drew a picture... when she showed it to me my heart leapt. It was a note that she wrote on her own that said, "Havana loves Frank." Frank is our sponsored child in Africa that we write to and pray for often. he is only six. She said he was on her heart and she wanted to write to him. This was completely unprompted by me! When I shared that with Jason at dinner, he told Havana that God was speaking to her by laying it on her heart to write to Frank. I told her how God is going to use her to encourage others. She has such a golden spirit...
About three weeks ago she began to tell us she has God in her heart. We talk about that a lot at our house... how daddy and mommy have "Jesus in their heart" and how people who have "Jesus in their heart" can hear him and go to heaven and have a hope that isn't in this world or in ourselves. How awesome! Anyway, she began saying she had God in her heart and at first I thought it was just talk, but then I began to see a difference in her. She is truly being transformed into a selfless, obedient little girl... she still struggles of course... but it isn't like how it was. I told Jason that perhaps she did, all on her own, as Jesus into her heart.
So amazed by my little girl. Praying every day that her faith takes root deep within her heart.
Jonah the Firefighter
Dear Jonah,
You are almost 3.5 years old... you asked me tonight when you will turn 4 and for some reason that sounded old to me. I can't believe you are quickly approaching the end of your toddler years! It is a sheer delight and gift to be your mother.
You LOVE firetrucks... watching them, pretending to ride them...
You LOVe pretending you are a firefighter. The other night at dinner you were talking about being "Firefighter Jonah" and I told Daddy, "Jonah sure does love to pretend he is a firefighter" and you said "Not pretend... am!" (my bad...)
You love to rescue things... and you spend hours playing firefighter each and every day. God laid on my heart that He gave you the heart of a hero and so I try to tell you that at least once a day.
Jonah, God gave you the heart of a hero. It will be so fun to watch you grow into the purposes He has had planned for You since the beginning of time.
For your third birthday we threw you a firefighter bday party. You had a small friend gathering at the ark and then a small family party complete with fire cupcakes. You delighted in everyone singing you "Happy Birthday" -- what a special party for such a special boy.
Because of your great passion, your daddy ordered you a Firetruck bed! You LOVE it. There is a steering wheel and daddy added a hose... you love spending time in your room. You even ask up to go up to your room to play in your bed. How fun! You don't know it yet, but your daddy has also ordered you a real flashing siren that should be here soon. You will love it!
I don't know when your passion for firefighting started... I remember last year you burned your hand on the fireplace because you were trying to get a good look at the pilot flame. You also have been shocked by an outlet, stung by a jellyfish, and burned by a sparkler... so one would think you would avoid anything resembling a fire truck, but nope... it has only made you that much more passionate.
A few days ago we took you to the fire station. The nice firemen gave you a tour and taught you a little but about fire safety. Tonight, when I was tucking you in, you asked if we could go back there because you wanted to ride in the firetruck again.
Jonah, you are funny. Naturally funny. You don't even try to be comical and yet you send us all into hysterics. You make funny face, you tell funny jokes, and you have really funny dance moves. The other night you introduced us to "Conkey" -- you named one of our toys Conkey and then proceeded to talk about him all the time. I will ask you a question and you will answer "Conkey" -- he has become your imaginary friend. I still don't know where you came up with that word, but you are passionate about him.
You are also so smart. Daddy and I are still talking and praying about what to do with you and school... we aren't sure if we are going to hold you back or not, but regardless of the fact we don't think you would enjoy a school setting right now you are super smart. You are freakishly good at the game "Memory" and you do remember random things (names of characters, reasons you were in trouble a few weeks ago, etc.). Just today when we picked you up from your Sunday School class, the teacher saw your worksheet and couldn't believe it was yours because your handwriting was so good! I'm so proud of you, bubby.
You are beginning to really enjoy being a boy. You love to play ball and rough house... it is fun, after years of playing with havana's toys, to see you naturally thrive in your boyish nature. I will even ask you for a kiss and you will say, "Um, no thank you." Or "yuck." (which I don't approve of, by the way, you are way to young to be calling my kisses "yuck") .
Your communication skills are awesome. You are learning responsibility by always cleaning up your own plate and cup after meals. You are learning how to put on your own clothes and you have mastered the art of peeing and pooping in in the potty (for a while you could only pee...). There isn't a day that goes by where i am not completely amazed by you. I am so very blessed to be your mommy.
You are almost 3.5 years old... you asked me tonight when you will turn 4 and for some reason that sounded old to me. I can't believe you are quickly approaching the end of your toddler years! It is a sheer delight and gift to be your mother.
You LOVE firetrucks... watching them, pretending to ride them...
You LOVe pretending you are a firefighter. The other night at dinner you were talking about being "Firefighter Jonah" and I told Daddy, "Jonah sure does love to pretend he is a firefighter" and you said "Not pretend... am!" (my bad...)
You love to rescue things... and you spend hours playing firefighter each and every day. God laid on my heart that He gave you the heart of a hero and so I try to tell you that at least once a day.
Jonah, God gave you the heart of a hero. It will be so fun to watch you grow into the purposes He has had planned for You since the beginning of time.
For your third birthday we threw you a firefighter bday party. You had a small friend gathering at the ark and then a small family party complete with fire cupcakes. You delighted in everyone singing you "Happy Birthday" -- what a special party for such a special boy.
Because of your great passion, your daddy ordered you a Firetruck bed! You LOVE it. There is a steering wheel and daddy added a hose... you love spending time in your room. You even ask up to go up to your room to play in your bed. How fun! You don't know it yet, but your daddy has also ordered you a real flashing siren that should be here soon. You will love it!
I don't know when your passion for firefighting started... I remember last year you burned your hand on the fireplace because you were trying to get a good look at the pilot flame. You also have been shocked by an outlet, stung by a jellyfish, and burned by a sparkler... so one would think you would avoid anything resembling a fire truck, but nope... it has only made you that much more passionate.
A few days ago we took you to the fire station. The nice firemen gave you a tour and taught you a little but about fire safety. Tonight, when I was tucking you in, you asked if we could go back there because you wanted to ride in the firetruck again.
Jonah, you are funny. Naturally funny. You don't even try to be comical and yet you send us all into hysterics. You make funny face, you tell funny jokes, and you have really funny dance moves. The other night you introduced us to "Conkey" -- you named one of our toys Conkey and then proceeded to talk about him all the time. I will ask you a question and you will answer "Conkey" -- he has become your imaginary friend. I still don't know where you came up with that word, but you are passionate about him.
You are also so smart. Daddy and I are still talking and praying about what to do with you and school... we aren't sure if we are going to hold you back or not, but regardless of the fact we don't think you would enjoy a school setting right now you are super smart. You are freakishly good at the game "Memory" and you do remember random things (names of characters, reasons you were in trouble a few weeks ago, etc.). Just today when we picked you up from your Sunday School class, the teacher saw your worksheet and couldn't believe it was yours because your handwriting was so good! I'm so proud of you, bubby.
You are beginning to really enjoy being a boy. You love to play ball and rough house... it is fun, after years of playing with havana's toys, to see you naturally thrive in your boyish nature. I will even ask you for a kiss and you will say, "Um, no thank you." Or "yuck." (which I don't approve of, by the way, you are way to young to be calling my kisses "yuck") .
Your communication skills are awesome. You are learning responsibility by always cleaning up your own plate and cup after meals. You are learning how to put on your own clothes and you have mastered the art of peeing and pooping in in the potty (for a while you could only pee...). There isn't a day that goes by where i am not completely amazed by you. I am so very blessed to be your mommy.
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As Jonah approached this dinosaur he said, "Is he going to eat me?" My safety-first boy! |
Dear Asa
Dear Asa,
Tonight is Sunday, October 6th... this past Friday, October 4th, you turned 9 months old. I don't know where the time goes. It wasn't that long ago that you were merely my (breech) baby in the belly. Then you were born and time exploded... now you are my 9 month little dude. My heart aches and celebrates this... something you most likely won't understand until you are a parent yourself.
You remain my super content little boy. You honestly make life so easy because you are agreeable, flexible, and almost always smiling! I could snuggle you forever and so I delight in the fact that you are still somewhat of a snuggle bug!
You aren't crawling yet, but you do roll and lurch everywhere. There has been more than one occasion where I put you down in one room and then am totally surprised when I find you in a different room only a few minutes later.
You have two bottom teeth and a huge appetite. You eat anything I put in front of you - although the past few days you have been protesting the baby food and demanding solids. I'm okay with that! :)
You laugh and shriek at your siblings... you were so excited yesterday when we moved you to a new "big boy" carset... we have put away the baby boat, the boppy, the floor mats, and your swings. You have now officially outgrown the baby phase. Again, my heart celebrates and grieves this.
You struggled with sleep the first 8.5 months of your life, but now it seems that you have it down pat. I think you've been sleeping through the night for a week now! Ha. You struggled with spitting up the first 8.5 months of your life as well... projectile spit up was your signature until last week. Now, you have put away those childish things and moved on. ;) But even with the no sleep and the constant spit up... I could not have asked for a better 4th child than you. You are terrific!
I tell you every day that I am so lucky to be your mama... and it is true. I don't know how, out of all the mamas in the world, that God blessed me with YOU, Asa, but I am so glad that He did. You are a gift. A treasure. A someone I will never take for granted. I love you.
Tonight is Sunday, October 6th... this past Friday, October 4th, you turned 9 months old. I don't know where the time goes. It wasn't that long ago that you were merely my (breech) baby in the belly. Then you were born and time exploded... now you are my 9 month little dude. My heart aches and celebrates this... something you most likely won't understand until you are a parent yourself.
You remain my super content little boy. You honestly make life so easy because you are agreeable, flexible, and almost always smiling! I could snuggle you forever and so I delight in the fact that you are still somewhat of a snuggle bug!
You aren't crawling yet, but you do roll and lurch everywhere. There has been more than one occasion where I put you down in one room and then am totally surprised when I find you in a different room only a few minutes later.
You have two bottom teeth and a huge appetite. You eat anything I put in front of you - although the past few days you have been protesting the baby food and demanding solids. I'm okay with that! :)
You laugh and shriek at your siblings... you were so excited yesterday when we moved you to a new "big boy" carset... we have put away the baby boat, the boppy, the floor mats, and your swings. You have now officially outgrown the baby phase. Again, my heart celebrates and grieves this.
You struggled with sleep the first 8.5 months of your life, but now it seems that you have it down pat. I think you've been sleeping through the night for a week now! Ha. You struggled with spitting up the first 8.5 months of your life as well... projectile spit up was your signature until last week. Now, you have put away those childish things and moved on. ;) But even with the no sleep and the constant spit up... I could not have asked for a better 4th child than you. You are terrific!
I tell you every day that I am so lucky to be your mama... and it is true. I don't know how, out of all the mamas in the world, that God blessed me with YOU, Asa, but I am so glad that He did. You are a gift. A treasure. A someone I will never take for granted. I love you.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Yesterday, the 26th, was the 6th (wow) anniversary of Elijah's passing. That day is always hard for me, but the Lord remains faithful in holding my heart. I did tear up though as Havana (4 years old) was asking me questions while I was doing her hair... our conversation went something like this:
"Mom, when will I see God with my own eyes?"
"If you look around, You can see Him everywhere... You can see Him in the sunrise and sunset. You can see Him in the kindness of others. You can see His fingerprints everywhere."
"But when will I see His face?"
"When you go to heaven?"
"When will that happen?"
"When you are done living on this earth"
"Who is in heaven now? Do I know anyone?"
"Well, grammie is in heaven. And so is your older brother Elijah and Jonah's Twin Jonas"
"Is there a Havanas?"
"A Selahas?"
"An Asaas?"
"Just a Jonas?"
"Why did you lost Elijah?" (I've mentioned him before and said that I had lost him...)
"I don't know. God has a purpose for his short little life, but it was very brief."
"Oh. If you didn't lost him it would be Elijah, then Havana, then Jonah, then Selah, then Asa... There would be 5 of us."
"Yep. You're right."
(of course at this point my heart is breaking and I am also thinking well, 6 if Jonah's twin had survived.... and seven if our adoption had panned out... but I kept these thoughts to myself. It took me several minutes to fight back the tears. How I adore my precious firstborn who is so inquisitive. How I love my babies who are heaven. How I love our adopted daughter... wherever she is right now.)
"Mom, when will I see God with my own eyes?"
"If you look around, You can see Him everywhere... You can see Him in the sunrise and sunset. You can see Him in the kindness of others. You can see His fingerprints everywhere."
"But when will I see His face?"
"When you go to heaven?"
"When will that happen?"
"When you are done living on this earth"
"Who is in heaven now? Do I know anyone?"
"Well, grammie is in heaven. And so is your older brother Elijah and Jonah's Twin Jonas"
"Is there a Havanas?"
"A Selahas?"
"An Asaas?"
"Just a Jonas?"
"Why did you lost Elijah?" (I've mentioned him before and said that I had lost him...)
"I don't know. God has a purpose for his short little life, but it was very brief."
"Oh. If you didn't lost him it would be Elijah, then Havana, then Jonah, then Selah, then Asa... There would be 5 of us."
"Yep. You're right."
(of course at this point my heart is breaking and I am also thinking well, 6 if Jonah's twin had survived.... and seven if our adoption had panned out... but I kept these thoughts to myself. It took me several minutes to fight back the tears. How I adore my precious firstborn who is so inquisitive. How I love my babies who are heaven. How I love our adopted daughter... wherever she is right now.)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
At the pool, while Havana was swimming without any flotation device she was very proud of herself so she said, "I am awesome-tastic!"
:) couldn't agree more! She is awesome-tastic!!!!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Selah's 2nd Birthday.
Dear Selah,
Well, today you turned two years old. Sometimes I forget that you are only two because you talk SO MUCH and you insist on doing anything and everything that the older children are doing. You even notice if they get pizza as a slice and yours is cut up. You won't be left behind. ha. But your determination is something that I adore about you. You are adventurous and funny. You are rough and tumble- loving to wrestle and be crazy. You are also very maternal and loving. You enjoy giving kisses and hugs. You could play with your baby dolls forever - chaning their diapers, getting them food, and singing them songs. You are all around wonderful and I am so incredibly blessed to be your mommy.
We began your morning with sweet rolls. As i gave you your plate you said, "For my birthday?" You are aware that today is a special day for you. I hope you know how special you are and how much I love you.
Over the past year you have grown so much - you learned how to walk... you learned how to talk. You have even started going potty on the toilet! You enjoy just about anything: except watching TV. You won't watch a show at all. You would much rather read... you read book after book. Your favorite books are Spot the dog books.... which is why you are having a spot the dog birthday! :)
My prayer for you is for good health (for some reason your health is continually on my heart). I pray that you grow up - always being healthy and strong. I pray that physically, spiritually, and emotionally you are protected by the Lord. I pray that you will be wise, beyond your years, and that you will always strive to make God-honoring choices in Your life. I pray you realize how special you are to your mommy and daddy and that you know that God made you to be the wonderful creation you are. Jesus Christ loves you so much that he willingly died for you so that you can spend eternity with Him. There is nothing more I desire for Your life than for You to come to know Him in such a deep way... I know that is still several years up the road, but I pray what you are hearing now at age two, will plant seeds that will take root and grow into a mature faith. We live in such a morally sad time... yet I know that God can still be at work and that you can still make choices in your life that will keep you in step with His Holy Word. I pray that you never conform to this world!
Over this past year you visited the beach for the first time - which you loved (all except the car ride). You enjoyed Trick-or-Treating as a care bear. Christmas time was fun and you moved into a new room with Havana. You also became a big sister for the first time-- and you are an excellent one. You are so aware of Asa and love to look out for him. I will never forget the time you told me. "Mama, Asa, spill." Which was your way of telling me that Asa had spit up on me.... I didn't even know it, but you were watching and you were aware.
You do a wonderful job singing, dancing, and laughing. You are always a party waiting to happen. You also are becoming a "stinker" in terms of that you know how to look at me when I am correcting you -- you give me this funny little look that makes me laugh. Stinker. ;)
Some of your new funny phrases are:
Well, today you turned two years old. Sometimes I forget that you are only two because you talk SO MUCH and you insist on doing anything and everything that the older children are doing. You even notice if they get pizza as a slice and yours is cut up. You won't be left behind. ha. But your determination is something that I adore about you. You are adventurous and funny. You are rough and tumble- loving to wrestle and be crazy. You are also very maternal and loving. You enjoy giving kisses and hugs. You could play with your baby dolls forever - chaning their diapers, getting them food, and singing them songs. You are all around wonderful and I am so incredibly blessed to be your mommy.
We began your morning with sweet rolls. As i gave you your plate you said, "For my birthday?" You are aware that today is a special day for you. I hope you know how special you are and how much I love you.
Over the past year you have grown so much - you learned how to walk... you learned how to talk. You have even started going potty on the toilet! You enjoy just about anything: except watching TV. You won't watch a show at all. You would much rather read... you read book after book. Your favorite books are Spot the dog books.... which is why you are having a spot the dog birthday! :)
My prayer for you is for good health (for some reason your health is continually on my heart). I pray that you grow up - always being healthy and strong. I pray that physically, spiritually, and emotionally you are protected by the Lord. I pray that you will be wise, beyond your years, and that you will always strive to make God-honoring choices in Your life. I pray you realize how special you are to your mommy and daddy and that you know that God made you to be the wonderful creation you are. Jesus Christ loves you so much that he willingly died for you so that you can spend eternity with Him. There is nothing more I desire for Your life than for You to come to know Him in such a deep way... I know that is still several years up the road, but I pray what you are hearing now at age two, will plant seeds that will take root and grow into a mature faith. We live in such a morally sad time... yet I know that God can still be at work and that you can still make choices in your life that will keep you in step with His Holy Word. I pray that you never conform to this world!
Over this past year you visited the beach for the first time - which you loved (all except the car ride). You enjoyed Trick-or-Treating as a care bear. Christmas time was fun and you moved into a new room with Havana. You also became a big sister for the first time-- and you are an excellent one. You are so aware of Asa and love to look out for him. I will never forget the time you told me. "Mama, Asa, spill." Which was your way of telling me that Asa had spit up on me.... I didn't even know it, but you were watching and you were aware.
You do a wonderful job singing, dancing, and laughing. You are always a party waiting to happen. You also are becoming a "stinker" in terms of that you know how to look at me when I am correcting you -- you give me this funny little look that makes me laugh. Stinker. ;)
Some of your new funny phrases are:
- Mama, look at me!
- I am talking to daddy (when I respond to you, but you wanted daddy to)
- Bye bye milk- I love you (what you say when you put your milk cup in the fridge).
- You can answer "why" questions with "because..."
- You also respond to my commands with "why" -- Selah, go sit down. "Why?" (never thought I would have to tell my one year old "because mama said so...")
- You love saying "No way." and "Yes way."
- The other day I told your daddy, "it looks like it is going to rain." and you jumped in and said, "Yeah, I know."
- You can sing all the words to "Jesus Loves Me"
- I'm pretty sure your favorite number is 8 and your favorite color is blue! Those are always your choices and answers! :)
- In the car you will always ask me where everyone is and what they are doing. You are also good about calling for my attention and when I give it to you you whisper, "I wanna talk to daddy..."
- Throughout all of today you kept saying, "because its my birthday "
What a "special special" you are sweet Selah. We love you soooo much.
Friday, July 12, 2013
A New Game
Tonight while we were outside:
Havana, "Do you want to play a new game?"
Me: "Sure, what game?"
Havana: "Jesus Died On the Cross."
Me: "Oh, how do you play that?"
Havana: "Well, I am Jesus and You, Asa, Selah, Jonah, Daddy, and Tucker will be my disciples."
Me: "okay"
(while she is telling me this, she climbs up onto our rock wall, puts her hands up, and "dies" on the cross")
Jason and I walk around asking if anyone has seen Jesus. We finally find "him" hanging on the cross. It was really all I could do to keep a straight face. We talked about how sad we were, but that we knew he had to die so that we could be with Him in heaven. The we burried Jesus.
"Three days later" we walked around and found the tomb empty. Havana, I mean Jesus... Had risen from the dead!
We played that game three times.
Then Jonah pretended to be Zacchaeus up in a tree.
My heart wanted to explode as I thought about how much my children are drawn to the Bible. I pray that these activities plant seeds in their heart that will grow into a deep, vibrant love relationship with their Creator. Our God is such a great God!
Havana, "Do you want to play a new game?"
Me: "Sure, what game?"
Havana: "Jesus Died On the Cross."
Me: "Oh, how do you play that?"
Havana: "Well, I am Jesus and You, Asa, Selah, Jonah, Daddy, and Tucker will be my disciples."
Me: "okay"
(while she is telling me this, she climbs up onto our rock wall, puts her hands up, and "dies" on the cross")
Jason and I walk around asking if anyone has seen Jesus. We finally find "him" hanging on the cross. It was really all I could do to keep a straight face. We talked about how sad we were, but that we knew he had to die so that we could be with Him in heaven. The we burried Jesus.
"Three days later" we walked around and found the tomb empty. Havana, I mean Jesus... Had risen from the dead!
We played that game three times.
Then Jonah pretended to be Zacchaeus up in a tree.
My heart wanted to explode as I thought about how much my children are drawn to the Bible. I pray that these activities plant seeds in their heart that will grow into a deep, vibrant love relationship with their Creator. Our God is such a great God!
Sickly Spring.
Aside from Havana's stomach flu in January, we had a remarkably healthy winter. I'm thankful for that and am sure that the Lord was protecting us (it also helped, I'm sure, that we rarely left the house). However, we had a sickly spring.
It began the Thursday before Easter. I had come inside from taking trash out and I noticed Jonah was crying. I asked him if he was okay and thought that perhaps the show he was watching upset him. He said, "yes. I'm not crying." I smiled at him and said, "okay, buddy. But's it okay to cry." He kept insisting that he wasn't crying.
That night I told Jason about it and how I thought Jonah was trying to be all big and tough and not admit to crying. That night, he woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to snuggle. I remember laying there on the bedroom floor thinking how sweet Jonah was and how these middle of the night snuggles are priceless.
The next morning, when I went to wake him up his eye was sealed shut and he was in pain. Poor guy had pink eye. He truly hadn't been crying the day before.
I had never experienced eye as a mommy... let's just say it is horrible. You can't take the children anywhere because of the big, pink eye. Yet, they feel fine during the day so cabin fever sets in. They are up all night because their eyes hurt. It was a lot harder than I realized.
Of course it spread. Next to Selah, then to Havana, and then to Asa. We had two weeks where we were unable to go anywhere or do anything. It felt like two months.
Then, in early May, Strep throat hit. Selah woke up in the middle of the night with a fever. The entire next day she continued with it and we began to notice that she was drooling and putting her fingers down her throat. We started her on antibiotics the next day. The day after that was Mother's Day. Jason left for work around 4:30am and at 5:30am Jonah woke up with a high fever. So began his journey with it. We ended up just giving Havana antibiotics as well... just in case. Ha.
In early June I came down with a terrible cold. We thought it was related to allergies, but it wasn't. A day or two later I was feeling great and the children came down with it.
Germs never stop. Ha. I did try hard to "redeem" these sick days... lots of snuggling. Special shows. Lots of grace. No one had the stomach flu and so I did okay.... praying these small doses of illness will help me have confidence to get through the next vomit episode in my house... which is my constant fear. ha.
It began the Thursday before Easter. I had come inside from taking trash out and I noticed Jonah was crying. I asked him if he was okay and thought that perhaps the show he was watching upset him. He said, "yes. I'm not crying." I smiled at him and said, "okay, buddy. But's it okay to cry." He kept insisting that he wasn't crying.
That night I told Jason about it and how I thought Jonah was trying to be all big and tough and not admit to crying. That night, he woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to snuggle. I remember laying there on the bedroom floor thinking how sweet Jonah was and how these middle of the night snuggles are priceless.
The next morning, when I went to wake him up his eye was sealed shut and he was in pain. Poor guy had pink eye. He truly hadn't been crying the day before.
I had never experienced eye as a mommy... let's just say it is horrible. You can't take the children anywhere because of the big, pink eye. Yet, they feel fine during the day so cabin fever sets in. They are up all night because their eyes hurt. It was a lot harder than I realized.
Jonah at 5:30AM on Mother's Day. |
In early June I came down with a terrible cold. We thought it was related to allergies, but it wasn't. A day or two later I was feeling great and the children came down with it.
three sick kiddos hanging out in mama's bed. |
Germs never stop. Ha. I did try hard to "redeem" these sick days... lots of snuggling. Special shows. Lots of grace. No one had the stomach flu and so I did okay.... praying these small doses of illness will help me have confidence to get through the next vomit episode in my house... which is my constant fear. ha.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Amazing Day...
As always, I am behind on this blog. I have a running list of posts to write for this blog... hopefully I will get to that soon. Today was such a special day, though, that I wanted to recap before I forgot:
A few weeks ago, I purchased tickets to hear Ann Voskamp speak at the north american christian convention. I have always wanted to go to the NACC and Jason was off of work so he could watch the children.
On my way to the convention, I prayed... I prayed for Jason and the children, I prayed for my experience, and I prayed that I would not "seek" to meet Ann. Back when i was involved in politics, I remember how I made my way to the front of the room to meet politicians. I didn't want to do that. I wanted this to be different. I felt a peace all morning.
I arrived and found a fairly close meter spot, but only had an hour and half worth of quarters. I knew my meter would expire while I was in there, but I figured it was worth it. I didn't have anyone to sit with, but once in the room I ran into our pastor's wife (and an old mentor of mine) and so I sat at her table. Ann's talk was great. She talked about the importance of choosing Joy. My favorite take aways were:
Ann spoke directly to my heart. She talked about blogging for an audience of One. This blog is my personal blog- pretty much like an online journal of our family... the ministry blog is also a lesson journal of sorts - where I write out marriage lessons. I do struggle sometimes with comparing that blog to other ministry blogs. I usually end up discouraged because my numbers aren't big, not many people are active, etc. The Lord is faithful in reminding me that He called them to those blogs and me to this one... different audiences, different purposes.... but still, I end up feeling insecure. However, Ann encouraged people to blog "messy" - to be real - to not worry about the numbers because if we view our blog as an alter... that is all that matters. She said that she doesn't have ads on her blog (I don't either) and that she doesn't allow comments or a site meter. I ended up coming home and taking my site meter off because I would focus on how many people were visiting. It simply isn't necessary. All I need of focus on is writing authenic words and asking the Lord to use them. It was incredibly encouraging.
As I made my way back to the car- still in disbelief over the events of the day - I found that there was NO ticket on my car (my meter spot had been expired well over an hour). I make my way home and wondered if Jason would have been a little stressed. All four children and I was a few hours late in coming home... I walk in, silence. He had gotten all the children down for their rest times. He seemed peaceful. The Lord truly blessed that part of my day because He knew if Jason had been stressed it would have made me feel guilty for having been gone, but He gifted me with the perfect day.
We ended the night by taking all the kids to the 4-H fair. What an enjoyable evening.
A few weeks ago, I purchased tickets to hear Ann Voskamp speak at the north american christian convention. I have always wanted to go to the NACC and Jason was off of work so he could watch the children.
On my way to the convention, I prayed... I prayed for Jason and the children, I prayed for my experience, and I prayed that I would not "seek" to meet Ann. Back when i was involved in politics, I remember how I made my way to the front of the room to meet politicians. I didn't want to do that. I wanted this to be different. I felt a peace all morning.
I arrived and found a fairly close meter spot, but only had an hour and half worth of quarters. I knew my meter would expire while I was in there, but I figured it was worth it. I didn't have anyone to sit with, but once in the room I ran into our pastor's wife (and an old mentor of mine) and so I sat at her table. Ann's talk was great. She talked about the importance of choosing Joy. My favorite take aways were:
- If we aren't choosing to seek Joy every minute of every day - it our our family (our marriages and our children) that lose.
- She mentioned the fact that we are going to lose every single person we love - we will either bury them or they will bury us. (her telling the story of watching her two year old sister get run over by a truck was incredibly painful as I thought about Havana and Selah...)
- She said she has wasted so much of her life longing for the future that she forgot the gift of the present. I can relate to that and needed to repent.
As the lunch ended, someone mentioned that she was going to be hosting a teaching session on blogging! I was already there and so figured why not stay and try to hear her speak. My marriage blog ( is something that scares me, but it is something that I feel the Lord is asking me to do. I don't write so I don't know why this is where He has me, but oh well. I make my way to her classroom and they are turning people away saying it is filled, but low and behold as I get ready to turn around a lady says, "there is a seat at the front." Somehow... I ended up on the front row. At that point I knew God had me there.
![]() |
My view from the front row. |
After her talk (about 3pm), they said that Ann was not going to be meeting anyone until 5:15. Well, I knew I wasn't going to stay that long, but as I said hi to a few friends (who were hosting/volunteering) they introduced me to Ann. I don't know why, but I feel that the meeting was of the Lord. We met, we talked about kids (she said I didn't look old enough to have four kids, bless her heart, ha). We talked about husbands. We talked about writing. I gave her a copy of my book and she opened it up and said, "Wait. Did you sign it?" "no." "You have to sign it." She had me sign my book. We hugged and she whispered, "You just keep doing what you are doing." I fought back tears. How did she know I needed to hear those words?
Thank you, Lord, for allowing that experience and for whatever might come of it. To You be the glory.
As I made my way back to the car- still in disbelief over the events of the day - I found that there was NO ticket on my car (my meter spot had been expired well over an hour). I make my way home and wondered if Jason would have been a little stressed. All four children and I was a few hours late in coming home... I walk in, silence. He had gotten all the children down for their rest times. He seemed peaceful. The Lord truly blessed that part of my day because He knew if Jason had been stressed it would have made me feel guilty for having been gone, but He gifted me with the perfect day.
We ended the night by taking all the kids to the 4-H fair. What an enjoyable evening.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
I'm organizing old photos and I came across this one... If you notice the call log you will see that someone dialed 911... That would be Havana. She called them from Jason's phone while waiting for Jonah to get his hair cut. Jason hung up the phone and they called right back- Jason said that everything was fine-- just. A 4 year old learning what an emergency is! Haha!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Inquisitive (and funny) Havana
Havana has been all over the "why" question lately... everything is met with "why?"
She is also super into spiritual questions. The other day we were in the car and she was talking about her grandmother. She asked about her dog, Rachel, and "are we always going to see Rachel when we go to her house?"
I said, "well, yes, until Rachel goes to heaven."
"Why will Rachel go to heaven?"
"well, when you are finished living on the earth - you go to live in heaven."
"Does everyone go to heaven?"
"No... all the people who have Jesus in their heart do.... and animals. I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure animals go to heaven."
"Like horses and cats?"
"Like Tucker?"
"So, when I go to heaven I can play with Tucker?"
"yes." (okay, I don't know for sure animals go to heaven...)
"So which people go to heaven?"
"Anyone who has Jesus in their heart. He died for everyone, but it up to them to ask him into their heart."
"I don't think Norman Price will go to heaven."
And with that I busted out laughing... Norman Price is a character on one of their shows who is always the troublemaker. Then I regained my composure and said,
"Well, we don't know. We could pray for him... maybe he will come to know Jesus."
Then I felt strange having my daughter pray for a fictional character so I tried to restate that if we meet people "like" Norman Price we should pray for their heart. She was confused and wanted to know why Norman wasn't real. Then she asked about all of her TV show friends... wondering if they were real. If I said no she would ask "why not?" Complicated. Not sure I knew how to direct that conversation. She also then asked if the "Louisville Cardinals, Kentucky Wildcats, and the Buckeyes" will be in heaven. I refrained from making a joke that only an adult would understand and simply explained that those are sports teams and their are no sports teams in heaven. I can't believe I'm having these conversations with my 4.5 year old. When did she get so big?!
Tonight we were playing "shark" and I was the shark trying to eat some little fish and she said, "don't eat them... they want to grow up." Yikes!
She is a delight. Love being her mama!
She is also super into spiritual questions. The other day we were in the car and she was talking about her grandmother. She asked about her dog, Rachel, and "are we always going to see Rachel when we go to her house?"
I said, "well, yes, until Rachel goes to heaven."
"Why will Rachel go to heaven?"
"well, when you are finished living on the earth - you go to live in heaven."
"Does everyone go to heaven?"
"No... all the people who have Jesus in their heart do.... and animals. I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure animals go to heaven."
"Like horses and cats?"
"Like Tucker?"
"So, when I go to heaven I can play with Tucker?"
"yes." (okay, I don't know for sure animals go to heaven...)
"So which people go to heaven?"
"Anyone who has Jesus in their heart. He died for everyone, but it up to them to ask him into their heart."
"I don't think Norman Price will go to heaven."
And with that I busted out laughing... Norman Price is a character on one of their shows who is always the troublemaker. Then I regained my composure and said,
"Well, we don't know. We could pray for him... maybe he will come to know Jesus."
Then I felt strange having my daughter pray for a fictional character so I tried to restate that if we meet people "like" Norman Price we should pray for their heart. She was confused and wanted to know why Norman wasn't real. Then she asked about all of her TV show friends... wondering if they were real. If I said no she would ask "why not?" Complicated. Not sure I knew how to direct that conversation. She also then asked if the "Louisville Cardinals, Kentucky Wildcats, and the Buckeyes" will be in heaven. I refrained from making a joke that only an adult would understand and simply explained that those are sports teams and their are no sports teams in heaven. I can't believe I'm having these conversations with my 4.5 year old. When did she get so big?!
Tonight we were playing "shark" and I was the shark trying to eat some little fish and she said, "don't eat them... they want to grow up." Yikes!
She is a delight. Love being her mama!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Lunch conversation
Today at lunch:
Jonah: Daddy, do you want to play firefighter with me?
Jason: I can't right now I'm getting ready to go to work.
Darby: Jonah sure does love pretending to be a firefighter
Jonah: no, not pretending... I am a firefighter
Cute boy!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
A Jason story.
Jason told me this story today,
"I went to pick up Havana from her nursery class and she was hard at work at the table so I figured I would wait a minute before I got her. I was sitting in the hall when Jackson (one of her friends) passed by me and then announced, "Havana, your dad is here." It stopped me because when did our kids become so old that they have friends who recognize us. Also, I wanted to correct Jackson and say, "I am havana's daddy!" I'm not to the dad stage yet.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
One of Satan's tactics when raging war with me is discouragement. He
often whispers lies into my mind that I dwell on rather than dismiss. In
those seasons when I am not diligent about taking every thought
captive, I can quickly become discouraged. The past two weeks I have
been in that emotional state specifically in regards to my writing and my marriage blog (check it out at
You see, I did the whole publication process backwards. I published my book and then started a blog. Typically, the reverse is true: You begin a blog, grow your audience, and then tackle the book beast. However, I felt so convicted by the Lord to turn my 2009 e-mails into a devotional that I didn't want to delay my obedience by going about the release in the conventional way (And, let's face it, the Lord rarely calls us to the conventional). At that time, the Lord asked me to publish a book - not build a blog so that is what I did.
For the Love of Our Husbands was released two weeks before we had Selah and it has done better than I ever imagined! I have heard from people all around the world who have been blessed by the words found within those pages. When that happens, all I can do is praise the Lord because clearly it is His work. Only He can take something I wrote in 2009 and make it applicable to someone else today.
Over the past year I have spontaneously blogged on my book's blog, but only the last four months can trace the hand of God throughout my writing on that site. He has orchestrated my days so that I have time to blog regularly (four children in four years with a "no computer while the children are awake" policy makes writing a bit of a challenge!). In addition to time, the Lord has given me a heart for this blog... something I previously didn't have.
With God stirring up my heart for my marriage blog and gifting me with time to keep it active... I have been amazed at all He is doing. The monthly newsletter and Pray-Day Thursdays are results of His vision being birthed in my heart. While the act of writing scares me (I don't pretend to have perfect grammar).. I have been excited for the growing ministry.
Yet, walking in obedience to the Lord brings opposition. The Enemy has been scheming and I have been falling prey. I began comparing my blog to others and quickly felt inadequate. I tried to connect with similar bloggers and have been ridiculed (some Christian bloggers are quite snobby!). E-mails have been sent to my account that have been disheartening to read. People have unsubscribed from my work. The past two weeks have been discouraging to say the least.
Yesterday, I published my 100th blog post on (I didn't even realize it was my hundredth or I might have offered a giveaway or something... ). The Lord knew my heart was heavy about all of this and so He allowed me to run into a sweet friend who thanked me for the blog posts. At the time, I was trying to keep up with all four children at a park and couldn't accurately thank her for her words, but the timing was perfect. Then, at dinner last night I was telling my husband how discouraged I was about a certain response to one of my posts... at the exact moment I was telling him this I received a text thanking me for the post. This morning I was also greeted by a few more encouraging e-mails. As I have reflected over the past 24 hours, I can't miss The Lord's graciousness and peace in the midst of my own self doubt. He knew I needed to be encouraged and He blessed me with perfectly timed booster shots. The Lord is growing my ministry in His time and His way... and that is all what I want.
The numbers don't matter. The comments (positive or negative) don't matter. The only thing of importance is that I am following the Lord's leading... as long as I am merely a vessel, the Lord will glorify Himself. That's all I want.
You see, I did the whole publication process backwards. I published my book and then started a blog. Typically, the reverse is true: You begin a blog, grow your audience, and then tackle the book beast. However, I felt so convicted by the Lord to turn my 2009 e-mails into a devotional that I didn't want to delay my obedience by going about the release in the conventional way (And, let's face it, the Lord rarely calls us to the conventional). At that time, the Lord asked me to publish a book - not build a blog so that is what I did.
For the Love of Our Husbands was released two weeks before we had Selah and it has done better than I ever imagined! I have heard from people all around the world who have been blessed by the words found within those pages. When that happens, all I can do is praise the Lord because clearly it is His work. Only He can take something I wrote in 2009 and make it applicable to someone else today.
Over the past year I have spontaneously blogged on my book's blog, but only the last four months can trace the hand of God throughout my writing on that site. He has orchestrated my days so that I have time to blog regularly (four children in four years with a "no computer while the children are awake" policy makes writing a bit of a challenge!). In addition to time, the Lord has given me a heart for this blog... something I previously didn't have.
With God stirring up my heart for my marriage blog and gifting me with time to keep it active... I have been amazed at all He is doing. The monthly newsletter and Pray-Day Thursdays are results of His vision being birthed in my heart. While the act of writing scares me (I don't pretend to have perfect grammar).. I have been excited for the growing ministry.
Yet, walking in obedience to the Lord brings opposition. The Enemy has been scheming and I have been falling prey. I began comparing my blog to others and quickly felt inadequate. I tried to connect with similar bloggers and have been ridiculed (some Christian bloggers are quite snobby!). E-mails have been sent to my account that have been disheartening to read. People have unsubscribed from my work. The past two weeks have been discouraging to say the least.
Yesterday, I published my 100th blog post on (I didn't even realize it was my hundredth or I might have offered a giveaway or something... ). The Lord knew my heart was heavy about all of this and so He allowed me to run into a sweet friend who thanked me for the blog posts. At the time, I was trying to keep up with all four children at a park and couldn't accurately thank her for her words, but the timing was perfect. Then, at dinner last night I was telling my husband how discouraged I was about a certain response to one of my posts... at the exact moment I was telling him this I received a text thanking me for the post. This morning I was also greeted by a few more encouraging e-mails. As I have reflected over the past 24 hours, I can't miss The Lord's graciousness and peace in the midst of my own self doubt. He knew I needed to be encouraged and He blessed me with perfectly timed booster shots. The Lord is growing my ministry in His time and His way... and that is all what I want.
The numbers don't matter. The comments (positive or negative) don't matter. The only thing of importance is that I am following the Lord's leading... as long as I am merely a vessel, the Lord will glorify Himself. That's all I want.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Talking back!
Tonight Havana talked back to me for the first time!!!! She was playing with one of my shoes on the kitchen table and I said, "Havana, will you put that shoe in the show box, please." Her response was a timid, "you put it away. It is your shoe." You could tell she was testing the waters by how low she said it... Both Jason and I used that moment to teach her about being respectful. Jason said he thought she had genuine remorse over it... I hope so.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Asa- 21 weeks!
Can't believe my baby is already 21 weeks old! When he was 20 weeks i put together this little before/after picture. Life is such a miracle! I'm very proud to be pro-life! You can't argue that Asa was not a human before he was born! He is such a content and sweet baby- by far my snuggliest! I am so thankful to be his mama!!!
Awana awards
All year long Havana has been going to her Awana Cubbies class. Over the year she has memorized 20 Bible verses! last week they had a little awards ceremony where she got to stand on the big stage and sing a song. She was thrilled to be able to do this and I was very excited to watch her. I am so proud of my little girl!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Jonah interview (3 years old)
Jonah, what do you want to be when you grow up?
a fire fighter
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite number?
What is favorite thing to eat?
What is your favorite show?
Firefighter Bubble Guppies
What is your favorites game to play?
Who will fight me (David and Goliath)
What is your favorite book?
Who will fight me
What is your favorite Bible story?
David and Goliath
Who is your best friend?
David and Goliath
Where is your favorite place to go in mamas new car?
What a sweet little boy... Who loves David and Goliath!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
I'm Elvis
Tonight I heard Jonah struggling with something in his room after bedtime. I walked in to see what was wrong and he was struggling to put socks on his hands. I asked him if he was playing sock puppets, he said, "no, I'm Elvis and I'm cooking."
He was pretending to be a firefighter Elvis who is on one of his shows. He said, "and I'm singing the seeing red song."
That boy has such an imagination. He plays by himself all the time and is constantly in his own world. He loves pretending he is a firefighter and putting out fires, he pretends to be David and Goliath, he is always pretending. He even has an imaginary friend that he talks about and includes in our family functions.
Fun boy!
He was pretending to be a firefighter Elvis who is on one of his shows. He said, "and I'm singing the seeing red song."
That boy has such an imagination. He plays by himself all the time and is constantly in his own world. He loves pretending he is a firefighter and putting out fires, he pretends to be David and Goliath, he is always pretending. He even has an imaginary friend that he talks about and includes in our family functions.
Fun boy!
Be Careful Little Eyes What You See..
Our children know the song, "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See..." The different lyrics are:
be careful little eyes what you see.
be careful little ears what you hear.
be careful little hands what you do.
be careful little feet where you go.
be careful little mouth what you say.
Tonight, Jonah was singing this in his bed as he was going to sleep... and then he added the verse,
be careful little arms what you draw.
He sang it passionately and intently and it melted my heart.
be careful little eyes what you see.
be careful little ears what you hear.
be careful little hands what you do.
be careful little feet where you go.
be careful little mouth what you say.
Tonight, Jonah was singing this in his bed as he was going to sleep... and then he added the verse,
be careful little arms what you draw.
He sang it passionately and intently and it melted my heart.
Doctor Visits
Today Asa had his 4 month well check and Jonah had his three year check-up. It was fun to take both of my boys. Jonah was exceptional as he waited for the doctor. He enjoyed chatting with her and showing off how he can kick the ball and take off his own pants. He is such an easy going little boy. Asa was his content little self waiting to be seen.
Jonah was 37.25 inches (35%) and his weight was 35 pounds (80%). They said his BMI was 90% ... my little big guy. The doctor asked him who his friends were and he said, "My friends are... David and Goliath." This made our doctor laugh really hard. He was such a brave boy and didn't even cry during his finger prick.
Asa, was 25 inches (32%) and only weighed 13 pounds, 12 ounces (12%). I have never, ever had such a tiny baby. He is soooo little. Jonah was wearing 6 month clothing at 6 weeks and here Asa is at 4 months still in 3 month clothing. My doctor suggested that I give him formula bottles after I nurse him in order to see if he is getting enough. I did that the rest of the day and he drank an addition 9 ounces! Poor boy - what if I have been starving him this whole time?!
He has struggled to sleep through the night. I've never had a baby go this long without learning how to sleep. A few weeks ago we stopped swaddling him.... and then it was a rough few nights because he didn't even know how to go to sleep without being all wrapped up. We resorted to the Dugger Bootcamp where he had to cry it out. It took several days, but the last two days he has been able to fall asleep for nap and bed on his own. Two nights ago we started giving him formula at night in hopes that he would last longer - it worked - he has now been sleeping until about 5. I hope that lasts and then extends.
After the check up, they gave Jonah a free ice cream cone coupon. I figured we would use it later, but on the drive home Jonah asked, "Are we going home?" "Yes." "Wait! We forgot to get our ice creams!"
I figured why not and I took my boys to Dairy Queen. We sat outside and at ice cream (at 11:30am) and talked about being brave, strong, men. Jonah would interrupt to tell me that his ice cream was "tasty" and "delicious"
I had left my phone at home - which is a bummer because I would have loved to have taken pictures of the entire thing. But, this blog post will have to snap a word picture. I hope I always remember this sweet morning I spent with my boy. I am so incredibly blessed!
Jonah was 37.25 inches (35%) and his weight was 35 pounds (80%). They said his BMI was 90% ... my little big guy. The doctor asked him who his friends were and he said, "My friends are... David and Goliath." This made our doctor laugh really hard. He was such a brave boy and didn't even cry during his finger prick.
Asa, was 25 inches (32%) and only weighed 13 pounds, 12 ounces (12%). I have never, ever had such a tiny baby. He is soooo little. Jonah was wearing 6 month clothing at 6 weeks and here Asa is at 4 months still in 3 month clothing. My doctor suggested that I give him formula bottles after I nurse him in order to see if he is getting enough. I did that the rest of the day and he drank an addition 9 ounces! Poor boy - what if I have been starving him this whole time?!
He has struggled to sleep through the night. I've never had a baby go this long without learning how to sleep. A few weeks ago we stopped swaddling him.... and then it was a rough few nights because he didn't even know how to go to sleep without being all wrapped up. We resorted to the Dugger Bootcamp where he had to cry it out. It took several days, but the last two days he has been able to fall asleep for nap and bed on his own. Two nights ago we started giving him formula at night in hopes that he would last longer - it worked - he has now been sleeping until about 5. I hope that lasts and then extends.
After the check up, they gave Jonah a free ice cream cone coupon. I figured we would use it later, but on the drive home Jonah asked, "Are we going home?" "Yes." "Wait! We forgot to get our ice creams!"
I figured why not and I took my boys to Dairy Queen. We sat outside and at ice cream (at 11:30am) and talked about being brave, strong, men. Jonah would interrupt to tell me that his ice cream was "tasty" and "delicious"
I had left my phone at home - which is a bummer because I would have loved to have taken pictures of the entire thing. But, this blog post will have to snap a word picture. I hope I always remember this sweet morning I spent with my boy. I am so incredibly blessed!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Today Jonah invented a new word- Huggles- a cross between hug and snuggles. He wanted me to give him "Huggles". I know I should correct him and have him say words correctly, but when they are that sweet I just can't! Huggles for the Duggers! :)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
The regular dragon
Last night there was a fly in our house. Havana is her mother's daughter and does not like bugs. She immediately gets nervous and says, "there is a bee in here." I told her that it was a fly- not a bee. Jonah then calls it a dragon fly making Havana all the more squeamish! I kept saying, "it isn't a dragon fly- it is a regular fly."
Today, Jonah kept asking me where the regular dragon was. I had no idea what he was taking about until he kept asking if he was inside or outside. I realized he was talking about the regular fly, but kept saying regular dragon.
Today, Jonah kept asking me where the regular dragon was. I had no idea what he was taking about until he kept asking if he was inside or outside. I realized he was talking about the regular fly, but kept saying regular dragon.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Dear Asa
Dear Asa,
This evening I put you down on your back in the playroom. For a little while now you have been rolling to your side, but nothing regular or forceful. Anyway, I walked out of the room to tend to Selah for a little bit and after a few minutes you began to fuss. I finally head to get you and you were all the way on your stomach! Tonight was your first complete turn!!! I was so proud of you! It is funny how such a little milestone can send me into cheering hysterics! But I do love lavishing you with my praise! I am so proud of you, Asa Dude!
This evening I put you down on your back in the playroom. For a little while now you have been rolling to your side, but nothing regular or forceful. Anyway, I walked out of the room to tend to Selah for a little bit and after a few minutes you began to fuss. I finally head to get you and you were all the way on your stomach! Tonight was your first complete turn!!! I was so proud of you! It is funny how such a little milestone can send me into cheering hysterics! But I do love lavishing you with my praise! I am so proud of you, Asa Dude!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Family Fun
The weather was beautiful today so we spent the AM at the zoo! I packed a lunch and we stayed until nap time! After naps we played and then went to go get ice cream after dinner. It was such a wonderful day. Bedtime became hectic with disobedience, consequences, and tears and yet the whole time I kept thinking, "what a blessed day! I don't want to forget this!" Love my family.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Elijah's 5th Bday
Today would have been Elijah's 5th birthday. I still miss him daily. I love him very much. And I am so thankful for the promise that I will spend eternity with him. I love my first born!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
That's enough
I was playing around with Jonah this morning and he slipped out of my hands and landed on his head. He began crying... I began giving him lots of kisses telling him I was sorry. After the 5th kiss on his forehead he said, "that's enough"
Haha. Love that boy!
Haha. Love that boy!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Overheard Prayer
Dear Havana,
I was working on the computer today during your "rest time" -- you were playing quietly with a few of your toys when I heard you say, "Where is the monkey and lion? (I hear you move around trying to find them) Dear God, do you know where the monkey and the lion are? I can't find them. Will you help me? (You Look around some more). God, can you come down from heaven and help me find them?"
I wanted to bottle that moment up and keep it forever and ever. I love your faith. I love your innocence. I love you.
I was working on the computer today during your "rest time" -- you were playing quietly with a few of your toys when I heard you say, "Where is the monkey and lion? (I hear you move around trying to find them) Dear God, do you know where the monkey and the lion are? I can't find them. Will you help me? (You Look around some more). God, can you come down from heaven and help me find them?"
I wanted to bottle that moment up and keep it forever and ever. I love your faith. I love your innocence. I love you.
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My sweet Havana - this is how she sits whenever she is watching TV. Love her. |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Sweet Goodnights!
Tonight as I was tucking Havana in she said, "mom, I love you- you will always be my best friend."
Me: "thanks, Havana - I always want to be your best friend."
H: "I love you all the time."
Me: I love you all the time too
H: And when you hurt my feelings I still love you. (I don't think I actually hurt her feelings but we had just read a story about a boy whose feelings were hurt)
Me: well, that's good. I hope I never hurt your feelings though.
H: and when I disobey you will always love me.
Me: Yep, I will always always love you- even if you disobey.
Love sending her to bed on that note.
Me: "thanks, Havana - I always want to be your best friend."
H: "I love you all the time."
Me: I love you all the time too
H: And when you hurt my feelings I still love you. (I don't think I actually hurt her feelings but we had just read a story about a boy whose feelings were hurt)
Me: well, that's good. I hope I never hurt your feelings though.
H: and when I disobey you will always love me.
Me: Yep, I will always always love you- even if you disobey.
Love sending her to bed on that note.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Playing Catch up...
Well, it has been a while since I have posted on this blog. I've been trying so hard to keep my marriage blog active that this one has taken a back seat - fear not, I have been keeping a running tab on my phone of all the cute happenings.
Jonah: Mommy, Do you have a penis?
Me: No
Jonah: well, why not?
Jonah walks into the room holding up his finger: Mama, I need a towel.
Me: why
Jonah: Tucker's penis is wet.
Me: Don't touch Tucker's penis.... let's go wash your hands.
Me: Jonah, Your turn is up.
Jonah: No, my turn is down.
(I forget how literal they take things...)
One day I was cleaning the bathroom and I had told the children not to throw toys down from Havana's bed. Havana walks into the bathroom to tattle on Jonah who is throwing stuffed animals. I told her, "Havana, you really shouldn't tattle... why don't you use encouraging words and tell Jonah that he should obey." I don't know when she walked out of the bathroom because next thing I know I hear her shout in a cheery voice, "Great Job, Jonah! Way to throw those animals down."
HAHAHAHAHA. I think she walked out after I told her to use encouraging words. So cute!!!!
With our children - everything is plural. It isn't, "Can I have a cup of milk?" it is "Can I have a cup of milks?" My kids don't eat cereal in the morning - they eat cereals. I don't know why this is, but everything is plural.
Every night when I tuck Havana in I always say, "Do you know that I love you? Do you know that I love being your mama?" Well, one night she surprised me and instead of simply saying yes, she said, "Mama, do you know that we always love being your children?" -- Ah! My heart exploded.
At Dinner we play "The Bible Game" which is where we think of someone in the Bible, give clues about them, and then others at the table have to guess. Well, one day Havana impressed me when she said this, "I'm thinking of someone in the Bible who is very strong, and he died on the cross, and he lives in our hearts." I answered Jesus, but was impressed with how the Gospel really clicked with her. She has such a heart for God's Word!
Jonah loves to pretend to be Goliath. Every once in a while he will be David, but for the most part it is Goliath. He will clomp around in girly high heels, but claim he is Goliath because he is so tall. (Havana keeps telling him that Goliath is 90 feet high and I keep correcting her that he is 9 feet tall. Slight difference).
Jonah is also very into firefighters. He wears a baseball hat about 24/7 (he sleeps with it - not joking) and he calls it his "fire hat" -- he always pretends he is driving a fire truck, going to the fire station, or putting out a fire. It is cute to watch him be in his own little world.
A few weeks ago we moved Jonah from a crib to a toddler bed. He loves it. He has yet to get out. He calls his bed a fire truck. He also has a toy bus in his bed. He calls it his bed bus which I think is cute because it is similar to bed bug.
Jonah: Mommy, Do you have a penis?
Me: No
Jonah: well, why not?
Jonah walks into the room holding up his finger: Mama, I need a towel.
Me: why
Jonah: Tucker's penis is wet.
Me: Don't touch Tucker's penis.... let's go wash your hands.
Me: Jonah, Your turn is up.
Jonah: No, my turn is down.
(I forget how literal they take things...)
One day I was cleaning the bathroom and I had told the children not to throw toys down from Havana's bed. Havana walks into the bathroom to tattle on Jonah who is throwing stuffed animals. I told her, "Havana, you really shouldn't tattle... why don't you use encouraging words and tell Jonah that he should obey." I don't know when she walked out of the bathroom because next thing I know I hear her shout in a cheery voice, "Great Job, Jonah! Way to throw those animals down."
HAHAHAHAHA. I think she walked out after I told her to use encouraging words. So cute!!!!
With our children - everything is plural. It isn't, "Can I have a cup of milk?" it is "Can I have a cup of milks?" My kids don't eat cereal in the morning - they eat cereals. I don't know why this is, but everything is plural.
Every night when I tuck Havana in I always say, "Do you know that I love you? Do you know that I love being your mama?" Well, one night she surprised me and instead of simply saying yes, she said, "Mama, do you know that we always love being your children?" -- Ah! My heart exploded.
At Dinner we play "The Bible Game" which is where we think of someone in the Bible, give clues about them, and then others at the table have to guess. Well, one day Havana impressed me when she said this, "I'm thinking of someone in the Bible who is very strong, and he died on the cross, and he lives in our hearts." I answered Jesus, but was impressed with how the Gospel really clicked with her. She has such a heart for God's Word!
Jonah loves to pretend to be Goliath. Every once in a while he will be David, but for the most part it is Goliath. He will clomp around in girly high heels, but claim he is Goliath because he is so tall. (Havana keeps telling him that Goliath is 90 feet high and I keep correcting her that he is 9 feet tall. Slight difference).
Jonah is also very into firefighters. He wears a baseball hat about 24/7 (he sleeps with it - not joking) and he calls it his "fire hat" -- he always pretends he is driving a fire truck, going to the fire station, or putting out a fire. It is cute to watch him be in his own little world.
A few weeks ago we moved Jonah from a crib to a toddler bed. He loves it. He has yet to get out. He calls his bed a fire truck. He also has a toy bus in his bed. He calls it his bed bus which I think is cute because it is similar to bed bug.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Eight weeks!!
Asa J is 8 weeks old today! To celebrate he slept a whole 8 hours last night and was all giggles this morning! He is getting so big!
Monday, February 25, 2013
In Case You Didn't know...
In case you didn't know, I have another blog where I blog about marriage lessons. It is a continuation of the book I wrote and it has turned into a bigger ministry that I ever imagined. Anyway, I recently redesigned that blog and it can now be found at
Just in case you are interested. :)
Just in case you are interested. :)
Such a Sweetheart.
Havana has such a tender heart.
This morning I walked into the living room where she was watching a "blue's Clues" episode. She looked upset and I asked her if she was okay. At that moment she burst into tears and told me she was sad because "they" (side table drawer and periwinkle) were feeling left out. I watched the show for a minute and they were... what a tender heart.
Tonight I let my children watch a new Veggie Tales - new for them an old favorite for me - it was Rack, Shack, and Benny. She was nervous, scared, and upset at the thought of the three guys going into the furnace. She knows the Bible story and so I kept telling her it was just like the Bible where God rescues them, but she was still distressed over it and asked me to hold her. She cried. What a tender heart.
A few days ago she was watching a Barney movie and came into the room crying because the dog couldn't find something... I didn't catch watch she was saying because she was so upset. What a tender heart.
This blog post makes it sound like she watches TV all day long, ha, she does not. These are just some examples I am holding close to my heart as I ponder how tender her heart is. I need to remember that as I parent her. I need to pray that she keeps her empathy.
This morning I walked into the living room where she was watching a "blue's Clues" episode. She looked upset and I asked her if she was okay. At that moment she burst into tears and told me she was sad because "they" (side table drawer and periwinkle) were feeling left out. I watched the show for a minute and they were... what a tender heart.
Tonight I let my children watch a new Veggie Tales - new for them an old favorite for me - it was Rack, Shack, and Benny. She was nervous, scared, and upset at the thought of the three guys going into the furnace. She knows the Bible story and so I kept telling her it was just like the Bible where God rescues them, but she was still distressed over it and asked me to hold her. She cried. What a tender heart.
A few days ago she was watching a Barney movie and came into the room crying because the dog couldn't find something... I didn't catch watch she was saying because she was so upset. What a tender heart.
This blog post makes it sound like she watches TV all day long, ha, she does not. These are just some examples I am holding close to my heart as I ponder how tender her heart is. I need to remember that as I parent her. I need to pray that she keeps her empathy.
Asa is seven weeks old now. On saturday night the 23rd i put him down to bed around 9:30PM and he didn't wake up again until after 5:30AM! Woo Hoo!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Selah now refers to herself as ze-zah and I love it! I have started calling her that, but now the other kids are calling her that and Jason corrects them so I better start calling her by the right name too! So sweet to hear her voice say "ze-zah" :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It should be illegal...
It should be illegal for Havana and I to go grocery shopping together. She has a lot of suggestions of Junk food that she would like to eat… And I go right along her suggestions! We came home with a lot of snacks! Haha!
It should also be illegal for me to drive Jason's car... I took Asa and Havana out in it the other night- I had trouble getting A's car seat in and then I hit H in the head with the car door as I tried to open it. Worse yet, Havana locked herself and Asa in the car along with my purse, cell phone, and the keys. I spent 10 minutes screaming through a window for h to unlock the door. Her response, "I can't hear you. Say it louder!" Whew!
It should also be illegal for me to drive Jason's car... I took Asa and Havana out in it the other night- I had trouble getting A's car seat in and then I hit H in the head with the car door as I tried to open it. Worse yet, Havana locked herself and Asa in the car along with my purse, cell phone, and the keys. I spent 10 minutes screaming through a window for h to unlock the door. Her response, "I can't hear you. Say it louder!" Whew!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
6 weeks!
Yesterday Asa turned 6 weeks old!!! I really have no idea where the time has gone! At his 4 week Doctor appointment he was 10 pounds, 10 ounces and 22.25 inches long! He is overall such a good boy- very sweet! I left him for the first time yesterday and when I got home he snuggled me I could tell he missed me! He has become a little stinker at night. He basically cries all night. We are starting boot camp with him- he is going to learn to self soothe because this mama is not one to hold a baby all night! Ha! Poor guy!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Cow or pig
I was doing a puzzle with Selah (who calls herself Se-sa) this morning. She pulled up the pig puzzle piece and I asked her what animal it was. She said, "cow"
"No, it is not a cow- it is a pig. P-p-pig! Can you say p-p-pig?"
Hahaha. Sweet se-sa! :)
"No, it is not a cow- it is a pig. P-p-pig! Can you say p-p-pig?"
Hahaha. Sweet se-sa! :)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Older yet?
Havana saw a boy pouring his own cereal on TV. She asked me if she could do that in the AM when she wakes up. I told her maybe when you get a little older. She paused for about a half a second and then said, "mama, am I a little bit older yet?!"
Monday, February 4, 2013
Safe return!
Just told my husband the great news that the 5 year old Alabama boy is safe! Jason's response was, "Praise God! I have been up in the middle of the night praying for him!" Extremely thankful the boy is safe & amazed my husband has been praying so fervently! Love my husband! Love my Lord!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Asa is 4 Weeks old!!!!
My little baby is already 4 weeks old. I can't believe it. He is doing great and growing big! ;) This past week he started sleeping longer stretched through the night. His last feed is anywhere between 10-11pm and then he has been sleeping until 3:30 or 4:30! Not too shabby! I just need to learn to go to bed when he does. ha. Then he goes back to bed until about 6 or 6:30 an then is up for good by 8:30 or 9! He doesn't have consistent nap times during the day, but this past week he has laid down while the others are napping which is a big blessing. :)
Yesterday we gave him his first bottle and he took it like a champ! We gave him another one today and he also drank it down quickly. I'm excited because now I can plan important things like a much needed dentist appointment!
In his first month he has already been to church, the museum, playgroup, and the zoo! Busy boy! :)
Yesterday we gave him his first bottle and he took it like a champ! We gave him another one today and he also drank it down quickly. I'm excited because now I can plan important things like a much needed dentist appointment!
In his first month he has already been to church, the museum, playgroup, and the zoo! Busy boy! :)
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